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Vestaron hires Ash Patel as COO

Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA
June 20, 2019


Ash Patel is the most recent hire as Vestaron continues to round out its corporate leadership team and fulfill its mission of revolutionizing the agricultural insecticide landscape. As an accomplished operations director with more than 23 years of experience leading manufacturing, engineering, capital projects, supply chain, and IT/automation systems, Patel is the ideal leader for this role.

“With a background including global manufacturing and supply chain management experience in multi-national biotech companies and a strong focus on value creation, we believe the transition for Ash will be seamless,” shared Anna Rath, CEO of Vestaron. Rath continues to explain, “Ash’s previous roles, encompassing fermentation-based manufacturing oversight, plant expansions, supply chain management and international experience in LATAM, APAC, and Europe, as well as experience with regulated manufacturing processes comprise the resume Vestaron’s leadership team and board were searching for.”

With the recent commercialization of Vestaron’s first peptide-based bioinsecticides, the company was seeking someone who could help it meet increasing volume requirements while streamlining and reducing risk in the manufacturing process. Ash joined the team on June 12, shortly after the organization announced its Series B funding and completes the corporations’ senior executive team. “The recent success of the new IRAC group 32 coupled with the last round of fundraising clearly showed the potential Vestaron has, and I am pleased to have become a part of the team,” expressed Patel.

Patel will oversee all of Vestaron’s manufacturing and supply chain operations, including associated regulatory processes, throughout the globe.

About Vestaron Corporation

Vestaron is a company dedicated to improving the safety, efficacy and sustainability of crop protection through migration from synthetic pesticides to peptide-based biopesticides. Vestaron is initially focused on a class of peptides that kill insect pests efficiently, but are safe for humans, beneficial insects and the environment. As part of this, the company has developed a proprietary platform for peptide optimization, fermentation-based peptide production and in planta expression that will allow it to develop a wide variety of biologic crop protection and trait solutions. Vestaron is the winner of the inaugural 2015 Bernard Blum Award for novel biocontrol solutions. More information at www.vestaron.com

More news from: Vestaron Corporation

Website: http://www.vestaron.com

Published: June 20, 2019

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