St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
November 5, 2015
Since 2008, the incidence of soybean vein necrosis disease has increased throughout much of the Mississippi River valley and other major soybean growing regions in the United States. In response, extension pathologists have worked extensively to understand the impact of the disease and to begin testing potential management strategies.
Providing the latest information about the soybean vein necrosis disease, virus, and the thrips that transmit them is a new educational presentation from the Plant Management Network (PMN) entitled “Soybean Vein Necrosis Virus,” now available as part of the Focus on Soybean resource for growers, crop consultants, and extension agents.
The webcast, developed by Damon Smith, Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, provides information about the:
- Symptoms of infections cause by the soybean vein necrosis virus
- Biology of soybean thrips, the only known vector through which the virus is spread between soybean plants
- Disease’s impact on crop yield and seed quality
By the end of this presentation, viewers will understand how to identify infected plants, how the disease is spread by the thrips vector, and the state of research on potential management strategies to control the spread of the disease.
The executive summary and full 20-minute presentation will remain open access through November 30 in the Focus on Soybean webcast resource.
The Plant Management Network is a nonprofit publisher of applied, science-based resources that help enhance the health, management, and production of agricultural and horticultural crops. Partnering with over 80 universities, nonprofits, and agribusinesses, PMN provides materials covering a wide range of crops and contemporary issues through the online PMN Education Center.
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