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Grand finals of the Urban Greenhouse Challenge #3

Wageningen, The Netherlands
June 24, 2022

After working for eight months to reshape urban food production in a low-income, food oppressed community in Washington DC, ten international teams of students will compete in the finals of the Urban Greenhouse Challenge #3 on the 29 June 2022.

During the Grand Finals, the students will present their concepts and be judged by an international jury including Nona Yehia (Vertical Harvest, USA), Patricia Paiva (ISHS, Brazil) and Meiny Prins (Priva, The Netherlands). The three winning teams will receive their money prizes of € 10.000, € 3.000, and € 1.500, respectively.  

The programme includes a Designers’ Market where teams will present their concepts, and an Award Ceremony with presentations from Dhanush Dinesh (Clim-EAT), Sabine O'Hara (University of the District of Columbia) and Gert Spaargaren (Wageningen University & Research). Throughout the event, our media partners, Renee Snijders and Ed Smit from Eat This, will be broadcasting a radio show live on paprikatastyradio

With this event, the Urban Greenhouse Challenge series by WUR will come to an end, as this will be the very last edition. The Social Impact Edition was achieved in partnership with the University of the District of Columbia in Washington DC and counted with the participation of 260 students from 70 universities in 20 countries around the world. Among the ten finalists are teams from the USA, Peru, China, Colombia and the Netherlands. 

What is the ‘Urban Greenhouse Challenge #3 - Social Impact Edition’?

The ‘Urban Greenhouse Challenge’ is an international student competition that, every two years, aims to catalyse innovation in the realm of urban farming. The third (and last) edition of the Challenge focuses on creating an urban farm concept that ensures year-round sustainable and affordable food production, but also generates income for the local residents of Ward 7, a low-income neighbourhood in Washington DC, USA. Find out more on the website of Urban Greenhouse Challenge.

About WUR Student Challenges

Wageningen University & Research organises Challenges for students worldwide and supports WUR teams that participate in student competitions via WUR Student Challenges. These challenges pose a unique and enriching opportunity for students to work on real-life problems and make a difference. Visit the WUR Student Challenges website to find out which opportunities are there for students or sponsoring enterprises.


Wageningen University & Research (WUR): Na acht maanden te hebben gewerkt aan het hervormen van stedelijke voedselproductie in een voedselarme en lage inkomenswijk in Washington DC, strijden 29 juni aanstaande tien internationale studententeams in de finale van de Urban Greenhouse Challenge#3.

Tijdens deze Grand Finale presenteren de studenten hun concepten en worden ze beoordeeld door een internationale jury bestaande uit Nona Yehia (Vertical Harvest, VS), Patricia Paiva (International Society for Horticultural Sciences, Brazilië), Meiny Prins (Priva, Nederland) en Harry Webers (Wageningen  Ambassadeur). De drie winnende teams ontvangen geldprijzen van respectievelijk € 10.000,00, € 3.000,00 en € 1.500,00. Ook zullen lokale bewoners het concept kiezen dat hen het meest aanspreekt.

Het programma omvat een Designers’ Market waar teams hun concepten presenteren. Daarnaast is er een Award Ceremony met Dhanush Dinesh (Clim-Eat), Sabine O’Hara (University of the District of Columbia) en Gert Spaargaren (Wageningen University and Research).

Paprika Tasty Radio is met Renee Snijders en Ed Smit van Eat This aanwezig om live verslag te doen van het evenement. 

Met deze Grand Finale komt er een einde aan de serie Urban Greenhouse Challenges van de WUR. Dit was de allerlaatste editie. Deze Social Impact editie werd gerealiseerd in samenwerking met de University of the District of Columbia in Washington DC en telde maar liefst 260 studenten van 70 universiteiten in 20 verschillende landen wereldwijd. Onder de tien finalisten teams bevinden zich teams uit de VS, China, Peru, Colombia en Nederland.


More news from: Wageningen University & Research

Website: http://www.wur.nl

Published: June 24, 2022

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