United Kingdom
April 24, 2024

Five years on from the launch of Corteva Agriscience as a global pure-play agricultural company dedicated to delivering the solutions farmers need to thrive, Cereals 2024 visitors are invited to join a two-day celebration of the milestone.
Corteva has brought to market a vast array of new innovations to UK growers since 2019 including its fungicides, oilseed rape herbicides, a number of impressive seed varieties and, most recently, biological products.
With an impressive development pipeline, the company is inviting anyone attending the show in June to visit stand 612 to mark the occasion, meet the team and hear more about what the future holds.
Crop plots, CPD points, delicious refreshments and a warm welcome awaits those who are keen to see how the crop protection and seed portfolio fits into a modern, sustainable farming system.
Pioneer winter oilseed rape and maize hybrids have been drilled for the show. AHDB Recommended List winter oilseed rape variety PT303 – the first sclerotinia-tolerant hybrid for the UK – will be demonstrated alongside the NextGen hybrids PT312 and PT315, which were both launched in 2023. PT312 provides sclerotinia tolerance, TuYV resistance and pod shatter tolerance while PT315 delivers pod shatter resistance and TuYV resistance.
For maize growers, Pioneer hybrid P7034 – which is suitable for grain production – and an example of the required combine header for grain maize harvesting will be on show. The team will talk about the PACTS grain trial results that illustrate achievable yields from different areas of the country and the potential of maize for grain across a range of geographies.
Containing the Inatreq™ active molecule and the patented i-Q4™ formulation, Univoq™ has a unique site of action, meaning there is no cross resistance to any other chemistry used on farms today.
Following three years of successful use on farm, cereal fungicide Univoq has established itself as a key component of disease control programmes in wheat, showing consistent, strong performance at both the T1 and T2 timings. Advice will be on hand at the show for those wanting to know how to get the best out of the product using the flexibility in timing and rates.
Also being showcased will be cereal herbicides Zypar® and Pixxaro® – two well-established herbicides containing Arylex™ active – for the control of broad-leaved weeds in winter and spring cereals, and Broadway® Star, a herbicide that delivers outstanding performance in winter wheat against yield robbing grassweeds as well as a wide spectrum of broad-leaved weeds.
Oilseed rape growers keen to talk about weed control strategies can come and explore Corteva’s range of robust herbicides, including Belkar®, Astrokerb®, Kerb® Flo 500, and Korvetto®. Belkar is a post-emergence autumn applied herbicide for use on winter oilseed rape, and contains Arylex active, together with picloram.
Astrokerb and Kerb Flo 500 are residual herbicides delivering control of grass and broad-leaved weeds in winter oilseed rape. Korvetto is a selective post-emergence spring applied herbicide for use on winter oilseed rape and contains Arylex active.
Stand visitors will hear about Corteva’s novel, new growth nutrition seed treatment, Ympact®. Ympact enhances seedling growth, and optimises metabolic energy and stress tolerance. It supports crops in the early stage of growth giving even crop establishment and an increase in early vigour. It increases root system development and improves the conditions for plant resistance to abiotic stress factors.
Just over a year on from Corteva’s acquisition of Stoller and Symborg, the company’s growing position in biologicals continues apace. UK farmers already have access to solutions such as BlueN™ – a biostimulant containing bacteria that enables plants to fix nitrogen from the air and make it available to the plant – and Kinsidro™ Grow+, a novel low-rate humic substance used to mitigate stress in crops. Both are being demonstrated at the event.
Corteva will again be holding easyconnect demonstrations on its stand for sprayer operators who want to learn more about filling their machines with crop protection products faster, easier and safer. Easyconnect is supported by a large number of crop protection manufacturers – including Corteva – so it can be used with a wide range of products.
CPD points are on offer for anyone that visits the Corteva stand and completes the knowledge trail.