Davis, California
July 1, 2009
New studies showing costs of
establishment and production of small grain silage, wheat for
grain, processing potatoes, pasture, reduced till corn silage,
organic leaf lettuce, blueberries and winegrapes are now
available from the University of
California Cooperative Extension.
Each analysis is based upon hypothetical farm operations using
practices common in the region. Input and reviews were provided
by farm advisors, researchers, growers, farm accountants, pest
control advisers, consultants and other agricultural associates.
Assumptions used to identify current costs for the individual
crops, material inputs, cash and non-cash overhead are
described. A ranging analysis table shows profits over a range
of prices and yields. Other tables show the monthly cash costs,
the costs and returns per acre, hourly equipment costs, and the
whole farm annual equipment, investment, and business overhead
The new studies are:
Sample Costs to Produce Small Grain Silage, 2008, Southern
San Joaquin Valley by Steven D. Wright, Carol A. Collar,
Karen M. Klonsky, and Richard L. De Moura
Sample Costs to Produce Wheat for Grain, 2008, Southern San
Joaquin Valley by Steven D. Wright, Brian H. Marsh,
Tuilo B. Macedo, Karen M. Klonsky and Richard L. De Moura
Sample Costs to Produce Corn Silage -- Reduced Till, 2008,
Southern San Joaquin Valley by Carol A. Frate, Karen M.
Klonsky and Richard L. De Moura
Sample Costs to Establish and Produce Pasture, 2008,
Intermountain Region by David F. Lile, Daniel B. Marcum,
Donald L. Lancaster, Karen M. Klonsky and Pete Livingston
Sample Costs to Produce Potatoes, 2008 by Harry L.
Carlson, Karen M. Klonsky, and Pete Livingston
Sample Costs to Produce Organic Leaf Lettuce, 2009, Central
Coast by Laura Tourte, Richard F. Smith, Karen M.
Klonsky and Richard L. De Moura
Sample Costs to Establish and Produce Winegrapes (Cabernet
Sauvignon), 2009, North Coast -- Napa by Karen M.
Klonsky and Richard L. De Moura
Sample Costs to Establish and Produce Fresh Market
Blueberries, 2009, Southern San Joaquin Valley by Manuel
Jimenez, Karen M. Klonsky and Richard L. De Moura
All cost of production studies are available online at
http://coststudies.ucdavis.edu, at UC Cooperative Extension
offices or by calling (530) 752-1517.
For additional information on the studies, contact Richard De
Moura at
rdemoura@ucdavis.edu or Pete Livingston at
pete@primal.ucdavis.edu, in the UC Davis Department of
Agricultural and Resource Economics. |