South Perth, Western Australia
February 17, 2005
Research by
the Department of
Agriculture, Western Australia on new bread wheats has
identified eight varieties with good herbicide tolerance.
research officer Harmohinder Dhammu (photo) presented the
findings at the Agribusiness Crop Updates this week, which are
supported by the Department and the
Grains Research and Development
Corporation (GRDC).
“We examined 10 wheat varieties sown in June at
Merredin and Mullewa, including two new varieties which are yet
to be released by the Department,” Dr Dhammu said.
Registered varieties that demonstrated good
tolerance to all the herbicides and herbicide mixtures tested
include Department varieties Wyalkatchem and EGA Blanco, Bonnie
Rock, and Castlerock and Grain Biotech Australia’s varieties GBA
Ruby and GBA Sapphire.
“None of the
herbicides/ herbicide mixtures evaluated had any significant
negative affect on grain yield.
“GBA Shenton demonstrated some sensitivity to the
herbicide Dicamba if applied above the registered rate.”
A limited evaluation of EGA Eagle Rock on plots
at Mullewa showed sensitivities to Hussar and phenoxy
herbicides, but Dr Dhammu said due to the sample restrictions,
the result should be taken with caution.
Most of the
herbicides were tested at the high label rates, but some of the
herbicides were tested above the label rates to further test
herbicide tolerance levels of the new varieties to help change
the label for better weed control.
Full details of
the study will be available following the conference on the
Department’s website. |