Western Australia
October 5, 2006
Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) supported
research into developing a wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) seed
test has taken on a new importance after the disease was found
throughout the Western Australian wheatbelt.
The Department of
Agriculture and Food, Western Australia (DAFWA) is
developing the seed test, which should be available in time to
test samples from 2006 harvested seed.
GRDC Crop Protection Manager John Sandow said although the
epidemiology of the disease was still poorly understood,
avoiding sowing contaminated seed may greatly assist disease
The ability to detect the disease in bulk seed samples could
therefore be an important tool for minimizing WSMV damage in
wheat crops.
He said the virus could already be detected in small samples and
a bulk seed test was now well on the way.
“DAFWA is now optimising and scaling up the procedure for
testing bulk seed samples and hopes to have a test available by
the end of the year,” Mr Sandow said.
Overseas experience suggests chemical control of the WSMV vector
is unlikely to be effective and with the WSMV resistance status
of Australian wheat varieties uncertain, developing the seed
test is a priority.
The only other strategies recommended to help avoid WSMV were to
destroy a green bridge and avoid sowing early when temperatures
favoured mite activity.
Mr Sandow said growers in the Merredin area had indicated
considerable interest in using the testing service when
It is likely WSMV entered the Merredin area through the sowing
of infected seed.
When the seed test is available, growers will send seed samples
AGWEST Plant Laboratories.
According to DAFWA, locations with positive WSMV detections as
at September 25 include Dongara, Wongan Hills, Goomalling,
Quairading, Kellerberrin, Koorda, Trayning, Burracoppin, Moorine
Rock, Merredin, Hyden, Narembeen, Karlgarin, Corrigin, Nyabing,
Lake King and the Esperance area (Gibson, Scadden and Yerritup). |