Davis, California
June 17, 2005
New cost of production studies for
specialty crops, wine grapes and dry beans are now available
from the University of
California Cooperative Extension.
Individual studies focus on small farm production of cherry
tomatoes, green beans, and bittermelon in the San Joaquin
Sample Costs to Produce Cherry
Tomatoes, 2005, San Joaquin Valley;
Sample Costs to Produce Green Beans, 2005, San Joaquin Valley;
Sample Costs to Produce Bittermelon, 2005, San Joaquin Valley
were prepared by Richard H. Molinar, UC Cooperative
Extension (UCCE) farm advisor, Fresno County; Michael Yang, UCCE
agricultural assistant, Fresno County; Karen M. Klonsky, UCCE
specialist, UC Davis Department of Agricultural and Resource
Economics; and Richard L. De Moura, research associate, UC Davis
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics.
Sample Costs to Produce Common Dry Beans, 2005, San Joaquin
Valley -- North is written by Mick Canevari, UCCE farm
advisor, San Joaquin County; Klonsky and De Moura. Two studies
-- Sample Costs to Produce Large Limas 2004, San
Joaquin Valley North, and Sample Costs to Produce Baby
Lima, 2004, San Joaquin Valley North -- by the same authors
are also available.
All of the studies are available online at
http://coststudies.ucdavis.edu or can be ordered from the
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of
California, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616 and the local UC
Cooperative Extension offices, or by phone at (530) 752-4424.
Similar reports are available for many commodities from 1931 to
current and can be requested at the above address or phone
numbers. A $3 handling fee is charged for each report.