The projects take in both major crops, such as wheat, as well as more specialised crops such as tomatoes and peppers. They also include new approaches to Integrated Pest Management (IPM), for example, seeking user-friendly IT solutions to help manage leaf spot diseases in cereals and automated airborne monitoring of the Drosophila suzukii pest in both crops and natural habitats.
The projects will also be addressing some intriguing questions, for example, investigating whether biological control works better on unprotected plants and the role biodiversity can play as a resilient ecosystem service for regulating weeds.
The projects recommended for funding are listed below. More details will be appearing on the C-IPM website in the coming weeks.
- API-Tree: Developing Apple Pest control strategies through an Integrated agro-ecosystem approach
- PeMaToEuroPep: Pest Management tool for tomato and pepper in Europe
- SpotIT: IT solutions for user-friendly IPM tools in management of leaf spot diseases in cereals
- Defdef: Defenseless defenses: does biological control work better on unprotected plants?
- RELIUM: Herbicide resistant Lolium spp. in climatically and agronomically diverse European countries: from developing quick and reliable detection tools to devising sustainable control strategies
- AAPM: Automated Airborne Pest Monitoring (AAPM) of Drosophila suzukii in crops and natural habitats
- BioAWARE: Could Biodiversity Assure Weed regulation for Resilient Ecosystem service provision?
- FlyIPM: Integrated control of root-feeding fly larvae infesting vegetable crops
- EURO-RES EuroWheat: Fungicide Resistance Network