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NO-TILLville Forum connects global no-till seeding community

Langbank, SK, Canada
October 28, 2013

Seed Hawk is pleased to sponsor the launch of NO-TILLville, a global forum community for farmers, researchers, agronomists, and others in the agricultural community who share a desire for soil conservation through modern no-till seeding practices. NO-TILLville is a place to share ideas and experiences in a global forum with regional, national and international perspectives on no-till seeding.

“When I look back on my experiences growing up on the farm seeing the effects of soil erosion on the land, I understand how important no-till practices are in decreasing soil erosion,” says Patrick Beaujot, one of the founders of Seed Hawk in Langbank, Saskatchewan. “As my parents, brother and I moved our family farm over to no-till seeding practices, we saw how productivity could be improved while increasing profitability and providing benefits to the environment.”

NO-TILLville is a site where the no-till community can follow and chat with global experts and researchers in no-till, who will be blogging about current issues and trends in no-till. Users will be able to share their experiences with the global community, ask questions, and seek answers to their particular challenges in the discussion forums. The site will be set up with agronomic, equipment and regional forums initially covering Australia, Canada, the United States, Europe and Russia.

“As no-till evolved in western Canada, what I saw as an important component in moving the practice forward was the interaction of farmers, researchers, agronomists and industry in community town hall settings. That is the idea behind NO-TILLville, except in an online, easily accessible format where farmers from around the world can learn from experts and each other,” says Beaujot.

NO-TILLville will officially launch to the global no-till community at Agritechnica in Hanover, Germany. If you are visiting Agritechnica be sure to stop by the NO-TILLville booth (Hall 12, booth #12A12w). Patrick, along with other no-till experts will be speaking on current no-till topics and trends on Sunday and Monday – visit notillville.com for a complete list of scheduled times.

The forum can be found at www.notillville.com, and is an ad-free site. As a founding sponsor, Seed Hawk hopes that the website will inspire a growing community of like-minded individuals, companies and organizations to help spread the no-till word throughout the world.

More news from: Vaderstad Industries Inc.

Website: https://www.vaderstad.com

Published: October 28, 2013

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