January 12, 2004
Cross-pollinated vegetable and field crops require isolation to
assure no undesired cross-fertilization between different
varieties of the same species, and between different crops in
different species.
Crop isolation can be achieved either by spatial (distance) or
temporal (time) factors. This Internet isolation or “pinning”
map is designed to allow seed growers to identify the location
and the planting date of seed crops produced in California. Seed
production personnel can electronically mark or “pin” fields
from their offices to allow “real time” tracking of seed
production activities.
This map is available for all seed companies and/or growers to
use in order to help coordinate seed production efforts. It was
developed as a result of the financial support and advice of
numerous vegetable and field seed companies. The map is not
intended to be used to enforce field isolations, but rather to
be used as a tool to help companies and growers work
cooperatively to place and plant seed fields to assure high
genetic purity. Users only have the ability to enter and change
data on their own fields by use of confidential login ID’s and
For an extensive overview of the map developed by the
California Crop Improvement Association and the
Seed Biotechnology Center, visit
To visit the map site, go to the:
California Crop Improvement Assn. |