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Food safety

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News archive 1997-2008


June 21, 2024

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) updates its Independence Policy

February 16, 2024

France - Les semences et plants au cœur de la souveraineté alimentaire

November 28, 2023

Boosting knowledge and harmonisation in the mycotoxin field through sustainable scientific alliances – MYCOBOOST

September 26, 2023

El grano de la humanidad y su conservación - Las razas nativas de maíz representan una riqueza biológica que debe protegerse - Espacios como el Banco de Germoplasma del CIMMYT contribuyen a este propósito en beneficio de toda la sociedad.

July 24, 2023

Aflasafe technology showcased at international, high-level biocontrol events

January 4, 2023

Climate change prompts rise in toxic corn fungus

October 24, 2022

Government of Ghana launches landmark Aflatoxin Policy calling for Aflasafe adoption to mitigate food and feed contamination

September 16, 2022

La seguridad nacional pasa por la seguridad en semillas: Acosemillas (Más Colombia)

June 28, 2022

Who trusts gene-edited foods? New study gauges public acceptance

June 27, 2022

U.S. Food and Drug Administration favorably concludes HB4 wheat food and feed safety evaluation

May 27, 2022

USDA NIFA invests more than $5M in mitigating antimicrobial resistance across the food chain

May 20, 2022

New University of Georgia study will look to lettuce microbes for food safety solutions

April 19, 2022

China launches remote sensing on crops to forecast production and ensure food safety (Global Times)

March 23, 2022

Myths and realities about genetically modified food: A risk-benefit analysis

February 16, 2022

Japan's food safety and security expert says GM and genome-edited crops are safer than conventional varieties

January 6, 2022

Meet the Indian researcher helping to solve the deadly aflatoxin puzzle (Forbes)

January 3, 2022

Mars Chocolate and ICRISAT eye low aflatoxin contamination peanut, launch new research project

November 9, 2021

Arsenic-safe rice earns IRRI finalist status in global food systems challenge

September 23, 2021

Glyphosate - European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) launch consultations

July 20, 2021

Burkina Faso begins the journey toward SAFEVEG - Healthy, locally produced vegetables will soon be part of markets and meals in the West African country

July 13, 2021

Safety verification of genetically modified rice morphology, hereditary nature, and quality (Environmental Sciences Europe)

May 18, 2021

Self-test for allergens in food
Zelftest voor allergenen in etenswaren

May 11, 2021

European Food Safety Authority - Modification of the existing maximum residue levels and setting of import tolerances for thiabendazole in various crops

May 6, 2021

USA - First-ever food safety standard for indoor produce launched (Greenhouse Grower)

May 3, 2021

Kenya - Crackdown on maize from Uganda still on (The Standard)

April 16, 2021

Produce Safety Alliance offers training in new languages

New zinc-fortified wheat set for global expansion to combat malnutrition (Reuters)

April 15, 2021

European Union - Pesticides in food: latest figures published

April 7, 2021

Organic composts may help farmers prevent foodborne disease outbreaks

March 15, 2021

Solving the aflatoxin problem in Africa requires a holistic approach
Oplossen aflatoxineprobleem in Afrika vraagt holistische benadering



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