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July 10, 2023

Punjab Agricultural University develops new wheat variety to keep diabetes, obesity in check (The Indian Express)

Indian rice variety shows promise for people with diabetes (SciDev.Net)

July 3, 2023

El trigo modificado genéticamente que hará más fácil la vida a los celíacos

June 29, 2023

Clemson University researchers work to develop less-immunogenic wheat varieties for gluten-sensitive consumers

June 28, 2023

Producen con CRISPR tomates mejorados con provitamina D3

June 23, 2023

How healthy food trends fuel culinary creativity

May 24, 2023

Fitó se vuelca en la campaña #VitamínateconPimiento de la región de Murcia (Portagrano)

May 1, 2023

University of Nebraska researcher evaluates traits in sorghum that affect the human gut (High Plains Journal)

April 28, 2023

El trigo sin gluten modificado genéticamente que hará más fácil la vida a los celíacos

April 27, 2023

Omega-3 canola enhancing the quality of fish and setting itself apart for human health

April 26, 2023

Twenty years of enriching diets with biofortification

April 24, 2023

Millets: the nutritional powerhouses making a comeback in 2023

April 5, 2023

El sueño cada vez más cercano de un trigo sin gluten gracias a la edición genética (aún bloqueada en Europa) (ChileBio)

April 4, 2023

Study explores genetic analysis of important micronutrients in tropical maize

April 3, 2023

Rijk Zwaan's ‘Love My Salad’ campaign promotes healthy cooking on a budget

March 31, 2023

Antioxidative Kraft fürs Essen - Tomaten mit erhöhtem Betacyaningehalt gegen entzündliche Erkrankungen

March 27, 2023

Don't pass on those veggies! Eating the right amount can improve mental health and happiness

New Study reveals waxy starches in sorghum have negative impact on gut microbiome - Shows importance for plant breeding programs to incorporate human health traits into crop improvement strategies

March 23, 2023

France - L’entreprise Rijk Zwaan s'engage à promouvoir la consommation de fruits et légumes auprès des enfants

January 25, 2023

Clemson University receives FFAR grant to promote sorghum health benefits

January 20, 2023

GoodWheat pasta receives American Heart Association's Heart-Check Certification - Single ingredient pasta provides four times the fiber of traditional pasta with no sacrifice on taste

November 30, 2022

Diet and Health innovation boosted by new funding and partnership - A new Innovation Hub for research into biofortification to increase nutrient levels in crops and food is being launched on the Norwich Research Park

November 29, 2022

For the first time, farmers in the Philippines have cultivated Golden Rice on a larger scale and harvested almost 70 tonnes of grains this October - This nearly never-​ending story began at ETH Zurich
Erstmals haben Bauern auf den Philippinen den Golden Rice in grösserem Stil angebaut und in diesem Oktober fast 70 Tonnen Körner geerntet
Filipinas realiza primera cosecha a gran escala de arroz dorado, un transgénico que combatirá la ceguera y muerte infantil

November 8, 2022

Baby broccoli brings beneficial boost - Microgreens offer chance to grow vegetables for customized health needs

November 4, 2022

Texas A&M leads national conference on agriculture for health

November 1, 2022

France - INRAE studies the benefits of tomatoes on human health (Tomato News)

October 12, 2022

IANR tech boosts understanding of food crop traits, gut microbiome

September 16, 2022

FFAR grant promotes sorghum health benefits

September 1, 2022

Tur dal seed coat has six times more calcium than milk: ICRISAT

New wheat varieties could allow gluten intolerant people to consume a wider range of foods, researches say (Stuff)

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