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Sweet corn

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November 29, 2021

Deutschland - Notfallzulassung für Maxim XL in Zuckermais (Wochenblatt)

October 7, 2021

Sweet corn yield gain over 80 years leaves room for improvement

August 13, 2021

Hungary - Sweetcorn harvest estimated at 500,000 tonnes in 2021 (Budapest Business Journal)

July 14, 2021

U.S. Plant Variety Protection Office issues 25 certificates of protection on July 2, 2021

July 9, 2021

Sweet corn lessons on breeding for organic systems (Vegetable Growers News)

Brasil - Técnica de controle ecológico mostra bom resultado contra praga do milho-doce

July 8, 2021

U.S. Plant Variety Protection Office issues 25 certificates of protection on June 4, 2021

June 30, 2021

Deutschland - Zuckermais wächst auf 2.000 Hektar

June 21, 2021

Broccoli declared America's Favorite Vegetable in 2021 - Green Giant finds broccoli continues its reign as America's Favorite Veggie in annual open-ended survey

June 2, 2021

Euralis et son partenaire Géant Vert lancent des initiatives innovantes en matière de RSE

May 25, 2021

Australian grain growers can now tackle sucking pests with Versys advanced aphicide

May 10, 2021

Growing sweet corn at higher densities doesn’t increase root lodging risk

April 30, 2021

Sweet corn primer: Which variety do you prefer?

April 29, 2021

What have we learned from 30 years of sweet corn seed treatment trials? (Growing Produce)

April 26, 2021

Australia - Syngenta's bicolour sweet corn trials delivering tasty results (Queensland Country LIfe)

April 2, 2021

Canada - The herbicide lineup from Bayer expands with Laudis, for fast-acting broadleaf and grass weed control in field corn and sweet corn

April 1, 2021

France - Plus de 25 000 ha de maïs doux en 2021

February 25, 2021

USA - New Seminis varieties, vew favorites

February 24, 2021

University of Florida scientists sequence genome of the supersweet corn you’ve nibbled for 20-plus years

December 11, 2020

Manejo em Foco: Dicas, informações técnicas e tudo que você precisa saber sobre as variedades Seminis

October 22, 2020

USA - FMC launches advanced, low-use-rate formulation of Rynaxypyr active - Vantacor insect control delivers convenient, targeted and long-lasting residual control of worm pests in row crops

October 5, 2020


September 9, 2020

USA - Kick off the season the right way with Semins varieties

July 10, 2020


July 2, 2020

University of Florida IFAS Hastings Agriculture Extension Center holds sweet corn trial (Daytona Beach News-Journal )

June 24, 2020

Deutschland - Zuckermais in aller Munde

June 19, 2020

Bundesamt informiert: Konventionelles Saatgut mit Spuren von gentechnisch verändertem Saatgut vermarktet - In Nordrhein-Westfalen bislang nur eine kleine Fläche von 0,05 Hektar im Regierungsbezirk Detmold betroffen

June 18, 2020

Deutschland - Fund von Spuren gentechnisch veränderter Maissamen in Zuckermaissaatgut

May 26, 2020

Illinois Foundation Seeds, Inc. acquires sweet corn seed production company Twin Gardens, Inc.

April 23, 2020

USA - 12 sweet corn varieties for growers that are sweeter and hardier than ever (Growing Produce)

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