Perth, Western Australia
March 22, 2004
Western Australia's Premier Geoff
Gallop announced this morning that the entire State would be
legally declared a GM-free area in order to protect the State's
'clean and green' status.
Western Australia's agri-food sector currently contributes
$9.2billion to the State's economy and employs 10 per cent of
the workforce.
Dr Gallop said the decision would ensure the State's farmers
were able to continue marketing GM-free produce and seek out new
markets with confidence.
The cautious approach was also reflective of overwhelming public
opinion in WA and consumer sentiment around the world.
"This Government was elected on a platform that included a
five-year moratorium on the growing of GM food crops for
commercial purposes," the Premier said.
"During the past three years public opinion in Western Australia
has further strengthened against the intrusion of GM technology
into the food chain.
"Farmers and consumers have told us in no uncertain terms that
the priority must be to maintain our hard-earned international
reputation for supplying clean, green produce.
"At some point in the future an over-riding argument to embrace
GM technology in our food production may emerge, but for now we
remain cautious and protective of our important overseas
The Premier said WA was not turning its back on scientific
research and would continue to be involved in important
biotechnological projects.
"There remain many unanswered questions over the use of GM
technology and our decision will continue to allow contained
laboratory research or small field trials," he said.
Western Australia's legislation allows for possible exemptions
to be granted in the future.
The current national agreement gives the Commonwealth the power
to regulate on health and environmental grounds and allows a
State to ban GM crops for marketing purposes.
Dr Gallop said there was bipartisan political support in Western
Australia for the Government's approach to the GM issue as
reflected by the recent passage of the GM Crops Free Areas Act
A Parliamentary report completed last year also expressed
serious concern that Western Australia's reputation for clean
and green GM-free products should not be tarnished. |