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Food safety

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May 27, 2020

Re-engineering America’s fresh produce supply chain post Covid-19 for greater resilience, inclusiveness and sustainability (Vertical Farming)

May 13, 2020

Launching the AgriFoodTrust platform - New testing and learning platform aims to build the knowledge base for trust and transparency technologies in food systems

April 29, 2020

Results from ten years of post-market environmental monitoring of genetically modified MON 810 maize in the European Union (PLOS One)

April 16, 2020

Covid-19 crisis – A message from Andrew Newby, Chairman of the BSPB, British Society of Plant Breeders

Government of Canada provides C$20 million to safeguard Canada's food supply by supporting critical food inspection services

April 6, 2020

Risk of E. coli in hydroponic and aquaponic systems may be greater than once thought

March 20, 2020

U.S. Food and Drug Administration traces clover sprouts in E. coli cases to common seed source (The Packer)

March 19, 2020

Don’t fear eating your fruits and veggies as virus concerns grip the nation

March 10, 2020

Computer model predicts Listeria risk-reduction outcome

March 9, 2020

U.S. Food and Drug Administration - 2020 Leafy Greens STEC Action Plan

March 5, 2020

Safety aspects of indoor farming signal a change in agriculture (Food Safety News)

February 4, 2020

USA - Lettuce help: USDA data on shipments of romaine lettuce can inform foodborne illness outbreak investigations and public health advisories

January 27, 2020

European Food Safety Agency - Acute human exposure assessment to tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9‐THC)

January 17, 2020

Deutschland - Nur geringe Mengen an Pflanzenschutzmittelrückständen in Lebensmitteln festgestellt - BVL stellt Ergebnisse für 2018 vor: Höhe der Rückstände ist abhängig von der Herkunft

December 18, 2019

Scientists identify harmful bacteria based on its DNA at a very low cost

November 6, 2019

Why have so many new diseases developed in the bagged salads sector?

September 12, 2019

Egypt - National Food Safety Authority modernizes Egyptian regulatory framework: Regulatory Management of Special Foods in Accordance with Decree No. 1 of 15 August 2018

September 9, 2019

Egypt - Establishment of the National Food Safety Authority

July 26, 2019

Genome editing: Europe can embrace innovation while assuring safety (Politico)

July 23, 2019

Europeans trust scientists over authorities, says food safety study

June 30, 2019

Draft Guidance for Industry: Reducing Microbial Food Safety Hazards in the Production of Seed for Sprouting

June 19, 2019

"Lettuce" tell you about a career in food safety (Bayer Crop Science)

June 13, 2019

Argentina - Agroindustria inauguró la primera etapa del nuevo Laboratorio Vegetal del Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria (Senasa)

June 10, 2019

Poll: Europeans care more about food origins than safety (Euractiv)

Roh und sicher? Mikrobiologische Qualität von Gemüse im Fokus

June 3, 2019

Opening of Wageningen Food Safety Research
Wageningen Food Safety Research van start

May 28, 2019

Time for multiple sectors to fight aflatoxin in Africa (SciDev.Net)

May 7, 2019

U.S. and Malawi team up to reduce aflatoxins in maize and groundnut (African Harvesters)

April 30, 2019

European Food Safety Authority - Guidance on commodity risk assessment for the evaluation of high risk plants dossiers

European Food Safety Authority - Outcome of the public consultation on the draft Guidance on commodity risk assessment for the evaluation of high risk plants dossiers

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