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Innovative products, at the right time, in the right way

November 11, 2022

An untreated broccoli planted showing significant insect pest damage versus a plant protected by SIMODIS® insecticide at the 2022 Syngenta GrowMore site.

Syngenta, global leaders in plant health science, this week brought together agronomists, advisors, consultants and growers from across Australia for the launch of two breakthrough products for horticulture.

The event, Syngenta GrowMore 2022, engaged participants in meaningful discussion about strategic use of the now-registered SIMODIS® insecticide and MIRAVIS® Duo fungicide, while supporting best-practice crop management methods. 
“We’re proud to be among a small handful of global leaders in agricultural research and development, dedicated to the discovery of breakthrough products in the management of diseases and insect pests,” said Syngenta Australia and New Zealand Managing Director Paul Luxton.

“It’s not every year we get to bring two breakthroughs to market in horticulture, with immediate benefit to farmers, upon whom we count upon for the ongoing supply of nutritious fresh produce.”

In horticulture, Syngenta GrowMore 2022 is unmatched in ambition or scale, given the breadth and variety of crops established to support assessment of products and discussion with visitors. Launched four years ago in Gatton, the return to the Lockyer Valley for the launch of SIMODIS® insecticide was deemed vitally important. The Lockyer Valley has in recent times battled Group 28 resistance in diamondback moth, which has put growers and crop consultants under increasing pressure to produce crops with few effective control measures.

Syngenta Technical Services Lead Dr Shaun Hood said this week’s registration of SIMODIS® insecticide, powered by PLINAZOLIN® technology, was a momentous occasion, representing a breakthrough for managing key insect and mite pests. 

“In some regions, diamondback moth (DBM) has become increasingly difficult to manage, with resistance reducing the efficacy of some well-known chemistries,” said Dr Hood.

“SIMODIS® insecticide is an innovation from Syngenta being a novel mode of action offering reliable, robust and extended efficacy against difficult to manage pests in our key horticultural crops.”
The Syngenta GrowMore site at Gatton enabled more than 100 guests to make assessments of various treatments across rockmelon, zucchini, tomato, carrot, celery and broccoli crops. The event included expert advice on resistance management, and optimisation of product application for superior outcomes on-farm. Dr Simon Baxter, Senior Lecturer in genetics at The University of Melbourne shared insights into his research in DBM diamide resistance. 

The second product launched at the event was MIRAVIS® Duo fungicide, offering outstanding protection against powdery mildew and leaf spot diseases in open field and protected cropping.

“This is an exciting new development in the MIRAVIS® brand family,” said Syngenta Technical Services Lead, Dr Brandy Rawnsley. 

“The active ingredient pydiflumetofen was introduced in Australia in 2018 and has been a game changer for control of powdery mildew in grapes and target spot (Alternaria) in potatoes. This same active co-formulated with difenoconazole will now be introduced to preventatively control key diseases across a broad range of vegetable crops.”

Syngenta GrowMore 2022 concluded with a marquee celebration after nightfall with canapes and drinks among guests.


More news from: Syngenta Australia

Website: https://www.syngenta.com.au

Published: November 14, 2022

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