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Johan Warringa is the new manager of the business unit Field Crops at Wageningen Plant Research

Wageningen, The Netherlands
March 18, 2024

The Plant Sciences Group (PSG) management board has appointed Johan Warringa as manager of the Open Crops business unit with effect from 1 April 2024. He succeeds Chris de Visser, who will retire this summer.

Johan Warringa
Johan Warringa


Johan Warringa is no stranger to Wageningen. After completing the Higher Agricultural School Groningen, he graduated in Agricultural Plant Breeding in Wageningen, followed by a PhD at WUR on the physiology of grass seed production. Warringa then did a post-doc at the University of Melbourne before joining BASF-Nunhems in 2000. Initially, he did so as a seed production researcher, and, since 2007, he has occupied various R&D management positions. Last month, he concluded his work at BASF-Nunhems.

"Johan spent many years at BASF-Nunhems leading breeders and researchers worldwide, aiming to develop improved and commercially successful vegetable varieties," says Richard Harrison, general manager of the Plant Sciences Group. "His experience in forging multidisciplinary teams and making research results applicable, combined with his Wageningen 'DNA', makes him the ideal candidate to succeed Chris de Visser.”

More news from: Wageningen University & Research

Website: http://www.wur.nl

Published: April 4, 2024

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