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United Kingdom - Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment (ACRE) publishes three reports on the EU regulatory system for GMOs

United Kingdom
August 27, 2013

ACRE publishes three reports on the EU regulatory system for GMOs, investigating the framework in which ACRE operates. 

The first report Towards an evidence-based regulatory system for GMOs considers the likely future limitations of the current regulatory framework and whether these can be addressed piecemeal or only via an entirely new framework.  

Report 2 Why a modern understanding of genomes demonstrates the need for a new regulatory system for GMOs discusses the continuing scientific validity of employing a regulatory system that captures organisms based on how they were produced rather than on their novel characteristics.

Report 3 Towards a more effective approach to environmental risk assessment under current GMO legislation considers a more effective approach to environmental risk assessment within the constraints of the principles set out in the current legislation.

More news from: United Kingdom, Ministry of Agriculture

Website: http://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-environment-food-rural-affairs

Published: September 7, 2013

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