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  Market data and statistics


Canadian Seed Trade Association

Canada’s Seed Exports

Canada’s Seed Imports

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada / Market Analysis Division

Market outlook reports:
- Corn: situation and outlook (06/09)
- Wheat: worldwide situation and outlook (04/09)

Grains and oilseeds outlook + Pulses and special crops outlook (12/08)
Grains and oilseeds outlook +  Pulses and special crops outlook (09/08)
Biotechnology annual
Grains and oilseeds outlook +  Pulses and special crops outlook (08/08)
Wheat - Situation and outlook (07/08)
Grain and feed annual report (revised) (06/08)
Grains and oilseeds outlook +  Pulses and special crops outlook (04/08)
Dry peas - Situation and outlook (02/08)
Grains, oilseeds, pulses and special crops outlook for 2007-2008 (02/08)
Agricultural biotechnology report (12/07)
Grains and oilseeds outlook  (12/07)
Pulses and special crops outlook (12/07)
Durum wheat - 2007-2008 situation and outlook (12/07)
Grains and oilseeds outlook +  (11/07)
Feed barley: situation and outlook (10/07)
Grains and oilseeds outlook (10/07)
Pulses and special crops outlook (10/07)
Grains and oilseeds outlook + Pulses and special crops outlook (08/07)
Grains and oilseeds outlook (08/07)
Pulses and special crops outlook (08/07)
Grains and oilseeds outlook (06/07)
Pulse and special crops outlook (06/07)
Grains and oilseeds outlook (05/07)
Pulse and special crops outlook (05/07)
Vegetable oils: situation and outlook (05/07)
Mexico: Pulse and special crops - Situation and outlook (05/07)
Corn: situation and outlook (03/07)
Maïs: situation et perspectives
Canadian outlook for grains, oilseeds, pulses and special crops in 2007-2008 (03/07)
Perspectives canadiennes des céréales, oléagineux, légumineuses et cultures spéciales pour 2007-2008

Grains and oilseeds outlook (03/07)
Pulse and special crops outlook
Flaxseed / Linseed: situation and outlook (03/07)
Colombia (02/07)
Pulse and special crops outlook (02/07)
Canadian outlook for grains, oilseeds, pulses and special crops in 2007-2008 (01/07)
Canada first country to track trade data on organic products (12/06)
Grains and oilseeds outlook (12/06)
Pulse and special crops outlook (12/06)
Canola: situation and outlook (11/06)
Grains and oilseeds outlook
Pulse and special crops outlook (11/06)
Oats: situation and outlook (10/06)
Grains and oilseeds outlook (09/06)
Pulse and special crops outlook (09/06)
Chickpeas: situation and outlook (09/06)
Grains and oilseeds outlook (08/06)
Pulse and special crops outlook (08/06)
Brazil (07/06)

Primary processing of grains and oilseeds (06/06)
Lentils: situation and outlook (05/06)
Grains and Oilseeds Outlook (04/06)
Pulse and Special Crops Outlook (04/06)
Mexico (03/06)
Grains and oilseeds outlook (03/06)
Pulse and special crops outlook (03/06)
Protein meal - Situation and outlook (02/06)
Grains and oilseeds outlook (02/06)
Pulse and special crops outlook (02/06)
Dry peas: situation and outlook (02/06)
Canadian outlook for grains, oilseeds, pulses and special crops in 2006-2007 (01/06)
Russia (12/05)
Durum wheat: 2005-2006 situation and outlook (12/05)
Grains and oilseeds outlook (12/05)
Pulse and special crops outlook (12/05)
Feed barley: situation and outlook (12/05)
Buckwheat & flaxseed - Situation and outlook (10/05)
Grains and oilseeds outlook (10/05)
Pulse and special crops outlook (10/05)
Sunflower seed: situation and outlook (09/05)
Grains and oilseeds outlook (09/05)
Pulse and special crops outlook (09/05)
South Korea (09/05)
Worldwide wheat situation and outlook (09/05)
Grains and oilseeds outlook (08/05)
Pulses and special crops outlook (08/05)
Grains and oilseeds outlook (07/05)
Pulse and special crop outlook (07/05)
Comparing the yields of hard red spring wheat lines from Canada and the U.S. (07/05)
Pulse and special crops outlook (06/05)
Grains and oilseeds outlook (06/05)
European Union: pulse crops situation and outlook (06/05)
Vegetable oils: competition in a changing market (06/05)
Grains and oilseeds outlook (05/05)
Pulse and special crops outlook (05/05)
Mustard seed: situation and outlook (05/05)
Soybeans: situation and outlook (04/05)
Grain and oilseeds outlook (04/05)
Pulses and special crops outlook (04/05)
Feed grains in Canada (04/05)
Canary seed: situation + outlook (+ overview of Canadian spice crops production)(03/05)
Grain and oilseeds outlook (03/05)
Pulse and special crops outlook (03/05)

Malting barley: situation and outlook (02/05)
Pulse and special crops outlook (02/05)
Grains and oilseeds outlook (02/05)
Area seeded for 2005-2006 (02/05)
Canadian pulse and special crops industry: situation and outlook (02/05)
Pulse and special crops outlook (01/05)
Grains and oilseeds outlook (01/05)
Dry beans: situation and outlook (12/04)
Grains and oilseeds outlook (12/04)
Pulse and special crops outlook (12/04)
Grains and oilseeds outlook (11/04)
Pulse and special crops outlook (11/04)
Grain and oilseeds outlook (10/04)
Pulse and special crops outlook (10/04)

Chickpeas: situation and outlook (09/04)
Grain and oilseeds outlook (09/04)
Pulse and special crops outlook (09/04)
Profile of the Canadian oilseeds sector: Part 2 (09/04)
Profile of the Canadian oilseeds sector: Part 1 (08/04)

Profile of the Canadian wheat industry (07/04)

United Kingdom: wheat and durum (06/04)
Grains and oilseeds outlook (06/04)
Pulse and special crops outlook (06/04)
Fababeans: situation & outlooks (05/04)
Lentils: situation & outlook (05/04)
Grains and oilseeds outlook (05/04)

Pulse and special crops outlook (05/04)
Area seeded for 2004-2005 update (04/04)
Finland and Sweden: oats (04/04)
World oilseed sector and Canadian marketing opportunities (04/04)
Grain and oilseeds outlook (04/04)
Grain and oilseeds outlook (03/04)
Pulse and special crops outlook (04/04)
Pulse and special crops outlook (03/04)
Grain and oilseeds outlook (03/04)
Dry peas: situation and outlook (03/04)
Area seeded for 2004-2005 (02/04)
Italy: wheat and durum (12/03)
Feed barley: 2003-2004 outlook (10/03)
Canadian feedgrain consumption (10/03)
Wheat: 2003-2004 outlook (09/03)
Sunflower seed: situation and outlook (09/03)

The role of Finland and Sweden in the international oat market (05/04)
Nouvelle publication de l'Union des Producteurs Agricoles du Québec: le bilan des saisons de l'année 2003 (05/04)

Ontario farmers continue to increase their use of biotechnology (news release 01/04)

Seed Sector Review (2003-2004)

Canadian Grain Commission (CGC)
The Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) announces statutory and regulatory changes in grain handling and Canadian grain grades for new crop year (07/05)
La Commission canadienne des grains (CCG) annonce les changements statutaires et réglementaires apportés à la manutention du grain et aux grades du grain canadien pour la nouvelle campagne agricole

Canadian Wheat Board (CWB)
Cold spring, dry fields lower 2009 crop prospects in Western Canada (06/09)
Canadian Wheat Board industry briefing (06/06)
Western Canada's wheat crop off to a good start (06/06)
Western Canada and world outlook (06/04)

Statistics Canada / Statistiques Canada

Grains and oilseeds outlook (08/04)
Pulse and special crops outlook (08/04)

Grains and oilseeds outlook (07/04)
Pulse and special crops outlook (07/04)
Grains and oilseeds outlook (01/04)
Pulse and special crops outlook (01/04)

Saskatchewan Seed Growers Association
Saskatchewan’s seed industry is worth an estimated C$389 million to the economy of the province
- Summary brochure

Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food
FAQs - Plant Breeders’ Rights and the Seeds Act Relating to the Sale of Seed (03/05)
Alfalfa seed: economics and agronomics of new crops (07/04)
Dryland forage production costs (07/03)
Marketing forage seed (01/04)
Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food’s first weekly crop report for 2005 (04/05)

Canadian Food Inspection Agency - Plant Products Directorate - Seed section

Canada Grains Council
- Statistical handbook

Ontario - Ministry of Agriculture and Food

Canadian Organic Growers: 2002 organic statistics
Alberta Agricultural statistics
Canola Council of Canada
Ontario Processing Vegetable Growers statistics

Canadian Seed Trade Association (CSTA)
Trade statistics
New study examines the economic contribution of Canada’s seed sector (01/09)
Economic impact study: Canada's seed sector contributes billions to the economy (11/08)
Seed trade statistics July 2003 - June 2004
- Canada's seed exports
- Canada's seed imports

USDA/FAS GAIN reports:
Grain and feed annual (04/10)
Oilseeds and products annual (04/10)
Grain and feed update (02/10)
Grain and feed lock-up report (11/09)
Potato products annual (11/09)
Organics annual (07/09)
Biofuels annual
Oilseeds and products annual (04/09)
Grain and feed annual (04/09)
Grain and feed quarterly update (02/09)
Potatoes and potato products annual (10/08)
Oilseeds annual report (05/08)
Grain and feed annual (04/08)
Grain and feed quarterly report (10/07)
Frozen potato products (10/07)
Biofuels annual (08/07)
Grain and feed quarterly report (08/07)
Oilseeds and products annual (05/07)
Grain and feed annual (04/07)
Organic regulations (02/07)
Frozen potato products (10/06)
Grain and feed quarterly report (08/06)
Oilseeds annual (05/06)
Grain and feed annual (03/06)
Grain and feed quarterly report (02/06)
Agricultural biotechnology report 2005 (08/05)
Food and agricultural import regulations and standards (08/05)
Grain and feed quarterly report (08/05)
Oilseeds and products annual (05/05)
Grain and feed quarterly update (04/05)
Grain and feed annual (04/05)
Grain and feed update (12/04)
Frozen potato products - annual 2004 (11/04)
WTO framework: impact on Canadian agriculture (08/04)
Grain and feed update (08/04)
Oilseeds and products annual 2004 (05/04)
Sugar and sugarbeet update (04/04)
Grain and feed annual (03/04)
Frozen potato products (10/03)
Food and agricultural import regulations and standards / Country report (09/03)
Grain and feed September update (09/03)
Oilseeds and Products annual 2003 (05/03)

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