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July 19, 2024

ASTA’s Forage, Turf & Conservation Seed Conference and Field Crop Seed Convention now open for registration

Evento em SP orienta poder público a comprar sementes e mudas de forma legal - Muitas vezes, por desconhecimento, prefeituras e outros órgãos públicos acabam não exigindo produtos registrados nas licitações

3º Workshop de Sementes e Mudas: compras públicas de sementes e mudas

Cooperativas do Rio Grande do Sul discutem o futuro da agricultura em evento exclusivo - Adama Coopera reúne principais líderes e agricultores de cooperativas da região Sul do estado e aborda temas cruciais para o agro como tecnologia de aplicação, biossoluções e inovação em formulação

July 18, 2024

The acclaimed father of Australia’s lupin industry and a world-leading authority on lupin as a crop, Dr John Gladstones, died in May, aged 92

How to protect your operation from fake, counterfeit seeds

IGI researchers discover new CRISPR enzymes using a clever search of AI structural databases

Bayer redefines high-yielding canola with DK401TL - New Dekalb hybrid yields 7.8 per cent above InVigor L340PC in farmer-led trials

Greenhouse competition: teams spend summer building algorithm that will control greenhouse autonomously

USDA/NIFA invests $8M in Physiology of Agricultural Plants Program / FY23 (A1152)

Durum wheat: a story of community

France - Enquête tournesol 2023 - Terres Inovia propose une synthèse nationale sur les pratiques culturales du tournesol en agriculture conventionnelle

France - L’outil d’aide à la décision Quali’Cible, toujours plus précis et plus rapide

Der Mais und seine neuen Feinde

Nufarm granted Licence to omega-3 assets by Yield10

Predicting a crop field’s weather
Vers des prédictions micro-météorologiques à l’échelle de la parcelle agricole

How the ToBRFV varieties changed the tomato market in Spain

Deutsche Saatgut, Dmytro Vinnichenko – Sortenvorstellung Keltico

Seeds with and without pericarps adopt distinct germination strategies

British Society of Plant Breeders welcomes the new team in Defra, and outlines key policy priorities

Italia - Il Bio in cifre 2024 

Tomates côtelées bio de Gautier Semences : toutes les couleurs sont déjà disponibles

Une nouvelle usine en Anjou pour les semences tropicales de Technisem (Agence API)

Canadian Grain Commission fully compensates eligible producer claims for unpaid deliveries to Zeghers Seed Inc.
La Commission canadienne des grains indemnise entièrement les producteurs pour les réclamations admissibles liées aux livraisons non payées par Zeghers Seed Inc.

Avebe: Großes Interesse an Krautfäule-resistenten Kartoffelsorten (Gabot)

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) - Call for comment on food made from a GM potato

Research develops lentil and chickpea protein concentrates

University of Kentucky study highlights the benefits of mixing cover crops

Programa Aliança completa 25 anos capacitando profissionais do agronegócio e impulsionando o potencial produtivo das cooperativas

Dirigentes do programa Sorghum Checkoff visitam a Embrapa

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