Hands-on exhibits highlighting a broad
spectrum of plant-science activities will be on display during
the Oct. 15 opening of new plant-sciences facilities at the
University of California, Davis.
The event celebrates the completion of a
complex of new buildings, including state-of-the-art
greenhouses, a plant-science teaching facility and a building
dedicated to studies of plant reproduction.
"Located adjacent to the campus's
long-established student experimental farm, this new complex
exemplifies UC Davis' historical strength in the plant sciences
and our vision for new research frontiers in this area," said
Michael Parrella, associate dean of agricultural sciences in the
College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
"These are just buildings, but we are
excited because the teaching and research that will occur here
will advance our understanding of how plants function and lead
to new and better crops and farming systems, "he added.
Participating in the event will be more
than 200 industry representatives, dignitaries and members of
the campus community.
A 10 a.m. opening ceremony will be
followed by tours of the student farm, greenhouse, laboratories
and teaching rooms. Trams also will be available to take
visitors to Robbins Hall for a tour of the agricultural genomics
and plant transformation facilities. Displays will illustrate
research activities in related facilities.
Visitors will also be invited take home
samples of fruits, nuts and vegetables grown on campus.
Visual opportunities will include
schoolchildren touring the student farm, a working beehive, a
computer-and-video-guided system for farm equipment, and many
To reach the new Plant Sciences
Facilities, take Interstate 80 to Highway 113 and drive north
toward Woodland. Take the first exit at Hutchison Drive and turn
right onto Hutchison. Take the first left onto Extension Center
Drive. Park in Lot 30 on the right.