United Kingdom
March 1, 2023
Dow Shield®, a key herbicide used in a wide range of crops, will now be sold under the brand name Shield Pro™.
The Corteva Agriscience product has been used in the UK for more than 40 years to control a range of perennial and annual broad-leaved weeds in oilseed rape, sugar beet, brassicas, and other crops.
While the application rates, weed spectrum and product formulation remains unchanged, the rebrand removes the reference to Dow AgroSciences, one of the heritage companies of Corteva.
“A post-emergence herbicide for a wide range of crops, Shield Pro controls creeping thistles, volunteer potatoes and a range of annual broad-leaved weeds including corn marigold, groundsel, mayweeds and smooth sow-thistle,” says Corteva Agriscience’s Category Manger, Alister McRobbie.
“The herbicide has been on the market for decades and for many growers is a mainstay of weed control programmes.
“We can assure users that the name change is the only difference – the trusted and proven chemistry remains exactly the same.
“Corteva, even after 45 years of investment, is still committed to the active ingredient clopyralid. Following the successful renewal of clopyralid in Europe, post Brexit, Corteva continues to support Shield Pro in Northern Ireland and Great Britain. This also includes an extensive list of Extension of Authorisation for Minor Uses.
“These are challenging times for farmers, who need to maintain yields while contending with fewer available crop protection products. Shield Pro will continue to provide much-needed protection against difficult perennial and annual weeds.”