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Webinar “Highlights on seedborne pathogens” – 29 April 2022

April 5, 2022


Seedborne pathogen contamination is an important issue for seed quality. Considerable damage can be produced in the following crop, and even more with the introduction of these pathogens in a new environment.

The detection of seedborne pathogens is crucial, and setting up of diagnostic tools is a priority for seed pathologists.

The ISPP (International Society for Plant Pathology) Seed Pathology Committee, in cooperation with International Seed Federation, International Seed Testing Association and Euphresco network, are organising a webinar focusing on available knowledge on seedborne pathogens, including talks from Valerie grimault, Head of the GEVES phytopathology lab, and Nicolas Denancé, project manager in seed pathology & variety resistance at GEVES.

The audience will also be informed about a starting project within Euphresco network that was proposed to share knowledge on and set up infested seed collections, that can be enlarged to further interested participants.

Interested people can register and connect at here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0pd-6tqTsiGte46OOE2NT4AjiF07He0Q4d  


More news from: GEVES, Groupe d'Etudes et de contrôle des Variétés et Semences

Website: http://www.geves.fr

Published: April 6, 2022

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