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Arrival of BIO and BIB in digital version: Ecertificate ISTA

A[pril 5, 2024

In one of its latest newsletters, ISTA made official the launch this summer of the “e-certificate”. The digital version of the OIC and OIC had been expected by the entire seed industry. The ISTA platform dedicated to producing these documents will be accessible to accredited laboratories in mid-July.

GEVES, which took part in testing the platform, will be offering this new digital version to its customers. This will be the subject of communications and dedicated exchange points over the coming months.

In the meantime, ISTA offers a tutorial to familiarise you with the generation of ecertificates.





More news from:
    . GEVES, Groupe d'Etudes et de contrôle des Variétés et Semences
    . ISTA - International Seed Testing Association*

Website: http://www.geves.fr

Published: April 5, 2024

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