Australia & New Zealand
March 4, 2025
Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) is calling for comment on an application to permit the sale and use of food derived from a new genetically modified (GM) soybean line.
Soybean line COR23134 has been genetically modified to protect the plant from damage caused by certain butterfly and moth caterpillars.
If approved, food products derived from this soybean, such as oil, milk, flour, meal and protein isolates, may enter the Australian and New Zealand food supply as imported items.
Our safety assessment found no potential public health or safety concerns with food derived from this GM soybean. It is as safe as food from non-GM soybean varieties.
Safety assessments are a key part of the approval process for all GM foods. To help people make informed choices, food made from this soybean would need to be labelled as 'genetically modified' if novel DNA and/or novel proteins were contained in the final food.
The approval would not permit the GM soybean to be grown in Australia or New Zealand. Cultivation or importation of viable seeds would require separate regulatory assessment and approval by the Gene Technology Regulator in Australia, and the Environmental Protection Authority in New Zealand.
To have your say on this proposal, visit the FSANZ Consultation Hub. Submissions close at 11.59pm (AEST) on 15 April 2025.
>> Call fur submissions
What happens to my feedback?
FSANZ will consider all feedback received through this submission process before deciding on whether to approve the application.
Submissions will be published to our website as soon as possible at the end of the public comment period.
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