Some 16 pre-proposals were submitted and have now been evaluated and prioritised at the national level by the National Contact Points. As a result, 13 pre-proposals are going on to the next stage and will be evaluated by an expert panel.
The 13 pre-proposals were grouped in the following call topics:
- A - Innovative and new pest monitoring tools and Decision Support Systems (DSS): 7
- B – Pest resistance management: 2
- C – Minor uses:
- C1 – Flies in vegetables: 1
- C2 – Mites: 1
- C3 – Soil-borne pests and diseases: 2
The full proposals will be evaluated by an evaluation panel consisting of eight experts chosen by the Call Secretariat from among nominees from the C-IPM partner countries. They will 0be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- Scientific and technical excellence/innovation
- Potential impact (knowledge, socio-economic, stakeholders)
- Management budget and implementation of activities (dissemination)
- Capacity building, knowledge-sharing, training and mobility
The results of the evaluation panel will be made public in January 2016 and the accepted projects are expected to start in March 2016.
For more information: