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Common rust on maize in Kenya

A ProMED-mail post <https://url.emailprotection.link/?bczGkw5NaxKViInVN3o8WI7SkfPjCplYcnrvkSnR7vDdzBseB4Z4JgOzMtf4NyhKwZ-87t_ekCqY4X1TR9IACFg~~>

ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases <https://url.emailprotection.link/?bJcYJd1UM9bbZyueyHGqCfuWBsCz6JLr6QpMnBNG04Pz2V8akThtcwE1bjLVZbAR2-PZoubzhx-ALOhYt6Kir6w~~>

Date: Mon 4 Jan 2021

Source: Business Daily [abridged, edited] <https://url.emailprotection.link/?bavR0aR0OnTY9sRrHOEUcFo0ZDUziOsqPRn4p8CFjjtRKCS80oTeCdvowC6tN6ajmUwSpOXQ_jtlDTJlQ_r9dhENMj_NvCU4_sGcW65SusvPFbhnvvoUmxQVkcDa8TvDD2F6eYGAtuBPGj6MVLw81aXmGeN5WXoPUv37T6x2Tl1I~>

Maize seed production at the Perkerra Irrigation Scheme in Baringo dropped 31.8% last year [2020] following the outbreak of maize rust disease. The fungi (_Puccinia sorghi_) attacked maize leaves at the flowering stage. About 300 acres out of the 450 acres contracted by both Kenya Seed Company and Monsanto were affected.

This is set to affect local farmers who depend on the scheme since the area is semi-arid with sporadic rainfall annually. The scheme is managed by the National Irrigation Board.


Communicated by: ProMED <promed@promedmail.org>

[Common rust of maize is caused by the fungus _Puccinia sorghi_. Yield losses of over 50% have been reported. Symptoms include dark brown pustules on both leaf surfaces; leaves may turn chlorotic and die prematurely, reducing photosynthetic ability. Therefore, infection before grain fill has been completed is more damaging to yield than infection late in the crop cycle. But rust development is much more likely in pre-tassel stage plants because a large whorl provides a humid environment and because young leaf tissue is more susceptible to infection than emerged leaves.

_P. sorghi_ has a complex life cycle and requires _Oxalis_ species as alternate hosts to complete its sexual phase. Spores are wind dispersed over vast distances. Urediniospores can overwinter in warmer regions where they serve as the primary source of inoculum in subsequent seasons. Crop varieties with different levels of resistance are available and more are being developed.

Recently, an unspecified maize rust was reported from the same region (ProMED post https://url.emailprotection.link/?bq5xvdMiIDP4CVSwusLMRV2868B8SBqE88BdazuXefUtVN71pwsM6IypEYPi7O_kPecCY2dNbuX_TxC24tVx8VO41bwFACv44rvZ6pPpIh_qjpIE9UH4W1qdgMVPNFLxT). From the story above, it seems now likely that _P. sorghi_ was the pathogen involved.

The related species _P. polysora_ causes southern rust (also called polysora or tropical rust) of maize.





Kenya counties:




Common maize rust symptoms:






_P. sorghi_ phase on oxalis:


Common rust, photo gallery:




Information on common rust of maize:








_P. sorghi_ disease cycle:


_P. sorghi_ taxonomy and synonyms:




- Mod.DHA]


[See Also:



Undiagnosed rust, maize - Kenya: (BA)




Boil smut & common rust, maize - Philippines: (PM) https://url.emailprotection.link/?bU3bL6SM9Tz6oewZlQQzMwuVfvskIEIlzn-StomKXOfBG_WL2g_7g3Qnai8QpULFY3HRn_C8Oj6ebSABooqw30hTF21DFtzQoIE-mICgG_2OyYhVHU8KCGskrgd748Ogb



Rust diseases, maize - USA: (NE)


More news from: ISID (International Society for Infectious Diseases)

Website: http://www.isid.org

Published: January 7, 2021

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