April 20, 2022
Australian Grain Technologies (AGT) is pleased to announce the appointment of Brad Koster as Variety Support Manager for South Australia, based at the company’s Roseworthy Field Crop Breeding Centre.
Brad commenced with AGT in early 2021 in an agronomy and marketing support role but has quickly been promoted to managing AGT’s variety awareness and technical support activities throughout SA. Brad will now be AGT’s primary contact for South Australian growers and agronomists looking for information on AGT’s wheat, barley, durum, canola and lupin varieties.
Born and raised in the mid-north of South Australia, Brad has a strong background in farming, agronomy and agricultural sales.
“I’m very excited to take on this role and to have an opportunity to contribute to the continued success of a great company”.
“I love the diversity that comes with the job, it covers variety marketing and promotion, seed production, agronomy, trial work and technical support”.

Brad Koster
“This year we are bringing some exciting new varieties and crop types to market, and I’m looking forward to getting out to field days and chatting to growers, listening to their feedback and using the opportunity to put my experience to use.”
AGT’s Head of Variety Support, Dan Vater, said the appointment was an important one to get right.
“Brad’s a perfect fit for our company, with great understanding of the challenges facing SA croppers, excellent attention to detail and work ethic, and a genuine interest in helping farmers do well”.
“He’s a very friendly, approachable character and will be a great point of contact for farmers and agronomists in SA looking for information on our varieties”.
Bradley can be contacted on 0400 812 475 or email