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University of California
August 09

UC Davis establishes the European Plant Breeding Academy

July 09

UC Davis partners with European institutions and associations to offer the European Plant Breeding Academy, starting in March 2010

Sixty-three years of California Agriculture journal now online

New University of California, Davis studies examine cost of producing small grain silage, wheat, potatoes, pasture, corn silage, organic leaf lettuce

June 09

Doorkeeper proteins fend off plant diseases

Nitrogen leaks get a close look

Informal seed exchange and grain trade are key to transgenic gene flow in Mexican maize

April 09

Synthetic chemical offers solution for crops facing drought - University of California Riverside-led research team shows pyrabactin mimics hormone employed by plants when water is scarce

University of California Riverside biochemist to study how crops can increase protein production

"Unequivocal": How climate change will transform California

March 09

Sudden outbreak of alfalfa stem nematode in California tackled by UC Cooperative Extension

UC Davis is conducting an economic survey of the California seed industry

UC San Diego biologists discover missing piece of plant clock

February 09

Wheat gene thwarts stripe rust disease

January 09

University of California, Berkeley researchers develop improved method for comparing whole genome sequences

December 08

"The Economics of American Agriculture: Evolution and Global Development" provides a glimpse into the future of American agriculture

$6.8 million grant to speed development of new wheat varieties at UC Davis

Broccoli compound targets key enzyme in late-stage cancer

Plants display 'molecular amnesia' - Discovery an important step in genomics research and quest for better crops
Les plantes présentent une forme d' «amnésie moléculaire» - Decouverte d'une etape importante dans la recherche genomique et l'amelioration des cultures

USDA's Discovery Award honors rice research

CAST publication on Gene Flow in Alfalfa highlighted at the 2008 38th California Alfalfa & Forage Symposium

November 08

New flood-tolerant rice varieties pass field tests in Bangladesh and India

October 08

Scientists propose the creation of a new type of seed bank that will help understanding of evolution and climate change

September 08

Rice protein identified that moderates resistance to infectious disease

What we don't know about biofuels - Energy Biosciences Institute director Chris Sommerville on the quest to 'decarbonize' and create next-generation fuels

Plant Breeding Academy at UC Davis trains international plant breeders

August 08

Jared Diamond to open international symposium on agricultural biodiversity at the University of California, Davis

Seed Wars: Controversies and Cases on Plant Genetic Resources and Intellectual Property

Evolutionary biologist and author Jared Diamond to speak at international symposium on agricultural biodiversity at UC Davis

July 08

Bee research aims for diverse bee genetic pool

June 08

The Plant Breeding Academy at the University of California Davis graduates 15 new plant breeders

University of California Davis researcher leads climate-change discovery

Chilean President and California Governor preside over signing of two landmark agreements with UC Davis

May 08

DNA fingerprinting identifies bean in patent dispute

New book promotes GMOs and organic farming

April 08

UC Davis researchers discover genes for frost tolerance in wheat

U.S. biologists suggest nationwide biotech crop maps for monitoring environmental impacts

University of California Riverside scientists call for more access to biotech crop data to assess the impact of biotech crops

March 08

The huge impact of agriculture on California's economy

February 08

Gene that controls ozone resistance of plants could lead to drought-resistant crops

"Climate crisis" in the Western United States predicted with increasing certainty

January 08

Enzymes conspire to rot tomatoes: cell wall proteins help fungus turn tomatoes from ripe to rotten

December 07

University of California, Davis tomato study points to organic pros and cons on four farms

Report says gene flow from GM crops not likely to harm environment

November 07

New drought-tolerant plants offer hope for warming world

Abstracts of presentations from UC Davis' International Symposium on Translational Seed Biology now available on the web

University of California, Riverside researchers awarded nearly $1.7 million to develop improved cowpea varieties - Driven by genomic technology, research will benefit African farmers

September 07

UC Davis and Tuskegee University offer new training program for graduate students studying in areas where plant sciences, biotechnology and engineering overlap

Another weed in California's south Central Valley shows resistance to Roundup

"Translational Seed Biology: From Model Systems to Crop Improvement" - Leading plant scientists from around the world will gather Sept. 17-20 at the University of California, Davis, to explore how research discoveries in seed biology can be parlayed into practical solutions for global agriculture

August 07

California Alfalfa Symposium to feature 'Back-to-Basics' and 'GE Coexistence' topics

UC Davis Seed Biotechnology Center announces second session of the Plant Breeding Academy

July 07

Natural fungicide gives garlic growers hope

Michael Campbell joins the Seed Biotechnology Center at UC Davis as Executive Director

2007 Plant Sciences Symposium at the University of California, Davis - "Translational Seed Biology: From Model Systems to Crop Improvement Symposium"

First Executive Director named to the Postharvest Technology Research and Information Center at UC Davis

Genes hold secret to wheat's success, say UC Davis researchers

June 07

UC Davis is partner in new $125 million federal bioenergy research center

New study finds genetically engineered crops could play a role in sustainable agriculture - Possible benefits include reduced use of chemicals in crops modified with insecticidal gene

Bt tomato with CRY6A found to be resistant to root-knot nematodes
Tomates Bt podrían ser resistentes a nematodes

May 07

New tomato disease has California growers on alert

University of California, Davis revitalizes its honey-bee research program

New University of California studies examine production costs for 10 crops

April 07

Mixed outlook for pharmaceutical crops in California

US$4.65 million to fund new produce safety research center at the University of California, Davis

March 07

University of California sets aside land for organic research

February 07

BP selects UC Berkeley to lead $500 million energy research consortium with partners Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, University of Illinois

January 07

Achieving peaceful coexistence with biotechnology is a goal of University of California program

Annual plants may cope with global warming better than long-living species

December 06

Gene discovery may improve wheat varieties - Newly cloned gene key to more adaptable wheat variieties

November 06

Wheat gene may boost foods' nutrient content

October 06

Pollinators help one-third of world's crop production, says new study

Scientists to begin looking for the sources of E. coli in the Salinas Valley

Weather can predict crop yields for some California crops

September 06

Chevron Corporation to fund major biofuel research projects at the University of California Davis

August 06

UC Riverside researchers develop flood-tolerant California rice

Research in submergence tolerance in rice

New flood-tolerant rice offers relief for world's poorest farmers

California Agriculture magazine launches a special series on the risks and benefits of agricultural biotechnology

July 06

University of California Riverside researchers determine genetic origin of California wild radish

University of California, San Diego biologists solve plant growth hormone enigma

June 06

University of California and USDA team up to provide California farmers a full pest control toolbox

May 06

A biochemical regulator described by UC Riverside plant biologist explains how plants protect themselves from cold temperatures

April 06

University of California, Berkeley joins Africa Biofortified Sorghum (ABS) project

March 06

Development of a predictive model for pythium diseases of vegetables and the re-emergence of tomato spotted wilt virus in California's San Joaquin Valley are among 2006-07 research grants from University of California

February 06

Monsanto Company and University of California resolve dispute over technology used to produce bovine somatotropin for dairy cows

US$5 million grant awarded for wheat genome research under UC Davis lead

UC Riverside researchers release new variety of asparagus with higher yield of spears than other varieties

November 05

Successful transition to organic production shows planning works

University of California Cooperative Extension examines cost of growing summer squash

October 05

Salinity threatens sustainability of irrigated agriculture in California's heartland, study finds

September 05

Plant pathologist Brenna Aegerter to be vegetable crops farm advisor in San Joaquin County

University of California, Riverside biochemist goes to Washington with high-protein corn

August 05

University of California studies costs of growing wild rice, safflower and oat hay

July 05

University of California scientists find herbicide-resistant horseweed in California

University of California president visits state's "salad bowl"

University of California organic ag resources match statewide production

University of California, Riverside research shows that boosting plant vitamin C levels can minimize harmful effects of ozone on plants

June 05

University of California Cooperative Extension examines cost of growing specialty crops

April 05

GM rice in China benefits farmers' health, study finds

Regulating transgenic crops sensibly: lessons from plant breeding, biotechnology and genomics

March 05

University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources to hire for 11 academic positions

Organic farming compliance handbook available online from the University of California Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program

February 05

Safeguarding the future of U.S. agriculture: The need to conserve threatened collections of crop diversity worldwide

Controversy over genetically modified corn in Mexican crops is focus of discussion at UC Riverside

Scientists discover first step that enables natural pesticide to enter target cells - Findings will be useful in determining how to block insect resistance to the toxin, may help ward off Bt pesticide resistance

Transgenic plants remove more selenium from contaminated soil than wild-type plants, new field tests show

January 05

Key molecule in plant photo-protection identified

Demise of organophosphate insecticides spurs development of environmentally friendly alternatives

UC Riverside study finds uncalculated risks in some pesticides: some compounds show dramatic differences in toxicity and rate of break down between isomers

UC Davis announces two new biotechnology publications: 'Crop Biotechnology: Feeds for Livestock' and 'Roundup Ready Alfalfa: An Emerging Technology'

December 04

UC Davis announces upcoming Course in Seed Biology, Production and Quality

Crop biotechnology: Feeds for livestock

A Statistical Profile of Horticultural Crop Farm Industries in California

UC San Diego biologists identify gene in corn plants that may have paved the way for development of maize

UC Davis cleared of wrongdoing in biotech seed shipments

November 04

University of California, Riverside researchers discover new way to boost grain crops’ drought tolerance

Researchers uncover how infections combat plant immune responses - UC Riverside researcher is part of team that identified three genetic suppressors of immune response in plants

October 04

Two new University of California studies examine cost of producing organic broccoli and leaf lettuce

New genome and biomedical sciences facility at the University of California, Davis promotes cross-cutting research

New University of California Cooperative Extension study looks at rice costs in the Sacramento Valley

University of California Riverside researchers identify key plant enzyme that defends against multiple infections - VPEg is an enzyme that regulates programmed cell death in plants

August 04

UC Riverside earns $1.5 million grant to examine how engineered crop genes stray

July 04

U.S. National Alfalfa Symposium to focus on biotechnology, environmental issues

Plant respiration not just an evolutionary leftover, study shows

University of California, Davis research shows difference between some organic and conventional produce

June 94

Crop diversity continues thanks to modern, traditional practices

University of California studies cost of producing small grains and winter forage for silage in the San Joaquin Valley

May 04

University of California sets up "first-detector" network to combat bioterrorism

DNA with a twist: UC Davis Genome Center develops computer program that could help explain how genes are turned on or off under various conditions

Fruits of biotechnology struggle to emerge - California Agriculture magazine April-June 2004

University of California Riverside researchers develop low-carb corn with enhanced protein and oil - Introduction of gene promoting key hormone increases plants' productivity

April 04

University of California at Davis to lead PIPRA biotechnology initiative

University of California Riverside researchers improve drought tolerance in plants

University of California studies genetically engineered alfalfa to produce objective information about the new agricultural technology

March 04

Newly cloned gene is key to global adaptation of wheat

Keith Mayberry retires after 35 years with University of California Cooperative Extension

January 04

UC Davis announces upcoming course in breeding with molecular markers

Researchers find key gene in production of egg and sperm: corn mutant reveals gene coordinating major steps in meiosis

December 03

University of California, Davis recalling about 30 tomato seed samples found to be genetically modified

UC Davis rice and wheat genome researchers receive two new grants totaling nearly $10 million

Plant sex protein identified at UC Riverside - Discovery shapes understanding of how seeds are created

Roundup resistance armors weeds

November 03

Syngenta ends plant-research deal with UC Berkeley

Genomics scientist Michelmore named Director of UC Davis Genome Center

October 03

Accurate mapping of Arabidopsis plant genome could lead to new generation of hybrid plants

University of California, Davis to celebrate opening of plant science facilities

Plant patents: public interest versus private profit - University of California Davis helps author initiative to ensure access to patented technologies

September 03

University of California Riverside geneticist spells out consequences of genetically engineered genes escaping into wild species

July 03

Biotech-sharing initiative aims to help developing nations

UC Riverside is part of new initiative to share patented research on agriculture

UC Davis plant scientist Eduardo Blumwald to receive Humboldt Award for his work on salt-tolerant crops

June 03

Gene controlling vernalization isolated and cloned in wheat by UC Davis researchers

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