Stuttgart (Germany) / Westland (the Netherlands)
April 2023
Where plants meet people. The FlowerTrials® 2023 will take place from June 13 to 16, 2023, and Selecta one and Evanthia will be there again! As in 2022, the two breeding companies will again exhibit together, but at a new location. The presentation area at the new location Kwekerij Bloem en Tuin in De Lier (Netherlands) promises to be even more colourful, welcoming, and informative.
New FlowerTrials® location: Kwekerij Bloem en Tuin, Oude Campsweg 4, 2678 KN De Lier/NL
Highlights by Selecta one:
For the first time, Selecta one will be presenting also highlights from its cut flowers programme at the FlowerTrials® and offers, in addition to proven products and concepts, new attractive highlights.
ONE in Dianthus stands for the attractive range of pot and cut carnations. Besides Pink Kisses®, the most successful single variety on the market, which will continue its success story in 2023 with the Instagram campaign "pink your garden," other carnation varieties such as the attractive novelty Aura impress with their special charisma, strong, upright growth and bright pink flowers with a white edge, or the exciting variety I❤U with its surprising appearance and unique marketing concept.
In Calibrachoa, two new programmes will be presented: the new flower-rich Oro series and the new intergeneric ThePowerSisters varieties with large flowers and good branching. In addition, the eye-catching variety Fancy Francy with interesting colour play will take centre stage. Fancy Francy is well branched, resistant to powdery mildew and needs few growth regulators.

With Planta Morgana, Selecta has the answer to an increased demand for flowering plants that perform very well in hot and dry summers. An attractively designed concept with varieties tested for drought tolerance for a sustainable range.
Also, the current FleuroStar candidate from the Stuttgart breeding house will be on show for the first time.
Highlights by Evanthia:
FlowerTrials® is the best time to get to know the next generation of Sunsation® potted sunflowers. Helianthus Sunsation® Compact meets the global demand for products with true genetic compactness. The series can be grown without the use of plant growth regulators in both young plant production and the finishing phase. With Sunsation® Compact, growers can grow stress-free: no more PGR, dry cycles and high EC levels to keep plants compact.
Evanthia will present several other pot and bedding plants from its own breeding as well, such as the colourful Platycodon Corsa series and the compact and highly uniform Lavandula Cleo-Patio®. An extensive collection of tropical plants will be on display, including the garden stunners Cordyline, Yucca and Musa. Visitors will not miss out on Evanthia’s cut flowers range during FlowerTrials®, as the Westland breeding company inspires with a broad palette of Celosia, Matthiola, Antirrhinum and lush summer flowers. There will be an opportunity for guided tours along trials locations.