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Seed Hawk launches new websites

Langbank, Saskataoon, Canada
June 1, 2015

On June 8th, Seed Hawk is set to launch several new websites that will make it easier for users to access the information they need about Seed Hawk Seeding Systems, the Tempo Planter, and Carrier Tillage. There will also be a new corporate site launching that day.

“We are very excited to bring these new, user-friendly web sites to the public for the first time”, says Brand Manager Lorraine Clarke. “We have worked very hard to think about what our customers’ needs are in designing these spaces. Users will be able to access the information they need quickly and easily, and be able to get back to the field armed with the tools and information they need to succeed.”

Updates to the web spaces include better access from mobile devices to information about seeding, planting, and tillage implements to help innovative farmers evolve their farm.

In addition to the three product sites, all corporate and careers/job posting information will be available at www.seedhawk.com, as well as a revamped and updated blog. www.NOTILLville.com will become “From the Ground Up”, and will contain all new and archived blog content from its former home.

Find the new websites at www.seedhawkseeder.com, www.tempoplanter.com, www.carriertillage.com and www.seedhawk.com, and let us know what you think on Twitter @SeedHawk, @TempoNA, and @NOTILLville or on our Facebook page.

More news from: Vaderstad Industries Inc.

Website: https://www.vaderstad.com

Published: June 2, 2015

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