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USDA/NIFA invests $2.7M in plant breeding for cultivar development (A1143)

Washington, DC, USA
July 3, 2024

Conventional Plant Breeding for Cultivar Development (A1143), a program area priority within the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative, supports public breeding efforts that provide farmers with greater access to locally and regionally adapted cultivars and addresses the public breeding priorities in the USDA plant breeding roadmap. This priority provides breeders with support to select and evaluate promising plant materials in regional trials or cooperative networks with the primary goal of producing distinct, uniform, finished cultivars for release into the marketplace. 

List of Awardees: 

  • Cornell University
  • Kansas State University
  • Montana State University
  • New Mexico State University
  • North Carolina State University
  • University of Missouri

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More news from: USDA - NIFA (National Institute of Food and Agriculture)

Published: July 4, 2024

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