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BioWorks launches BotryStop, a new biofungicide for botrytis control

Victor, New York, USA
May 19, 2017

BioWorks today launched BotryStop®, a new organic biological fungicide developed specifically for the control of pathogens such as Botrytis cinerea, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Monilinia spp. It is based on the naturally occurring non-pathogenic saprophytic fungus Ulocladium oudemansii (Strain U3) which provides protection to blossoms, fruit and plant tissue.

BotryStop comes in a water-dispersible granular formulation, is compatible with many chemical inputs and is exempt from residue tolerances. It has a 4-hour REI and a 0-day PHI, and is an excellent tool for resistance management.

"The BioWorks team is excited to offer another OMRI-Listed biofungicide that is safe, effective and proven," said Jeff Distasio, National Sales Manager. "With solid trial data on crops such as grapes, strawberries, lettuce and stone fruits, BotryStop will be another tool in our disease control portfolio that customers can use in both the agriculture and horticulture sectors."

About BotryStop

BotryStop is a new organic biological fungicide developed specifically for the control of pathogens such as Botrytis spp., Monilinia spp. and Sclertotinia spp. It is based on the unique naturally occurring non-pathogenic saprophytic fungus Ulocladium oudemansii (Strain U3), which provides protection to blossoms, fruit and plant tissue.

  • Water-dispersible granular formulation
  • Excellent tool for resistance management
  • Tank-mix compatible with many chemical inputs
  • Tank-mix compatible with other fungicides
  • Control as good as a full-season chemical program can be achieved with a BotryStop program
  • OMRI Listed for organic production
  • Exempt from residue tolerances
  • 4-hour REI, 0-day PHI

About BioWorks

BioWorks provides environmentally responsible, safe and effective products and tailored programs for managing plant diseases, pests, nutrition and health.

For more than 20 years BioWorks has been helping our customers in the horticulture, agriculture and turf markets develop effective and efficient custom programs using products that are safe and proven. We are continuously reinventing the way our customers work by providing biologically-based, integrated, safe solutions and programs.

BioWorks is a founding member of the BioPesticide Industry Alliance and also a proud sponsor of the AFE scholarship program, funding the 'BioWorks IPM/Sustainable Practices Scholarship'. For more information, please visit


More news from: BioWorks, Inc.

Website: http://www.seedquest.com/id/b/BioWorks.htm

Published: May 21, 2017

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