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United Kingdom - Recall of unauthorised GM seed - The GM Inspectorate has confirmed an unintended presence of genetically modified seed in a batch of imported conventional oilseed rape seed

United Kingdom
October 28, 2015

Defra’s GM Inspectorate (GMI) has confirmed an unintended presence of genetically modified seed in a batch of conventional oilseed rape seed imported from France.

The seed has been sown in small plots at several sites in England and Scotland, mostly as part of conventional trials for official registration of new plant varieties.

The GMI was informed by a seed company after a test result on a batch of imported seed indicated a possible GM presence. The company responsible is cooperating to ensure destruction of all the affected plants, with the GMI overseeing this activity in England. Seed from the same batch that has not been planted is being recalled.

There is no risk to adjacent crops or the wider environment as plants that have grown from the affected seed would not flower until next spring.  

More news from: United Kingdom, Ministry of Agriculture

Website: http://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-environment-food-rural-affairs

Published: October 29, 2015

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