How Was the
UC Davis Seed
Biotechnology Center Established?
The year 2009 marks the 10th anniversary of the
UC Seed Biotechnology Center (SBC). The SBC
started as a California seed industry initiative
with the first organizing committee meeting held
at UC Davis in the summer of 1996. Attending
were leaders from California seed companies, the
California Seed Association, California Crop
Improvement Association and UC Davis. The
Center's objectives would be to facilitate
access to UC Davis researchers, to conduct
research and education programs in partnership
with the industry, and to be an independent,
science-based voice for issues impacting the
seed industry. The vision was for the SBC to
become the scientific research and outreach
center for the California seed industry and
beyond. The term "biotechnology" was interpreted
very broadly at that time to encompass a wide
array of biological technologies applicable to
breeding, seed production and seed technology.
While the term has since become associated
primarily with genetic engineering, the SBC
still considers that its name covers a broad
range of research and production methods.
Support for the SBC was built through numerous
industry meetings held around the state to
promote awareness and later to raise operational
and facility financing. A number of supporters
quickly volunteered to move the project forward.
With their support and the support of their
companies, the California Seed Association, the
California Seed Advisory Board and the Dean's
Office of the College of Agricultural and
Environmental Sciences, the SBC was formally
established in 1999.