Speed breeding of wheat, the secrets of rice immune systems and the worrying rise of stem rust featured in the Agri-Tech East Research Digest
United Kingdom
July 30, 2018
Speed breeding of wheat, the secrets of rice immune systems and the worrying rise of stem rust are among the recent research findings recorded in the research digest.

Dr Brande Wulff of the John Innes Centre produced 6 harvests a year.
One of the most promising achievements is the use of LED lighting to produce six harvests of wheat a year under glass, offering a new way to boost food production.
Also revealed is the flawed thinking behind burying carbon in the soil. Soil data from long-term experiments were used to debunk the idea of using crops to collect more atmospheric carbon and locking it into soil’s organic matter to offset fossil fuel emissions.
Read more information in the Agri-Tech East Research Digest.
More news from: Agri-Tech East
Website: http://www.agritech-east.co.uk/ Published: July 31, 2018 |
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