Irvine, California
January 9, 2007
Countering Charles Darwin's view
that evolution occurs gradually, UC
Irvine scientists have discovered that plants with short
life cycles can evolutionally adapt in just a few years to
climate change.
This finding suggests that quick-growing plants such as weeds
may cope better with global warming than slower-growing plants
such as Redwood trees -- a phenomenon that could lead to future
changes in the Earth's plant life.
"Some species evolve fast enough to keep up with environmental
change," said Arthur Weis, professor of ecology and evolutionary
biology. "Global warming may increase the pace of this change so
that certain species may have difficulty keeping up. Plants with
longer life cycles will have fewer generations over which to
The study appears the week of Jan. 8 in the
Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences.
Weis and researchers Steven Franks and Sheina Sim studied field
mustard, a weedy plant found throughout the Northern Hemisphere.
In a greenhouse, they grew mustard plants at the same time from
seeds collected near the UCI campus in the spring of 1997 -- two
years before a five-year drought -- and seeds collected after
the drought in the winter of 2004. Seeds can remain dormant but
alive for years and be revived with a little water and light.
The plants were divided into three groups, each receiving
different amounts of water mimicking precipitation patterns
ranging from drought to very wet conditions. In all cases, the
post-drought generation flowered earlier, regardless of the
watering scheme.
This shift in genetic timing was further confirmed with an
experiment that crossed the ancestors and descendents. As
predicted, the intergenerational hybrids had an intermediate
flowering time.
"Early winter rainfall did not change much during the drought,
but the late winters and springs were unusually dry. This
precipitation pattern put a selective pressure on plants to
flower earlier, especially annual plants like field mustard,"
Franks said. "During drought, early bloomers complete seed
production before the soil dries out, whereas late bloomers
wither before they can seed."
The technique of growing ancestors and descendents at the same
time allowed the scientists to determine that the change in
flower timing was in fact an evolutionary shift -- not a simple
reaction to changing weather conditions. This method, pioneered
by Albert Bennett, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology
and acting dean of the School of Biological Sciences at UCI, has
been used with bacteria, but this is the first study to make
full use of it with a plant species. Bennett and his colleagues
froze ancestral strains of E. coli so they could evaluate the
bacterium's adaptive evolution after culturing it at elevated
temperatures for thousands of generations.
Today, Weis is the organizing chairman of Project Baseline, a
national effort to collect and preserve seeds from contemporary
plant populations. Decades from now, plant biologists will be
able to "resurrect" these ancestral generations and compare them
to their descendents. By that time, advanced DNA technology may
make it possible to sequence the entire genome of individual
plants and at low cost. If so, biologists will be able to
measure how much plants have evolved with climate change and
pinpoint the evolution's underlying genetic basis.
Scientists expect global warming to alter air circulation
patterns over the Pacific Ocean, and climate models predict
frequent and extreme fluctuations in precipitation along the
coast, which likely will affect plant life.
"If we go out today and collect a large number of seeds and
freeze them, they will be a resource available to the next
generation of scientists," Weis said. "Because of global
warming, the evolution explosion is already under way. If we act
now, we'll have the tools necessary to determine in the future
how species respond to climate change."
This research was supported by the National Science
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