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Western Australian Government / Department of Agriculture
August 09

Australian research project may help to breed more frost tolerant cereal varieties

Department of Agriculture, Western Australia extends public comment period for the review of the GM Crops Free Areas Act

July 09

Western Australia Department of Agriculture and Nufarm discontinue Wongan Hills canola trials due to lack of rainfall

Competitive crops called on to combat weeds

May 09

New research to unlock mystery of black pod syndrome in lupins

Authorised inspection officers are ready for Western Australia's first GM canola trials

Innovative new techniques to aid insect pest control

March 09

New GrainGuard co-ordinator for Western Australia

February 09

DAFWA agricultural scientist Dr Bill Bowden is GRDC Western Region Seed of Light winner

Malting barley Baudin and Gairdner remain popular with growers in Western Australia

Root lesion nematode research to aid crop management

Department of Agriculture releases CSIRO report on biofuel production in Western Australia

January 09

Trim seeds to fight weeds

Fusarium head blight detected in small number of wheat and barley samples in Western Australia

December 08

Western Australia approves limited commercial-size trials for GM canola

Indonesia looks to Western Australia’s seed potatoes

Western Australian lupin growers encouraged to have seed tested for manganese levels before next season

November 08

Western Australia lifts moratorium on commercial production of GM cotton

October 08

Farmer trading now permitted for Vlamingh barley seed in Western Australia

Department of Agriculture and Food grains extension officer Ian Pritchard to oversee pulse breeding in Western Australia

Western Australia Ag Department widening the search for exotic grain pests

September 08

Department of Agriculture, Western Australia undertakes research on how cereal crops respond to frost

New publication for Western Australian lupin farmers

Malting barley variety receival recommendations developed for the 2009-10 harvest

New model to forecast risk of bean yellow mosaic virus

August 08

Barley variety guide for Western Australia 2008

Western Australia Ag Department submits two barley varieties for commercial malting and brewing accreditation

June 08

Western Australia Ag Department cautions that re-seeding canola is not a viable option

Fungicide still required for disease resistant chickpeas

May 08

Course to assist Western Australian farmers in identification of crop and pasture plant diseases

Early sown canola could escape serious blackleg infection, says the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia

April 08

Invasive weed giant Parthenium hysterophorus found in Kimberley, Western Australia

Climate change moderates salinity in Western Australian agricultural areas

March 08

Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia releases Wheat Variety Guide 2008

Policy to keep silverleaf whitefly out of the Kimberley region of Western Australia

February 08

Successful introduction of virus testing into the seed potato certification schemes of Western Australia

Future climate to impact wheat production in Western Australia

New canola varieties prove more flexible and profitable for Western Australian growers

Vlamingh barley shows plenty of promise in Western Australia

Redlegged Earth Mite (Halotydeus destructor) resistance to insecticides spurs search for control options

Western Australia's Ag Department reminds graingrowers to have seed tested

January 08

Department of Agriculture, Western Australia hosts forum to discuss the future of the wheat industry

November 07

GRDC and Western Australian State Government form Intergrain Pty Ltd, responsible for future breeding and selection of superior Western Australian wheat varieties

October 07

End point royalty increase Wyalkatchem wheat

Western Australia's Grain Licensing Authority approves barley licences

Warmer weather slows down stripe rust in Western Australia

Research coordination meeting of FAO and IAEA to meet in Perth, Western Australia

September 07

New high yielding narrow-leafed lupin for Western Australia's southern coastal areas

August 07

Reports of bacterial stripe blight in oats in Western Australia

Western Autralian farmers urged to look for signs of stripe rust and wheat streak mosaic virus

Western Australia releases GM cotton report for public comment

June 07

Community in Western Australia asked to look out for Noogoora Burr seed

May 07

Western Australia looks to Europe for better weed control

Trial shipment of Western Australian seed potato to help boost market interest in Thailand

Trials confirm that the weed Paterson’s curse is resistant to herbicides

Increased sowing window for field peas in Western Australia

April 07

Promising new Victorian barley variety still undergoing commercial malting and pilot brewing trials

February 07

Gairdner and Baudin surpass Stirling as the most popular barley varieties grown in Western Australia

Dry season affects results of wheat trials in Western Australia

Delayed sowing is a worthwhile strategy for weed management in lupin crops

Barley varieties differ in their competitiveness against ryegrass

Western Australian farmers urged to pasture needs for 2007

Selecting the best seeding time is key to managing blackleg in canola

Australian field pea farmers losing yield to virus

Lucerne value in reducing salinity

‘Green bridge’ cereals and grasses are key to wheat streak

New lupins adapted to the south coast of Western Australia

January 07

Spaced out grain

December 06

Western Australian tomato growers on alert for potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd)

Western Australia's growers on alert for lettuce aphids

November 06

Ag Department announces open seed trading for several wheat, canola and lupin varieties in Western Australia

Field peas prove their worth in dry season in Western Australia's northeastern wheatbelt

October 06

DAFWA virus testing benefits potato industry in Western Australia

Paterson’s Curse, the noxious weed that plagues Australian pastures

Bulk seed test for wheat streak mosaic under development in Western Australia

September 06

Western Australian researcher to assist Indonesian vegetable industry

Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus detections over a wide area of the Western Australian wheat belt pose seed questions

Research work to be presented at the 15th annual Australian weeds conference

Researchers from Western Australia's Ag Department appealing for farmers to contribute weed seeds or mature seed heads

August 06

Healthy seed is key to wheat streak mosaic virus management

Early seed trading announcement for Mandelup lupins in Western Australia

July 06

Biological battle on ryegrass toxicity

June 06

Western Australian barley growers to target right protein levels for beer production

Western Australia's Ag Department launches new biofuel website

May 06

Western Australia border restrictions to protect from Tomato yellow leaf curl virus

Wheat streak mosaic virus quarantine restrictions end in Western Australia

Hamelin barley tough enough for metribuzin herbicide

Border restrictions to protect Western Australia from Tomato yellow leaf curl virus

Back to basics - key to field peas

Wheat streak mosaic virus should not affect seeding in Western Australia

Wheat streak mosaic virus found in Western Australia

Field pea planning pays off for Western Australian growers

April 06

Farmer trading of malting barley varieties Baudin and Hamelin authorized in Western Australia

Season plan to bean rust in Western Australia

Research station changes sought in Western Australia to expand field research capacity

March 06

Reducing the incidence of smut in barley crops in Western Australia

Danger year for risky wheat varieties in Western Australia

Targeting rust with fungicide in the lead up to seeding

Department of Agriculture Western Australia amends some of the conditions placed on growing soft wheat variety  EGA2248

Western Australia lupin taskforce examines crucial issues

Moves to cut high rust risk in Western Australia

Bees pollination of canola plants increases seed and oil production

Trials confirm summer weeds have major impact on wheat grain yield and protein

February 06

New Australian oat grain varieties stack up

Five years of ryegrass control in Western Australia

Field pea growers test new harvesting techniques

Alternative weed control in lupins

Emergency temporary measures on the importation of wheat seed to prevent the spead of Wheat streak mosaic virus into Western Australia

January 06

Fumigation with phosphine favoured throughout Australia

Bad bugs make good

December 05

Growers in Western Australia break field pea record

Western Australian field pea growers advised to get their seed tested for Pea seed-borne mosaic virus infection

Review of wheat streak mosaic virus threat to crops in Western Australia

Alliance brings tomato opportunities to Western Australian producers

Western Australia's Agriculture Minister announces GM reference group

November 05

Independent long-term animal feeding trial to gain data on the safety of GM food crops

Research being conducted in Australia into an early season biserrula variety

Lupins highly tolerant to the broadleaf herbicide metribuzin and carrying the anthracnose disease resistance gene

India looks to Western Australia’s Kaspa to meet field pea demand

Higher risk of stripe rust for most of Western Australia's grainbelt for 2006

Western Australia Department of Agriculture researcher Angelo Loi on low rainfall pasture

Pure varieties essential for malting barley

October 05

Lupins highly tolerant to metribuzin and carrying the anthracnose disease resistance gene

New Western Australian malting barley on the way

New crop breeding facility for Wongan Hills Research Station, Western Australia

Field peas prevent wind erosion

September 05

Successfully harvesting semi-leafless field peas

Western Australian sites used for disease resistance trials to be managed in line with GM protocols

New oat variety raises plenty of interest in Western Australia

Bedstraw plants confirmed in cereal crops in Western Australia

Stripe rust threat reappears in Western Australia

Looking out for Western Australia’s wildflowers

August 05

Western Australia's Ag Department releases first provisional milling quality dwarf oat

Western Australia’s Ag Department releases new high-yielding, rust resistant wheat variety

Lettuce leaf blight (Pythium tracheiphilum) discovered on two properties in Western Australia

Temperature-based model predicts timing of pea weevil infestations in field pea crops

First occurrence of wheat leaf rust reported in Western Australia this season

Good markets for field peas expected in Western Australia

Vigilance needed in Western Australia on tomato virus

July 05

Western Australia's potato industry gains from joint nematode research

Field pea rotations deliver results in Western Australia

Leaf spotting diseases provide early problem in Western Australia

Timely check reveals “growing” risk of rust infection in Western Australia's wheat belt

Advice rolls on for new field pea growers in Western Australia

Feeding stock field peas instead of lupins

Western Australian growers to gain from international barley introductions

June 05

Homegrown oats needed in Western Australia

Survey for potato-cyst nematode begins in Western Australia

Department of Agriculture, Western Australia offer web-based crop disease forecasting

USDA scientists share technologies with Department of Agriculture, Western Australia

Australia: summer produced seed of wheat, EGA Eagle Rock, may contain a very low presence of a Fusarium fungal species called Fusarium culmorum

May 05

Western Australia implements measures to minimise lettuce aphid risk

Western Australia issues warning about potential risks of weed seeds in imported pasture seed mixes

April 05

New integrated agricultural research institute in Western Australia names board

Western Australian wheat growers could look to lucerne to help boost wheat yields

Future demand for feed grain in Western Australia

Early rains modify rust risk assessment in Western Australia's wheatbelt

New soft wheat EGA 2248 leads to changes in 2005 production agreement for Western Australian growers

Long season wheat are ideal following rains, says the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia

Western Australia Ag Department concerned over the lack of seed testing this season

New website access for plant disease forecasting in Western Australia

Farmer to farmer trading of malting barley varieties Baudin and Hamelin authorized in Western Australia

March 05

Western Australian Government approves ratification of world’s first Emergency Plant Pest Response Deed

Western Australia Quarantine clamp down on unidentified seed consignments

In Western Australia, lack of green on St. Patrick's Day eases wheat rust risk for 2005

Western Australian growers cautioned about Possum oat classification

Western Australian oat grain production for 2005 cropping season

New hard wheats spark interest for 2005 wheat programs

Light and temperature are keys to weed seed dormancy

February 05

Essentials for ceral leaf disease management

Crop rotation is key to reducing nematode levels in cereal crops

Department of Agriculture, Western Australia seeks input on grain variety release process

Department of Agriculture identifies eight new bread wheat varieties with good herbicide tolerance

Field pea boom anticipated in Western Australia

New Western Australian wheat varieties suit common season break

Crop rotation is key to reducing nematode levels

Integrated approach to barley disease management

Sustainable stripe rust control in Western Australia’s grainbelt

New cultivar of eastern star clover to be released to Australian growers in 2006

January 05

Western Australia’s potato industry presents 'clean and green' image

December 04

New frontiers in annual ryegrass toxicity research

New wheat targets improved stripe rust resistance for low rainfall areas

Dry spring in Western Australia brings high screenings in barley

November 04

Western Australian farmers urged to watch out for annual ryegrass toxicity

Large scale variety testing of desi chickpea at Mullewa Research Station, Western Australia

Potentially serious weed, three-horned bedstraw, detected for the first time in the central wheatbelt of Western Australia

Western Australia on the verge of dramatic increase in production of field peas

October 04

Malting Barley Council of Western Australia downgrades Harrington and Unicorn barley to feed grade

Western Australian barley variety Hamelin achieves malting grade

Western Australia's Ag Department to release advanced version of Blackspot Manager, modelling tool to help minimise field pea crop damage from blackspot

New higher yielding pulse crops with better disease resistance and standing ability for Western Australian growers

Western Australian farmers can help annual ryegrass toxicity research

September 04

Field pea rotation combats nematodes

Integrated agricultural research institute to be established in Western Australia

Frost tolerant barley set for Western Australia

Rocky times for the genetic cradle of pasture genetic resources

Management strategies to prevent increase of horticultural pests

Hidden benefits of field peas

Fusarium management highlighted for summer croppers in Western Australia

Western Australian pasture legume in international spotlight

New field pea variety Kaspa has highest splitting yield

Western Australia's Grains Licensing Authority grants special licenses for feed barley

Australian plague locust information now available

Field peas is now the most widely adapted and highest yielding grain legume crop for Western Australia

Stripe rust front widens rapidly in Western Australia with the arrival of spring

Excellent biosecurity measures offer assurance for Western Australia's seed potato exports

August 04

New variety of Boronia to be launched in Western Australia

New strategy to help prevent diamondback moth from developing insecticide resistance

Western Australian plant breeders develop new narrow leaf lupin variety with better resistance to anthracnose

Kaspa, a new easy-to-harvest and high yielding variety, revitalises field pea industry in Western Australia

Western Australian growers taking a break in the northern hemisphere are advised to take extra precautions to ensure rust spores don’t travel home with them

Plan for fusarium management in Western Australia

July 04

New detection machines for skeleton weed introduced in Western Australia

Western Australian seed growers benefit from seed certification fee review

Nine new pasture legumes varieties set to benefit Western Australia sheep producers

Western Australian  researchers identify compound in smoke which promotes seed germination

June 04

Potato Virus Y eradicated from Western Australia

Western Australia's Grains Licensing Authority granted time extension in view of uncertainty about the size of this year’s crop

Western Australia helps develop world pest database

May 04

Fighting herbicide resistant weed with serradella pasture

April 04

Top performing wheats for Western Australia

Pre-seeding is a good time to consider biosecurity principle

Western Australia Ag Department identifies likely hotspots for rust infection in cereal volunteer paddocks in southern and eastern areas of the wheatbelt

March 04

Western Australia's Department of Agriculture launches new Pest and Disease Information Service

Potato spindle tuber viroid eradicated in a tomato crop north of Perth, Australia

GM food crops will not be grown in Western Australia

Record field pea harvest and growth in Western Australia

Early rust find reminds Western Australian growers to evaluate green bridge risk

Blackleg could be a major threat to the 2004 canola crop in Western Australia

Unravelling the mysteries of optimum seed rates

Oaten hay varieties for Western Australia

Farmer to farmer trading of Cassab lentils in Western Australia

February 04

Managing wheat yield reduction from wide rows

Malting barley: opting for Baudin or Gairdner

New wheat varieties perform well in Western Australia

Unravelling the mysteries of optimum seed rates

Stubble rentention boosts wheat yields

Longer storage and shipping life for cauliflowers

Western Australia's 2004 lupin crops at risk from Anthracnose infection

January 04

Staphylinid beetle on cauliflower crops in Western Australia

New canola variety performs under low rainfall in Western Australia

December 03

New legislation underpins Western Australia's GM-free status

New strain of stem rust affects Wyalkatchem wheat

International boost for Western Australia's plant breeding research

Annual Ryegrass Toxicity (ARGT) - a growing problem

November 03

Western Australia and China collaborate on new wheat and barley

Longer storage and shipping life for cauliflower

Western Australian wheat and barley varieties shine in sowing guide

Western Australia Ag Department makes eVariety Profiler for wheat available on CD

New tropical grasses for Australian livestock producers

October 03

Agreement on track for an integrated agricultural research institute in Western Australia

Improving the quality of seed production for key horticultural and pulse crops in Mauritius

Two new subterranean clovers introduced in Western Australia

WA Department of Agriculture introduces two new cultivars of hard seeded French serradella

Western Australian Lucerne Growers Inc. wins salinity award

Beer needs live barley

September 03

e-Variety Profiler for wheat in Western Australia

Western Australia delivers another premium barley interstate

First stripe rust find of the season prompts Western Australian grain growers to check their crops

Proposed new barley breeding joint venture to benefit Australian industry

August 03

New Australian wheats for Asian markets

Recognizing root lesion and cereal cyst nematodes

Superior field peas in the spotlight in Western Australia

Partnership speeds return of Albus lupins to Western Australia’s lupin growers

July 03

New varieties of chickpea with greater ascochyta resistance

Soft wheat plan for Japan

Herbicide options for field peas

May 03

Tank mixes of fungicide and herbicide damage chickpeas

White Blister Rust threat to broccoli and cauliflower in Western Australia

Western Australia Department of Agriculture leads the way in developing diagnostic techniques for Karnal bunt in wheat

Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus update in West Australia - Changes to interstate quarantine measures and sowing restrictions

Perennial grasses promise win-win opportunities for Western Australian farmers

Focus on future of field peas

Western Australia Ag Department implements quarantine measures and sowing restrictions following interstate discovery of Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus

More daisies: more choice and less water

Double knockdown herbicides to manage glyphosate resistance in ryegrass

Implications of new strain of blackleg for 2003 in Western Australia

Learning focus on nitrogen and wheat protein

Organic and Biodynamic Conference for Western Australia

Western Australia Department of Agriculture provides clarification on seed trading restrictions

Yellow lupin industry looms for Western Australia's wheatbelt

Western Australian vegetable growers learn more at diamondback moth meetings

April 03

Update on Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus in Australia

Gaining the whip hand with ryegrass

Australian research combats glyphosate-resistant ryegrass

Trial test kit for early detection of Chocolate Spot (Botrytis fabae)

Permit issued in Australia for stripe rust fungicide on wheat

Check root disease levels prior to sowing

March 03

Reviving the albus lupin industry

Barley development officer recognised

Australian researchers leading the fight against brassica disease

Biotechnology boost for Western Australia wheat

New hardseeded French serradella cultivars

February 03

Australian Cereal Rust Control Program established at the University of Sydney

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