Brussels, Belgium
November 30, 2023
The Agri-Food Chain Coalition (AFCC) marked the end of the year with a networking event held at the European Parliament. Hosted by MEP Marlene Mortler, the event centered around the theme of “EU Open Strategic Autonomy: Resilient EU 2030 (non-paper)” and explored its implications for EU food security and the resilience of the agri-food sector, aligning with sustainable development goals through innovative solutions.
Key Highlights:
Ms. Marlene Mortler opened the event with welcoming remarks, setting the stage for discussions on the crucial theme.
After Ms. Mortler’s speech, the discussions delved into the “EU Granada Declaration” and the pertinent “Resilient EU 2030” report recommendations concerning EU food autonomy and the resilience of the agri-food chain.
The keynote speaker. Dr. José Rama Caamano from the Presidential Office of the Spanish Government provided the main takeaways concerning the ‘Resilient EU 2030’ and insights into the strategic autonomy goals. The event featured reactions from influential figures, including Mr. Lukas Visek from the European Commission and Mr. Tim Cullinan, Vice-President of COPA-COGECA, representing the AFCC members.
AFCC Recommendations for EU Open Strategic Autonomy: The AFCC shared core recommendations about bolstering the innovation capacity of the EU agri-food chain to strengthen the Union’s strategic autonomy, competitiveness, and resilience. The recommendations included a clear work plan by the EU Council Presidency and the European Commission, cross-sectoral measures, and tools to support the green transition, circular economy ambitions, and Net-Zero targets.
Cross-Sectoral Measures and Tools:
- Financial Instruments: Beyond the CAP budget, mobilizing financial instruments for the agri-food chain to provide direct support for green transition investments.
- Bureaucratic Simplification: Streamlining bureaucratic procedures for pre-market authorization to boost innovation capacity and investment incentives.
- Regulatory Tools: Strengthening single market disciplines and better Regulation tools, recognizing private sector standards in sustainable production and processing methods.
- Green Innovation: Facilitating decarbonization of the food supply chain and stimulating green innovation to maintain Europe’s leading role in decarbonization.
The event concluded with a panel discussion moderated by Mr. Alexander Döring, FEFAC Secretary General and current AFCC chair, bringing together perspectives from key stakeholders in the agri-food sector.
AFCC press release
AFCC 2-pager
AFCC event flyer and info