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University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture releases two non-GMO soybeans

Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA
July 22, 2013

Two new conventional soybean varieties from the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture offer high yields and can be timed for harvest after farmers have completed harvesting their rice crop.

UA 5213C, released in July, is an early maturity group 5 soybean that's ready for harvest in mid to late October, said Pengyin Chen, director of the Division of Agriculture's soybean breeding program. That times it well to follow rice harvest, Chen said.

In field trials, UA 5213C had yields akin to both conventional and Roundup Ready check varieties used for comparison, Chen said. In addition to its high yield, the soybean is resistant to major diseases, including southern stem canker and soybean cyst nematode race 3. It is susceptible to sudden death syndrome.

UA 5612, released in 2012, matures about 5 days later than UA 5213C, but offers even higher yields.

"The number one attraction of UA 5612 is its yield potential. It is consistently high yielding," Chen said. During evaluations within Arkansas from 2005 to 2011, the average yield was 62 bushels an acre. In variety tests in Arkansas and other southern states from 2008 to 2011, UA 5612 yielded 53 bushels an acre.

It is moderately resistant to southern stem canker, sudden death syndrome and soybean mosaic virus Chen said. It is susceptible to root-knot nematode and soybean cyst nematode.

Both the new soybeans are widely adapted to the varying growing conditions in Arkansas and other southern states, Chen said.

Conventional varieties like these two new soybeans offer growers options and have become increasingly desirable as rotations for glyphosate-resistant varieties. Chen said use of conventional soybeans is expanding in Arkansas, mostly using Division of Agriculture varieties.

Conventional varieties are also less expensive than genetically modified soybeans, Chen said, and growers also can earn a $1.50 per bushel premium for non-GMO soybeans. In addition, the Division of Agriculture allows farmers to save seed from their crop for planting the following year.

Foundation seed for UA 5612 is already in the hands of seed dealers and limited quantities are available to farmers, Chen said. Foundation seed for UA 5213C will be available to seed dealers and farmers in 2014.

More news from: University of Arkansas

Website: http://www.uark.edu

Published: July 22, 2013

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