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InVivo becomes a major player in biocontrol by acquiring Bioline from Syngenta
InVivo fait l'acquisition de la société Bioline 

Paris, France
February 29, 2016

InVivo has signed an agreement to acquire, through its holding company InVivo AgroSciences, Bioline, a subsidiary of Syngenta specialized in the production and marketing of biological control agents, and in particular macro-organisms active against insects pests in fruits, vegetable and flower crops. By joining forces, Bioline and Biotop, a longstanding InVivo subsidiary working in biological pest control, will become a truly global player in a high-potential and fast-growing market.

Investing in high-potential businesses to create French champions with critical mass is one of the clearly stated ambitions in the “2025 by InVivo” strategic plan. On the same level as digital agriculture, biosolutions* are among the main future paths that the InVivo group intends to explore as part of its drive to produce more and better.

Strengthened by its long-standing know-how with its subsidiary Biotop, the acquisition of Bioline will enable InVivo to build the capacities required to develop a significant activity in biosolutions.

The growth of this USD 2.8 billion market is estimated at 10% a year for the coming ten years.

Bioline has two production sites in the UK and USA. The company is highly present in the macro-organisms market and more specifically in mites in northern Europe used against predatory insects in greenhouse crops. Biotop has a bioplant in the Drôme department in France, specialised notably in the production of ephestia eggs (used for raising auxiliaries) and trichogramma (micro-wasps that fight against corn borers).

The two companies make a highly complementary fit through their expertise in arable crops and specialised crops, their geographical presence in France and internationally, and their portfolio of macro-organisms. Together they will employ 135 people.

Commenting, Thierry Blandinières, CEO of the InVivo group, said: “The acquisition of Bioline demonstrates InVivo’s strategic ambition to invest in high-potential solutions that will enable agriculture to produce more in response to the world’s demographic issues while ensuring the greatest respect for natural balances.”

Alexander Tokarz, Head of Global Crops and Assets at Syngenta said: “Bioline is a strongly performing business with good potential for further growth. Due to its highly specialized nature, we are convinced that Bioline’s potential will be better realized in combination with InVivo, who are already well positioned in this market. Syngenta remains fully committed to the broader field of biological solutions complementing our innovative crop protection and traits portfolio with enhanced spectrum and differentiated modes of actions.”

* Biosolutions = Biocontrol** + Biostimulants***
** Biocontrol = A plant-protection method using natural mechanisms such as insects, mites, bacteria, fungi, algae and plants.
*** Biostimulants = Substances acting on soil life and plant physiology so as to improve the crop strength, yield and quality

About InVivo
The InVivo group comprises 216 cooperatives bringing together over 300,000 farmers. The Group employs 8,400 people in 30 countries and works in four main activities: Agriculture (seeds, agricultural supplies, international grain trading), Animal Nutrition and Health, Retail, and Wine. It reported revenue of €5.7 billion in FY 2014-2015.

InVivo fait l'acquisition de la société Bioline

InVivo vient de signer le protocole d’acquisition, via sa holding InVivo AgroSciences, de Bioline, filiale du groupe Syngenta spécialisée dans la production et la commercialisation de solutions de lutte biologique, et tout particulièrement de macro-organismes actifs contre les insectes prédateurs des fruits, légumes et cultures florales. 

La réunion de Bioline et de Biotop, filiale historique d’InVivo dans le domaine de la lutte biologique, constituera un acteur de dimension internationale sur un marché prometteur en forte croissance. 

Investir dans les métiers d’avenir pour créer des champions français disposant d'une taille critique est l’une des ambitions clairement formulées par le plan stratégique « 2025 by InVivo ».  Au même titre que l’agriculture numérique, les biosolutions* figurent parmi les voies d’avenir que le groupe InVivo entend explorer pour produire plus et mieux. Fort de son savoir-faire historique avec sa filiale Biotop, l’acquisition de la société Bioline permettra à InVivo de se doter des capacités de développer une activité significative en biosolutions. 

La croissance de ce marché de 2,8 milliards de dollars au niveau mondial est estimée à 10 % par an sur les 10 ans à venir.

La société Bioline est très présente sur le marché des macro-organismes et plus spécialement des acariens sur le nord de l’Europe utilisés pour lutter contre les insectes prédateurs des cultures sous serre. Biotop possède une biofabrique située dans la Drôme, spécialisée notamment dans la production d’œufs d’ephestias (utilisés pour l’élevage d’insectes auxiliaires) et de trichogrammes (micro-guêpes permettant de lutter contre la pyrale du maïs). 

Les deux sociétés sont très complémentaires par leurs expertises en grandes cultures et cultures spécialisées, par leurs implantations géographiques en France et à l’international et par leur portefeuille de macro-organismes. 

More news from:
    . Syngenta Group Co. Ltd.
    . InVivo
    . Bioline AgroSciences Ltd.

Website: http://www.syngenta.com

Published: March 3, 2016

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