University of California
May 5, 2004
Whither the Flavr Savr tomato?
Fruits of biotechnology struggle to emerge
California Agriculture
April-June 2004
The first genetically engineered crop to be sold in supermarkets
was the Flavr Savr tomato in 1994. But a decade later no biotech
tomatoes are for sale in the United States, nor are virtually
any other biotech horticultural crops. Why have genetically
engineered field crops - such as soybeans, corn, canola and
cotton - been wildly successful, each capturing large market
shares, while biotech horticultural crops have all but
Peer-reviewed articles published in the April-June 2004 issue of
the University of California's California Agriculture
journal explore the reasons why genetically engineered field
(also called "agronomic") crops have succeeded in the U.S.
market, while the commercialization of horticultural crops has
virtually ground to a halt. Field testing of horticultural crops
- including fruits, vegetables, nuts and ornamentals - has
plummeted. In 1999, 374 field-test permits or notifications were
filed for biotech horticultural crops; in 2003, the number was
94. By contrast, during the same period field permits for
biotech cotton, corn and soybeans remained steady at about 500
The April-June 2004 California Agriculture (see table of
contents below) can be downloaded at For a
hard copy, e-mail
"There are numerous examples of biotech horticultural crops
that have performed well in the laboratory and in field tests,
but have never been brought to market or were removed from the
market after commercialization," says Kent Bradford, director of
the Seed Biotechnology Center at UC Davis, and faculty co-chair
of the 64-page California Agriculture issue. These
include fungus-resistant strawberries, virus-resistant pumpkins
and potatoes, and "trap crops" for tree fruits and nuts. Trap
crops divert insect pests from the main crops.
The April-June 2004 California Agriculture delves into
the myriad reasons for this phenomenon, including:
- Horticultural crops consist
of numerous, diverse varieties (such as dozens of kinds of
lettuce), which increases research and development costs.
Agronomic crops, by contrast, often have fewer varieties that
are planted over larger acreages.
- Too few acres of
horticultural crops are planted to make the business model
profitable for large life-sciences companies, as opposed to
millions of acres planted in field crops.
- Each gene-insertion "event"
- even in different varieties of the same crop - must
receive separate regulatory approval from three U.S.
government agencies, an expensive and time-consuming process.
- Commodity groups have been
hesitant to pursue genetically engineered varieties, which
they often believe may jeopardize sales of non-biotech
- Intellectual property rights
for genetically engineered crops are owned by many different
people and firms, and are difficult to acquire. Most basic
research on biotech horticultural crops is conducted by the
U.S. Department of Agriculture and land-grant universities,
which generally do not have the resources to gather and
negotiate the necessary patents and other rights.
Another factor affecting
genetically engineered crops is that those that have been
successfully commercialized focus on traits that benefit
growers, such as insect resistance or herbicide tolerance. The
next generation of transgenic traits may be more
consumer-oriented, including improved nutritional value or taste
- potentially attractive in the marketplace.
Also, while transgenic field crops may be used as food
ingredients (such as oils and meals that may go unnoticed),
transgenic horticultural crops are sold and eaten whole, often
involving conscious consumer choices.
Other news angles in the April-June 2004 California
- A review of consumer-survey
research to date finds that most consumers are ignorant about
agricultural biotechnology, but those who know about it are
evenly split for and against, with a small group being
vehemently opposed. In surveys, most consumers say they would
prefer that biotech foods be labeled.
- China is aggressively
pursuing biotechnology research for its agriculture, including
horticultural crops.
- A new national consortium of
land-grant universities and government agencies, called the
Public Intellectual Property Resource for Agriculture (PIPRA),
seeks to address the intellectual property difficulties by
pooling resources; the $1 million initiative will be
headquartered at UC Davis.
Table of Contents
April-June 2004
California Agriculture (* indicates
Editorial overview (Bradford, Alston, Lemaux, Sumner)
Challenges and opportunities for horticultural biotechnology
*Objectives for horticultural biotechnology
*Glossary: Biotechnology
Transgenic acreage grows amid changing regulation
*NRC recommends "bioconfinement" measures
Research update
Conventionally bred papaya still possible, even in
UC researchers evaluating genetically engineered alfalfa
Perspective (Sumner)
World trade rules affect horticultural biotechnology
Horticultural biotechnology faces significant economic and
market barriers (Alston)
High costs for R&D and regulatory approval - as well as market
resistance, small acreages and diverse varieties - limit the
scope for profitable investments in hort biotech.
*Transgenic produce slow to enter evolving global marketplace
*Diversity of horticultural biotech crops contributes to market
hurdles (Bradford, Alston)
Despite benefits, commercialization of transgenic
horticultural crops lags (Clark, Klee, Dandekar)
Food crops are transformed for built-in pest control and delayed
ripening, while flowers and ornamentals have improved colors,
scents and life spans.
*Virus-resistant transgenic papaya helps save Hawaiian industry
*Biotechnology expands pest-management options for horticulture
*Transgenic trap crops and rootstocks show potential (Driver,
Castillón, Dandekar)
Consumer knowledge and acceptance of agricultural biotechnology
vary (James)
Telephone surveys reveal limited awareness and knowledge of
agricultural biotechnology and lack of consensus about whether
it is good or bad.
*Words matter (Herrmann, Warland, Sterngold)
*Consumers purchase Bt sweet corn (James)
Regulatory challenges reduce opportunities for horticultural
biotechnology (Redenbaugh, McHughen)
New transgenic varieties must meet a bevy of requirements, often
raising costs so that development for horticultural crops is
*IR-4 Project targets specialty crops (Holm, Kunkel)
*China aggressively pursuing horticulture and plant
biotechnology (Huang, Rozelle)
Public-private partnerships needed in horticultural research
and development (Rausser, Ameden)
Consortia of horticulture companies and university researchers
can aid biotech product development; partners must respect
academic freedom.
Access to intellectual property is a major obstacle to
developing transgenic horticultural crops (Graff et al.)
Biotech crop developers must compile intellectual property
rights from myriad sources; a new group will improve IP access
for public-sector research.
*Nonprofit institutions form intellectual-property resource for
agriculture (Delmer)
California Agriculture is the
University of California's peer-reviewed journal of research in
agricultural, human and natural resources. For a free
subscription, go to, call (510) 987-0044
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