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Seed Hawk receives Carbon Footprint certification

January 7, 2014

Seed Hawk
Direct drilling with Seed Hawk

Seed Hawk Inc. has become the first agricultural equipment company in the world to receive Carbon Trust carbon footprint certification. This certification communicates Seed Hawk’s achievements in accurately measuring the carbon footprint for their products.

Carbon Footprint logo in Canada“As one of our core pillars, Seed Hawk is committed to environmental sustainability. This commitment not only relates to our company’s environmental footprint, but also our commitment to help farmers operate more sustainably,” says Peter Clarke, President and CEO of Seed Hawk in Langbank, Saskatchewan. “We are incredibly proud that three of our Seed Hawk seeding systems have obtained carbon footprint certification from Carbon Trust.”

The Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) conducted the life cycle carbon footprint of the three products, and submitted the information to Carbon Trust, an international company headquartered in the UK that provides independent certification of carbon footprints.

he Seed Hawk 45 & XL Series toolbars, with and without Sectional Control technology, and the 30 Series product line have received certification, which indicates how much carbon is used in the production and use of the equipment.

“The pathway towards sustainability is often winding, but our team of environmental sustainability experts can help smooth out the bumps and guide the way,” says SRC Vice-President Environment, Joe Muldoon. “As an independent third party, we supported Seed Hawk through the process of compiling a carbon footprint and helped them use that information to obtain an international certification.”

With more and more carbon awareness and programs coming into force, knowing your carbon footprint is a good first step for producers to be in a position to capitalize on opportunities in a carbon-conscious world. Clarke says that with the increased demand for environmental information from consumers, it is advantageous for the agricultural sector, including equipment producers, to provide environmental information on their products.

SRC is pleased to continue working with Seed Hawk on this innovative project. The next step will be for SRC to further engage with growers in Seed Hawk’s continued certification and environmental improvement efforts by collecting new, customized data over the next few years. This data can then be used to renew Seed Hawk’s carbon footprint certification, as well as provide Seed Hawk with the necessary information for potential improvements to its equipment in the future.


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Website: https://www.vaderstad.com

Published: January 7, 2014

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