August 09
U.K. Department for
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and Food Standards
Agency (FSA) publish reports on GM food and animal feed
Bayer CropScience and China
National Rice Research Institute sign agreements for rice
research and development
Bayer CropScience und
chinesisches Reisinstitut CNRRI vereinbaren Zusammenarbeit
UC Davis establishes
the European Plant Breeding Academy
Deutsche Landwirte
erzielen große Rapsernte: erstmals 6 Mio. Tonnen zum Greifen nah
British Crop
Production Council (BCPC) urges Minister to challenge Brussels
on GM legislation
European Food Safety
Authority (EFSA) specifies the requirements for safety
assessment of GM plants used for non-food or non-feed purposes
European Food Safety
Authority (EFSA) proposes new acute risk assessment for
Kennzeichnungspflicht für Waldsaatgut
Syngenta launches
unique crop protection formulation robot
Radical rethink of
food production required, says UK's Department for Environment,
Food and Rural Affairs
- Scottish Crop
Research Institute chief comments on UK food consultation
Potato blight
plight looks promising for food security
Zero tolerance
for non-authorised GM plants in the European Union once
again under discussion
UK’s biggest
potato industry field event set to grow
Devgen nv and
its partner for Turkey, Dogal A.S., receive regulatory
approval for Devgen's nematicide product in Turkey and
launch the product under the brand name Devguard
Syngenta to
acquire Monsanto's global sunflower assets
Syngenta to
acquire Monsanto’s hybrid sunflower seeds activities -
further strengthening its leading sunflower business
Syngenta erwirbt Aktivitäten in
Hybrid-Sonnenblumensaatgut von Monsanto – weiterer Ausbau
des führenden Sonnenblumengeschäfts
Syngenta rachète les activités de semences de tournesol
hybrides de Monsanto, renforçant davantage sa position de
leader sur le marché du tournesol
Incendie d'origine vraisemblablement criminelle chez Agri
Obtentions (AFP)
Vilmorin sales
for fiscal year 2008-2009
Chiffre d’affaires annuel 2008-2009 de Vilmorin
Centro de
Tecnologia Canavieira and BASF enter technical cooperation
agreement in sugarcane
Centro de Tecnologia Canavieira und BASF unterzeichnen
Kooperationsvereinbarung für Zuckerrohr
Monsanto and
TwistDx begin field trials of rapid diagnostic tests for
more efficient delivery of biotech crops
The UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) report on the health
benefits of organic versus conventional food
July 09
Re-evaluation of
genetically modified maize MON810: EFSA to invite
stakeholders to meeting in September for scientific
discussion on its opinion
European Food
Safety Authority experts aim to harmonise GMO data analysis
Expert group seeks
to speed Integrated Pest Management in Europe
UC Davis partners
with European institutions and associations to offer the
European Plant Breeding Academy, starting in March 2010
Interim report for
the second quarter of 2009: Bayer robust in a difficult
Zwischenbericht zum 2. Quartal 2009: Bayer robust in
schwierigem Umfeld'
Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit
fördert Forschungsprojekt zum verbesserten Nachweis von
gentechnisch veränderten Organismen
Reasoned opinion of EFSA:
Modification of
the existing MRLs for boscalid in gherkins and courgettes
New strategic
grass breeding contract between partners in Great Britain:
Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI), Agricultural and
Rural Development (DARD) and Royal Barenbrug Group
University of
Leicester research paves way for first ever use in Europe of
an insect to fight invasive plant species
BASF improves
earnings after weak start to the year
BASF verbessert Ergebnis nach schwachem Jahresstart
Germany, Central
Commission for Biological Safety: No new evidence of
environmental risks through genetically modified maize
KWS LOCHOW legt bei Wintergerste und Triticale nach -
Pünktlich zur kommenden Aussaat wurden die mehrzeilige
Wintergerste Semper und die Triticalesorte Cosinus
Caussade Semences
s'affiche plus que jamais en tant que semencier
multi-espèces au service des éleveurs
Pflanzenforschung elementar für innovative Pflanzenzüchtung
Syngenta half year
results 2009
Forscher kritisieren MON810-Verbot - "Geringer Respekt
gegenüber wissenschaftlichen Fakten"
Zweiter Runder
Tisch zur Grünen Gentechnik - Bundesforschungsministerin
sieht "Fortschritte"
Los países de la
UE no logran acuerdo para aprobar tres tipos de transgénicos
“La EFSA no está
ni a favor ni en contra de los transgénicos”
Sakata announces
the divestment of Sakata Ornamentals UK Ltd. in the United
National Research
Council of Canada’s Plant Biotechnology Institute (NRC-PBI)
and Holland's Centre for BioSystems Genomics sign
international research cooperation agreement on plant
Raps bleibt
Beizschutz - Saatgutbeizung von Seed Solutions, tailor-made
innovations powered by BASF
European Food Safety
Updating the opinion related to the revision of Annexes II
and III to Council Directive 91/414/EEC concerning the
placing of plant protection products on the market
European Food Safety
Application (Reference EFSA-GMO-CZ-2006-33) for the placing
on the market of the insect-resistant and
glyphosate-tolerant genetically modified maize MON 88017 x
MON 810, for food and feed uses, import and processing under
Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 from Monsanto
European Food Safety
Application (Reference EFSA-GMO-UK-2005-11) for the placing
on the market of insect-resistant genetically modified maize
MIR604 event, for food and feed uses, import and processing
under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 from Syngenta Seeds S.A.S
on behalf of Syngenta Crop Protection AG
BCPC Congress and
Exhibition: where the global crop production industry means
Limagrain neemt Clovis
Matton over
Long-term cooperation
with leading Australian research institute CSIRO: Bayer
CropScience expands global R&D activities in seeds and traits by
setting up new research focus area in cereals - Superior
solutions for wheat farmers could be available as early as 2015
Langfristige Zusammenarbeit mit führendem australischem
Forschungsinstitut CSIRO: Bayer CropScience weitet Forschung und
Entwicklung auf Getreide-Saatgut als weitere Kernkultur aus Neue
Lösungen für den Weizenanbau könnten bereits 2015 verfügbar sein
Glimmer of hope in fight against
iron deficiency: ETH Zurich scientists have developed rice
plants that contain six times more iron in polished rice kernels
Hoffnungsschimmer im
Kampf gegen Eisenmangel: ETH Zürich Wissenschaftlern ist es
gelungen, den Eisengehalt in polierten Reiskörnern auf das
Sechsfache zu steigern
UK's National
Institute of Agricultural Botany welcomes EFRA Committee support
for agricultural research
Forschung Grüne
Gentechnik: "Ich sehe einen großen Bedarf an Wissensvermittlung"
International Seed Trade Conference (ECOSA 2009) to be held
December 2-4, 2009 in Antalya, Turkey
transgénicos, mitos y realidades
Rust alert on sugar
beet in the United Kingdom
Sakata announces the
divestment of Frisa Planter A/S
biedt grote voordelen
Registran dos nuevas
variedades de arroz en Andalucía
Los transgénicos,
alimentos seguros en calidad y en cantidad
Research Centre of the EU Commission:
Regional differences
in gene technology policy lead to problems in the agriculture
Feed prices in the
European Union may rise due to the EU zero tolerance on not yet
authorized GM plants, fears the European Compound Feed
Manufacturers’ Federation (FEFAC)
Canada and European
Communities end WTO agricultural biotech dispute - EU approval
system for ag biotech products continues to be “broken”
Syngenta to boost
pollinators across Europe
EFSA launches project
to predict the effect of climate change on aflatoxin B1 in
La UE alerta de
posible crisis en el sector de la carne por trabas a los OGM
Opposition decreasing
or acceptance increasing? An overview of European consumer polls
on attitudes to GMOs
GMO compass note une progression des opinions favorables sur
les OGM en Europe
Près de 9 000 emplois
saisonniers créés par les agriculteurs adhérents de Limagrain,
durant 10 jours, sur 6 000 ha de semences de maïs
CiU PSC y PP rechazan
declarar Cataluña libre de transgénicos
European Union JRC report:
The global pipeline of
new GM crops: implications of asynchronous approval for
international trade
Final call for papers
- Seed Symposium of the 29th ISTA Congress 2010
Scientists uses new
type of genetic modification to developing salt-tolerant crops
Größte Saatgutanlage
der Welt von BEA Electrics komplett elektrotechnisch
New national genome
centre launched in the United Kingdom
UK Department for
Environment, Food And Rural Affairs statement on high court
perticides judicial review
USDA/FAS GAIN reports:
- Czech scientists
recommend better EU biotech policy
- German court
confirms cultivation ban of MON 810
Avis de l’AESA sur le
renouvellement de l’autorisation du maïs MON 810 : « les
conclusions du Conseil des ministres européens de
l’Environnement doivent être respectées »
Roadmap to boost the
European agro-food industry
Science, climate
change and the food supply
zu gentechnisch veränderten Pflanzen: Wozu? Von wem? Wie
New, highly
contagious strains of potato virus Y in Switzerland
In Deutschland
richten Feldzerstörer nun auch Gewalt gegen Menschen
Deutscher Pflanzenzüchter e.V. (BDP) und AgroSojus, der
Verband der kasachischen Saatgutwirtschaft, unterzeichnen
„Memorandum über Zusammenarbeit und gegenseitiges
Crean robots
aéreos para detectar las necesidades hídricas de los
GIPB, Global
Partnership Initiative for Plant Breeding Capacity Building,
launches updated website
Marco van Leeuwen
succeeds Anton van Doornmalen as Rijk Zwaan's commercial
Renewed approval
of genetically modified maize MON810: European Food Safety
Authority has no reservations
Neuzulassung von
gentechnisch verändertem Mais MON810: Positive Bewertung
durch die EFSA
June 09
Kein Anbau von
gentechnisch verändertem Saatgut in Österreich:
Unbedenklichkeitserklärung der EFSA ändert nichts an der
österreichischen Position
Tomatoes and products
annual, Turkey
Neuer Tarifabschluss
für die KWS SAAT AG
IFC investment of $10
million in May-Agro Tohumculuk San. Tic. A.S will support
agribusiness R&D in Turkey
The return of the
bendy cucumber: 'wonky' fruit and vegetables back on sale in the
European Union from July 1st
Monsanto products
reach regulatory milestones in the European Union
European consumers
will now be able to see fruit and vegetables as nature intended
Más que un campo de
ensayo: Viridalia 09
Monsanto and Bayer
CropScience sign cross licensing agreement on herbicide
tolerance traits in canola
Bayer CropScience und Monsanto schließen Lizenzabkommen über
Austausch von Herbizid-Toleranz für Raps/Canola
Zwischenfall beim
Feldexperiment mit gentechnisch verändertem Weizen in Pully
Ökolandbau in
Deutschland trotzt der Wirtschaftskrise
Neue UFOP-Broschüre
„Pilzkrankheiten und Schädlinge bei Süßlupinenarten“ erschienen
Nationale Anbauverbote
für gentechnisch veränderte Pflanzen: Ende der politischen
Blockade in der EU?
GVO-Zulassungsverfahren in der EU: Die nächste Reform?
The unexplored
potential of organic-biotech production
Development of
vegetable seed varieties for the Mediterranean Basin: Bayer
CropScience unit Nunhems opens research & development station in
La Palma-Cartagena/Spain
Entwicklung neuer Gemüsesorten für die Mittelmeerregion:
Bayer CropScience eröffnet Forschungs- und
Entwicklungseinrichtung in La Palma-Cartagena/Spanien
New choices for corn and soybean
farmers worldwide: Bayer CropScience and DuPont expand
collaboration with broad license agreements
Neue Optionen für
Mais- und Sojabohnen-Farmer weltweit: Bayer CropScience und
DuPont bauen Zusammenarbeit mit umfangreichen Lizenzabkommen aus
Le Groupe Limagrain
ambitionne de devenir un expert du blé d’envergure mondiale
Groupe Limagrain is set to become a world expert in wheat
Major challenges for
the Irish tillage sector
EuropaBio elects Dr.
Andrea Rappagliosi as its new chairman
White Book on
genetically modified crops - Scientific opinions of Czech
researchers working with GMO
Bílá kniha o Geneticky modifikovaných plodinách
Austria y otros 10
países de la UE reclaman poder decidir el cultivo de OGM
Reasoned opinion of the European
Food Safety Authority:
Modification of the existing MRLs for trifloxystrobin in
parsnips, parsley root, salsify, swedes and turnips
Serbia: new law
prohibits trade or commercial growing of GMO
Destruction of biotech
fields continues in Germany
British Crop Production
Council announces new Board member
Easing the way for
biological controls - An ENDURE interview with Bernard Blum,
head of international affairs at the International
Biocontrol Manufacturers Association (IBMA)
April 2008 wheat field
trial destruction in Gatersleben, Germany: court says that GM
opponents must pay compensation
From the pipeline: 250
new Pioneer Hi-Bred products for the 2009 planting season
Bundessortenamt - Das aktuelle Blatt für Sortenwesen
Wetterextreme stellen
Landwirte und Züchter vor große Aufgaben - Ein effektiver
Sortenschutz ist die Voraussetzung für die Innovationskraft in
der Züchtung
INRA technology:
Gene conferring
resistance to Aphis gossypii - Novel methods for combating
Erstmals Satelliten
gesteuerte Aussaat der Maisversuche des Instituts für
Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzüchtung
Erster Preis für
familienfreundliche KWS
European Food Safety Authority
(EFSA): New members
for GMO Panel
Neue Mitglieder im
Expertengremium für Gentechnik
Biology Centre of the
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic publishes “White Book:
genetically modified crops, EU regulations and research
experience from the Czech Republic”
Basis for potato
blight control becomes visible
Spread of ramularia
leaf spot on barley in the United Kingdom
British Society of
Plant Breeders calls for £20 million R & D funding boost
Italy, tomato
annual report
Dynamic conference
programme developed for the British Crop Production Council
Graines Voltz -
Résultats semestriels au 31 mars 2009
Einblicke in die
praktische Pflanzenzüchtung
European Food
Safety Authority reconfirms the safety of Amflora, BASF’s
genetically modified potato
EFSA bestätigt erneut die Sicherheit von Amflora, der
gentechnisch veränderten Kartoffel von BASF
European Food
Safety Authority evaluates antibiotic resistance marker
genes in GM plants
presentation of the joint Scientific Opinion of the GMO and
BIOHAZ Panels on the “Use of Antibiotic Resistance Genes as
Marker Genes in Genetically Modified Plants” and the
Scientific Opinion of the GMO Panel on “Consequences of the
Opinion on the Use of Antibiotic Resistance Genes as Marker
Genes in Genetically Modified Plants on Previous EFSA
Assessments of Individual GM Plants” - Statement of EFSA and
joint GMO and BIOHAZ opinion
Malting spring
barley Quench wins NIAB Cereals Cup
Agrarwirtschaft – Pflanzenzüchter sind gefordert
Dumpfe Parolen
lösen nicht die drängenden Fragen der Zukunft
Bundesministerin Aigner fordert Änderung des europäischen
Limagrain start
diervoederproeven bij Schothorst Feed Research
Monsanto and BASF
scientists disclose discovery of gene conferring drought
tolerance in corn plants
Monsanto und BASF legen Entdeckung eines Gens offen, das Mais
vor Trockenheit schützt
European Union losing
out on contributions to sustainable farming from biotech traits
- New PG Economics study shows GM insect resistant maize has
delivered important economic and environmental benefits but only
a small part of the potential benefit is currently being
La Universidad de
Almería define un nuevo traje de protección destinado a la
aplicación de pesticidas en invernaderos y climas cálidos
KWS Feldversuche in
Dreileben neu angelegt
La coexistence des
cultures OGM et non OGM est possible, et les modalités doivent
en être établies au cas par cas
México prepara
cultivos experimentales de maíz transgénico para fines de 2009
Saatgutaufbereitungsanlage der Raiffeisen Waren-Zentrale in
Meckenheim kurz vor Fertigstellung
Coexistence et
traçabilité des filières OGM et non OGM : conférence finale
du programme européen Co-Extra coordonné par l’INRA
La Suisse renforce
son engagement pour la conservation des ressources
Die Schweiz verstärkt Engagement zur Erhaltung
pflanzengenetischer Ressourcen
La Svizzera intensifica l'impegno per la conservazione delle
risorse fitogenetiche
Devgen strengthens
its Board of Directors with the addition of Orlando de Ponti
and Rudi Mariën
and Seed Technology announces "Focus2 Grow", Innovation in
Seed Treatment, an informative program
Limagrain adopte
la technologie I-SceI de Cellectis pour des utilisations
commerciales dans les plantes
Limagrain takes a commercial license to Cellectis’ I-SceI
meganuclease technology for use in plants
aplicada a la agricultura, presente y futuro
May 09
European Food Safety Authority
(EFSA): Application
(EFSA-GMO-RX-1507) for renewal of authorisation for the
continued marketing of existing products produced from maize
1507 for feed use, under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 from
Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc./Mycogen Seeds
European Food Safety Authority
(EFSA): Applications
(references EFSA-GMO-NL-2005-22, EFSA-GMO-RX-NK603) for the
placing on the market of the genetically modified glyphosate
tolerant maize NK603 for cultivation, food and feed uses, import
and processing and for renewal of the authorisation of maize
NK603 as existing products, both under Regulation (EC) No
1829/2003 from Monsanto
Limagrain introduceert
nieuwe groenbemesters
Fungal diseases on
cereal crops in China, Ireland
OGM - Pour une
transparence non discriminatoire
Easy access to plant
protection news: European Network for the Durable Exploitation
of Crop Protection Strategies launches its new website
Anbau von gentechnisch
verändertem Mais MON810 in Deutschland 2009 endgültig verboten
- Entscheidung des
Oberverwaltungsgerichts Lüneburg über Beschwerde von Monsanto
KWS SAAT AG erhöht
Jahresprognose nach guten Q3-Zahlen - Wachstum in den neun
Monaten des laufenden Geschäftsjahres stärker als erwartet
KWS SAAT AG raises annual
forecast after good Q3 figures - Growth in the first nine months
of the current fiscal year stronger than anticipated
BASF Experteninterview:
Prof. Joseph-Alexander
Verreet, Institut für Phytopathologie der Universität Kiel, zur
Bedeutung des Klimawandels im Hinblick auf den Fungizideinsatz
Scientific report of
EFSA prepared by the GMO Unit on Public Consultation on the
Updated Guidance Document of the Scientific Panel on Genetically
Modified Organisms (GMO) for the risk assessment of genetically
modified plants and derived food and feed
BBSRC launches
consultation on future research for food security
National Institute of
Agricultural Botany (NIAB) adds three special-use varieties to
the 2009 Herbage Recommended List
BASF unveils new cereal
seed treatment from its Seed Solutions pipeline
BASF führt neue Getreide-Saatgutbeize aus der
SeedSolutions-Pipeline ein
Wirtschaftsminister besucht KWS
Schwellenwerte für
Saatgut dringend erforderlich
Milestone for the cotton-pipeline:
U.S. Department of Agriculture grants approval for Bayer
CropScience’s GlyTol cotton technology
Wichtiger Schritt
für das Baumwoll-Geschäft: US-Landwirtschaftsministerium
genehmigt Baumwoll-Technologie GlyTol von Bayer CropScience
BASF podcast:
Plant health - Fit with
OGM: le ciel de la
"culture" ne s'éclaircit pas
Runder Tisch zur Grünen Gentechnik
in Deutschland:
Bundeslandwirtschaftministerin Aigner startet gesellschaftlichen
- Runder Tisch zur
Grünen Gentechnik muss zur Versachlichung der Debatte führen,
sagt Bundesverband Deutscher Pflanzenzüchte
Dieckmann Seeds im
Mittelpunkt der deutschen Saatgutwirtschaft -
Landwirtschaftsminister lobt Unternehmergeist
EMBRAPA and Plant
Bioscience Limited forge technology development and
commercialisation partnership
Aberystwyth University
awarded £1.6 million to develop a physical map of the ryegrass
£1.6 miliwn i ddatblygu map ffisegol o genom rhygwellt
Advanced priming
available for European sugar beet industry: Seed Support,
Coating Supply and ASTEC will license sugar beet priming in
Sicherung des
Innovationsstandortes Deutschland gefordert - Eine gemeinsame
Stellungnahme zur Grünen Gentechnik aller maßgeblichen
Institutio-nen von der Züchtung über die Landwirtschaft bis hin
zur Lebensmittelwirtschaft
UFOP-Vorstand begrüßt
deutliche Verbesserungen bei heimischen Körnerleguminosen im
Rahmen von Agrarumweltprogrammen
INCOTEC is sponsor of
the ISF 2009 golf tournament in Antalya, Turkey
Devgen reports
significant milestones achieved in Q1
Accession of the Slovak
Republic to the 1991 Act of the UPOV Convention
Beitritt der Slowakischen Republik zur Akte von 1991 des
Adhesión de la República Eslovaca al Acta de 1991 del Convenio
de la UPOV
Adhésion de la République slovaque à la Convention UPOV
New strain of stripe
rust on wheat in the United Kingdom
Führungswechsel in der
Abteilung Mais des Bundesverbandes Deutscher
SeedGard with
ThermoSeed technology rewarded as one of the most promising
Bayer CropScience signs
research agreement with Innovative Vector Control Consortium
Bayer CropScience unterzeichnet Forschungsvereinbarung mit
dem britischen IVCC
EuropaBio applauds UK
efforts to place industrial biotech at the center of a low
carbon economy
National Institute of
Agricultural Botany (NIAB) and The Arable Group (TAG) in merger
talks to create national trials and crop research centre
Nüsslein-Volhard: "Das Verbot des Anbaus von Bt-Mais ist ein
erschreckendes Signal."
Devgen and Leads Agri
sign agreement for distribution of Devgen's hybrid rice seed
products in the Philippines
Las modificaciones
genéticas de las plantas que comemos
Warum reagieren Sorten
How to strengthen the
voice of biosafety research in the public debate on GM plants
Union zur Förderung von
Oel- und Proteinpflanzen unterstützt Qualitätsoffensive der
Ölmühlen bei Rapssaat
Deliberate releases and placing on the EU market of GMOs:
2 new summary
notifications have been published
Florensis, Graines Voltz and
Ball Horticultural Company announce that they are in
discussions to combine forces in the European market
Ball Ducrettet
rejoint Graines Voltz dans le cadre d'un rapprochement européen
avec Ball et Florensis
Marktleiders bundelen
Europese activiteiten
Seed Biotechnology
Center at UC Davis to expand and establish the European
Plant Breeding Academy
Rijk Zwaan offers prospects
for convenience sector
Rijk Zwaan biedt
perspectief aan convenience sector
New GMO law still
to be enforced in Bosnia and Herzegovina while import ban
Mitgliederversammlung des Bundesverbandes Deutscher
Pflanzenzüchter - Vielfältige mittelständische
Pflanzenzüchtung braucht verlässlichen Rahmen und ein auf
die Zukunft ausgerichtetes Sorten- und Saatgutwesen
Dr. Kartz von Kameke
als Vorsitzender des Bundesverbandes Deutscher Pflanzenzüchter
Pol Peron, De
Ruiter Seeds Marketing & Sales Manager for France & Morocco,
passes away
Décès de Pol Peron, directeur des Ventes et du marketing
chez De Ruiter Seeds France & Maroc
Asociación Española
de Bioempresas defiende la libertad del agricultor para
elegir el tipo de variedades que quiere cultivar
Bayer CropScience
to invest in Plant Health Research
Bayer CropScience investiert in Forschung für
Bayer CropScience: New
fungicidal active ingredient fluopyram strengthens product
Fungizidwirkstoff Fluopyram soll Produktportfolio stärken
Bayer CropScience to extend its
plant biotechnology research in the United States
Bayer CropScience
baut die Forschung für Pflanzen-Biotechnologie in den USA aus
Deliberate releases and placing on the EU market of GMOs:
2 new
summary notifications have been published
Vilmorin: Sales at
the end of the 3rd quarter 2008-2009
Chiffre d'affaires à la fin du 3ème trimestre 2008-2009
zwischen KWS und RAGT neu geordnet
Le nouveau pôle
recherche européen en céréales RAGT a été inauguré à
Ickleton au Royaume-Uni
European Food
Safety Authority updates on its work on antibiotic
resistance marker genes (ARMG) in GM plants
Laboratories announces new strategic alliance with world
class specialty fertilizer manufacturer
KWS Saat AG gewinnt
Preis zu energieoptimiertem Bauen -
Bundeswirtschafts-ministerium zeichnet den Speicherumbau der
KWS aus
United Kingdom's
NIAB investigates potential new race of yellow rust on
winter wheat
Anbauverbot von
MON810 in Deutschland: Folgen für die Wissenschaft
BMELV-Forschungsprogramm Koexistenz: "Unsere Versuche sind
nur unter Verwendung von Bt-Mais sinnvoll"
Fungal diseases on
cereal crops in France, Germany
europeos a favor de la libertad de elección en las formas de
cultivo para sus tierras
Rijk Zwaan shows
range at Chinese vegetable trade fair
Rijk Zwaan toont assortiment op Chinese groentebeurs
April 09
Opposition decreasing
or acceptance increasing? An overview of European consumer polls
on attitudes to GMOs
Personnel changes at
BASF Plant Science: Dr. Hans Kast to retire, Dr. Peter Eckes to
become new President and CEO
£3.5million grant to
tackle late blight
Aktiver Einsatz für
eine verbesserte Bienensicherheit bei der Rapsaussaat
Inauguration of the
Biotechnology and Genomic Center for Plants at the Technical
University of Madrid
Inauguración del Centro de Biotecnología y Genómica de
Court victory for Bayer
CropScience: counterfeiters of crop protection products
convicted on grounds of health risk
Bayer CropScience
vor Gericht erfolgreich: Fälscher von Pflanzenschutzmitteln
wegen Gesundheitsgefährdung verurteilt
First quarter
2009/Annual Meeting of BASF SE - BASF shows strength in global
España quiere estar a
la vanguardia de la biotecnología agrícola
Bayer interim report
for the first quarter of 2009
Sugar beets and sugar
situation in the Ukraine during the economic crisis
Schutz des Geistigen
Eigentums - Züchtung für eine wettbewerbsfähige Landwirtschaft
Neue Versuchsreihe
mit Bt-Mais - Verschiedene Sorten im Vergleich
zu gentechnisch verändertem Mais - Besetztes Versuchsfeld in
Braunschweig geräumt
Sources of late
blight on potato in the United Kingdom
Los europeos demandan
más información sobre los OMG
Monsanto files suit
in Germany against cultivation ban for genetically modified
maize MON810
Los agricultores
españoles tienen derecho a acceder a las innovaciones
biotecnológicas para aumentar sus producciones y mejorar
Científicos andaluces
sitúan el ricino como la planta más idónea para producir aceite
de uso industrial
Rust diseases on
wheat in the United Kingdom and Pakistan
genehmigt Freisetzung der gentechnisch veränderten
Kartoffelsorte „Amflora“
- Alemania
autoriza el cultivo de patata transgénica días después de
prohibir el maíz argumentando riesgo medioambiental
Devgen and
Monsanto update research and technology agreement; Devgen
receives payment of EUR 20M
statement regarding Mon810 maize in Germany
Vilmorin renforce
ses positions mondiales en tomates et piments
Vilmorin strengthens its worldwide position in tomatoes
and peppers
Vilmorin adquiere GenTropic Seeds en Guatemala
Transgenes Saatgut
spielt für Ernährungssicherung nur indirekt eine Rolle
Zusammenfassung des
TAB-Arbeitsberichts Nr. 128: Transgenes Saatgut in
Entwicklungsländern – Erfahrungen, Herausforderungen,
Perspektiven - Endbericht zum TA-Projekt »Auswirkungen des
Einsatzes transgenen Saatguts auf die wirtschaftlichen,
gesellschaftlichen und politischen Strukturen in
Summary of TAB working report No. 128: Transgenic seeds in
developing countries – experience, challenges, perspectives -
Final report on the TA project »Effects of using transgenic
seeds on the economic, social and political structures in
developing countries«
Paul Christou
defiende la naturalidad de los transgénicos
Una carta para
Ministra Federal Aigner
Embrapa Algodão e
CIRAD renovam parceria franco-brasileira de pesquisa com
Enforcement now the
prevailing intellectual property trade policy priority for the
European Union and the US
La France lance le
Haut-Conseil des biotechnologies, instance d’évaluation,
d’expertise et de concertation sur les biotechnologies
- Réaction des
semenciers à la création du Haut Conseil des biotechnologies
Strengthening rice research: Bayer
CropScience and Evogene to extend collaboration for rice yield
Stärkung der
Reisforschung: Bayer CropScience und Evogene weiten
Zusammenarbeit zur Verbesserung von Erträgen bei Reis aus
New post-harvest solutions for
fresh fruit and vegetables - Bayer CropScience and Janssen PMP
conclude research agreement
Neue Lösungen für
den Schutz von frischem Obst und Gemüse nach der Ernte - Bayer
CropScience und Janssen PMP schließen Forschungsabkommen
Deliberate releases and placing on the EU market of GMOs:
11 new
summary notifications have been published
Syngenta holds Annual General
Generalversammlung von
Syngenta tient son
Assemblée générale
Syngenta calls for
greater international collaboration to address food security
Syngenta ruft zu verstärkter internationaler Zusammenarbeit
zur globalen Ernährungssicherung auf
Pour faire face au défi de la sécurité alimentaire, Syngenta
réclame une plus grande collaboration internationale
bulgarische Delegation zu Gast bei KWS - Spezialisten tauschen
sich mit KWS Vorstand über engere Zusammenarbeit in Bulgarien
Joint £10 million UK initiative
launched to tackle bee and pollinator decline
International plant
breeders swap the field for the computer lab
Stripe rust on wheat
in the United Kingdom
Las organizaciones
agrarias defienden su derecho a acceder a las innovaciones
Società Produttori
Sementi SpA: Filiera Grano Duro News n° 10
Ernst Benary
Samenzucht acquires inventory, production and breeding programs
of key products from Bodger Seeds
Bayer CropScience
achieves partial success in enforcing its patent rights in a
Chinese court of law
Bayer CropScience erzielt vor einem chinesischen Gericht
einen Teilerfolg in einem Patentstreit
Innovationen für eine
nachhaltige Landwirtschaft lassen sich nicht aufhalten
Teagasc scientists
find shift in septoria sensitivity to triazoles
KeyGene and Semillas
Fitó sign long-term agreement - Semillas Fitó is first member of
new field crop consortium within the KeyGene InnovatorsClub
Anbauverbot erhöht Risiko von Feldzerstörungen bei
FuturaGene’s wholly
owned subsidiary, CBD Technologies, Ltd. announces the granting
of plant cell wall modification patent in Japan
Wageningen UR and
KeyGene to develop a superior genome physical map of potato
Syngenta's Q1
2009 sales: performance reflects ongoing growth in demand
Umsatz 1. Quartal 2009: Performance spiegelt weiterhin
steigende Nachfrage
Chiffre d’affaires au premier trimestre 2009 : la
performance du groupe reflète la hausse constante de la
European Food Safety
Application (Reference EFSA-GMO-UK-2005-21) for the placing
on the market of the insect-resistant and herbicide-tolerant
genetically modified maize 59122 x 1507 x NK603 for food and
feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC) No
1829/2003 from Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.
Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit
verbietet den Anbau und Verkauf von Saatgut von Mais der
Linie MON810
Agriculture Minister bans MON810 Bt maize
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Innovativer Landwirte (AGIL): "Für das
Verbot von MON810-Mais gibt es keinen vernünftigen Grund"
- Bundesverband
Deutscher Pflanzenzüchter kritisiert die Entscheidung, den
Vertrieb und Anbau von MON 810 ohne wissenschaftliche
Begründung zu untersagen
Industrievereinigung Biotechnologie fürchtet Rückschlag für
Biotech-Standort Deutschland
- -
German biotech
industry and researchers kick back
Erklärung der deutschen Wissenschaftsorganisationen zur
Grünen Gentechnik
Zwei Neuzulassungen
stärken Marktposition von SW Seed im Getreide
bei Hybridrapssaatgut hat keinen Einfluss auf Ertragsfähigkeit
L’Union Française des
Semenciers : La nouvelle voix des semenciers français
Union Francaise des Semenciers, the
new voice of the French seed companies
Ben-Gurion University
of the Negev signs collaborative contract with Bayer CropScience
Bayer CropScience
invests EUR 30 million in expansion of crop protection
production at the Dormagen Chemical Park
Petersberger Thesen:
Pflanzenforschung und Pflanzenzüchtung ist gesellschaftliche
Deliberate releases and placing on the EU market of GMOs:
38 new
summary notifications have been published today
Jacob Mazereeuw,
founder and former managing director of Enza Zaden, has passed
Late blight on potato
in the UK and Bangladesh
Update of the
approval list of GM events for intended use in the Russian
United Kingdom's
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council announces
new national centre to analyse plant, animal and microbial
Realignment of
biotech research activities: Bayer CropScience to consolidate
European Plant Biotechnology Research in Ghent - Focus to lie on
stress tolerance, increasing yields and optimized quality traits
in plants in future
Neuordnung der Biotech-Forschungsaktivitäten: Bayer CropScience
konzentriert europäische Pflanzenbiotechnologie-Forschung in
Gent - Zukünftiger Fokus liegt auf Stresstoleranz,
Ertragssteigerung und optimierten Qualitätsmerkmalen von
Illegaler Handel von
Pflanzenschutzmitteln ist nicht zu dulden
Deliberate releases and placing on the EU market of GMOs:
10 new
summary notifications have been published today
European Commission
publishes new report on national strategies to ensure
coexistence of genetically modified crops with conventional and
organic farming
La Unión Europea
confirma que la coexistencia no causa ningún prejuicio
EU-27 planting seeds
Wageningen Seed
Centre to host 6th Master Class on Seed Technology
Syngenta and Dow
AgroSciences agree to cross license corn traits
Syngenta und Dow AgroSciences vereinbaren gegenseitige
Lizenzierung von Mais-Traits
March 09
Bio wächst rasant
in der Schweiz
Devgen NV and
Sumitomo Chemical Company renew their agrochemical compound
discovery agreement
Company strengthens
its crop protection portfolio: Bayer CropScience acquires
certain AgroGreen´s biological products for the crop protection
Unternehmen stärkt sein Pflanzenschutz-Portfolio: Bayer
CropScience übernimmt biologische Produkte von AgroGreen für das
Symposium von DLG und
GFP: Klimawandel – Züchtung für extreme Umwelten
Ukraine amends it’s
biosafety legislation
Bayer Crop Science
and the French research organization CNRS intensify
Bayer CropScience und die französische Forschungsorganisation
CNRS intensivieren Zusammenarbeit
British Crop
Production Council publishes proceedings of Seed Production and
Treatment in a Changing Environment symposium
DEFRA publishes
March 2009 edition of Plant Varieties and Seeds Gazette
für die Agrar- und Ernährungsforschung FISA geht online
Le Luxembourg
interdit la mise en culture du MON 810
Full-year results
for 2008 in line with Cellectis’ development strategy
Résultats 2008 en phase avec la stratégie de
développement de Cellectis
Syngenta Seeds
presentó en León soluciones para el cultivo del maíz
Consultation on
seed certification fee increase in England and Wales
Sicherheit von
gentechnisch verändertem Mais in der Fütterung erneut
bestätigt - Bundesverband Deutscher Pflanzenzüchter fordert
Politiker in der Gentechnikdebatte zum Umdenken auf
Executive search
firm Kincannon & Reed adds four new principals to its
international team
Holanda pide a la
Unión Europea que se facilite la importación de transgénicos
Plant Heath Care
announces results for the year ended 31 December 2008
Körnerleguminosen zur Auflockerung der Fruchtfolge
insbesondere bei Plfugverzicht
Helltop – Neuer
Maßstab für Hybridroggen von Dieckmann Seeds
Euralis Semences
propose 10 variétés de colza, dont 3 nouveautés, pour les
semis 2009
KWS baut den
Standort Einbeck aus
Benary celebrates
100 years of begonia breeding and introduces the new ‘BIG’
begonia series
DEFRA publishes
special edition of Plant Varieties and Seeds Gazette
DEFRA protocols
and procedures for tests and trials: the VCU procedures for
Sugar Beet for 2009 harvest have been published
Ban on planting genetically
modified maize cannot be enforced, says
German agriculture minister
Association Française des semences de céréales à paille et
protéagineux, organise son premier Forum « Industriels de la
Semence »
New DNA markers
promote Finnish rye breeding
of the first independent labs offering officially recognized
dust-off abrasion tests
Devgen NV
announces its financial results for the year ending December
31st, 2008
Cyanophycin-Kartoffeln: Kunststoff aus der Knolle
El conseller de
Agricultura catalán, Joaquim Llena se opone a prohibir los
transgénicos en Cataluña
University scientists develop potato plants that sustainably produce
'platform chemicals'
Bundesumweltminister bei KWS: Forschung in Deutschland
essentiell – KWS stellt Energieversorgung auf Bioerdgas um
Problems with the
draft cultivation law and Poland votes against new GMOs
European Food Safety
(Reference EFSA-GMO-NL-2008-51) for the placing on the
market of glyphosate tolerant genetically modified cotton
GHB614, for food and feed uses, import and processing under
Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 from Bayer CropScience
European Union
approves import of biotech T45 rapeseed from Bayer
La Comisión
Europea aprueba el uso de un nuevo evento de colza
transgénica para alimentos
Computer model
SEAMLESS brings out the best in agriculture and environment
in Europe
BASF´s crop
protection pipeline in good shape
BASF mit Crop-Protection-Pipeline gut aufgestellt
Deutsch-chinesische Forschergruppe erhält 1,35 Millionen
Euro - Kooperation von Freier Universität und „China
Agricultural University“ in Peking zur Optimierung der
Stickstoffnutzung von Reis
German-Chinese research group to receive € 1.35 million -
Freie Universität Berlin and China Agricultural University
cooperate on research project to optimise nitrogen
efficiency in rice
Stellungnahme des
Bundesverbandes Deutscher Pflanzenzüchter zur Entscheidung
von Minister Gabriel zum Anbauverbot in Ungarn und
Vilmorin – Deutsche Spargelzucht : un programme accru de
sélection de l'asperge, au service des producteurs
Why make tough
laws on GMOs and then break them? EuropaBio expresses
profound disappointment at Member States’ failure to defend
the GM authorisation procedure, science and Europe’s farmers
European Seed
Association presents a “Call for Action” for GM thresholds
to the European Commission
Deliberate releases and placing on the EU market of GMOs:
new summary notifications have been published today
February 09
La Suisse envoie
des échantillons de semences d'Agroscope Changins-Wädenswil dans
le Grand Nord
Saatgutproben von Agroscope Changins-Wädenswil im hohen
Light leaf spot on
oilseed rape in the United Kingdom
Black Sea
Biotechnology Association launches redesigned and updated
Ukraine enacts
state registration of GMOs and products thereof destined for use
in food, medical and cosmetic purposes
Vilmorin, a world
first: Beets resistant to rhizomania
Vilmorin, une
première mondiale : Des betteraves potagères résistantes à la
Cambridge plant
scientists put crop diseases on show for British National
Science Week
SAAT AG continues its growth in the first half of 2008/2009
KWS Saat AG setzt
den Wachstumskurs im ersten Halbjahr 2008/2009 fort
Syngenta Board proposes Stefan
Borgas to become new Director
Syngenta schlägt
Aktionären Stefan Borgas zur Wahl in den Verwaltungsrat vor
Le Conseil
d’Administration de Syngenta propose Stefan Borgas de devenir
Syngenta Seeds
Vegetables presents Alonso and Gaston pepper varieties in
Almería, Spain
La UE no logra
acuerdo para permitir el cultivo de dos tipos de maíz OGM
BASF posts solid earnings in a
difficult business environment
BASF mit solidem
Ergebnis in schwierigerem Geschäftsumfeld
Is the EU on track
to end the 11 year moratorium on new cultivation approvals for
biotech crops?
¿Va a
aprovechar la UE la oportunidad de terminar con la moratoria de
11 años a los cultivos biotecnológicos?
Amcan i gadw
rheolaeth dyn ar gnydau a'u addaswyd yn enetig yng Nghymru
Proposal for tighter regulation of genetically modified crops
in Wales
Plants are
political hot potatoes: leading UK scientists and social
scientists call for joined-up thinking on the emerging politics
of plants
Half-yearly sales
on December 31st 2008
Résultats semestriels au 31 décembre 2008
d’OGM pour la culture : L’Europe doit montrer l’exemple - Les
professionnels des semences et de la protection des plantes
plaident pour la pluralité de choix des agriculteurs
Flanders Institute
for Biotechnology (VIB) receives authorisation to field test its
GM poplar trees in Belgium
Empfehlung zum
Umgang mit gebeiztem Saatgut
BVL genehmigt
Pflanzenschutzmittel zur Bekämpfung des Maiswurzelbohrers
Maissaatgut darf wieder mit "Mesurol flüssig" behandelt werden
Maize seed may now be treated with "Mesurol flüssig" again
German Ag Minister
considers cultivation ban for MON 810
españoles exigen que no se frene el progreso tecnológico para
poder competir en igualdad
Anbauverbot von
Bt-Mais in Deutschland? - "Das untergräbt die Glaubwürdigkeit
der Sicherheitsforschung"
Deliberate releases and placing on the EU market of GMOs:
- Deliberate release of MON 89034 × NK603 and MON 89034 × MON
88017 for the use in field trials in the Czech Republic.
- “Notification according to Directive 2001/18/EC, Part B, for
the deliberate release of MON 89034 × MON 88017, MON 89034 ×
NK603 maize and their parental lines MON 89034, MON 88017, and
NK603 for the use in field trials in Germany under simplified
- Application to perform field trials with Syngenta’s Bt11 x
MIR604 x GA21 maize and Bt11 x MIR604 x GA21 maize in Slovakia
- Notification according to Directive 2001/18/EC, Part B, for
the deliberate release of MON 89034 × 1507 × MON 88017 × 59122
for the use in field trials in Slovakia.
- Notification according to Directive 2001/18/EC, Part B, for
the deliberate release of MON 89034 × NK603 and NK603 × MON 810
for the use in field trials in Slovakia.
beim Mais 2009 – neun Sorten von KWS SAAT AG
in Gefahr, warnt der Bundesverband Deutscher Pflanzenzüchter
L’INRA recrute 359
ingénieurs et techniciens dans toute la France
españoles secuenciarán el genoma del melón
Deliberate releases and placing on the EU market of GMOs:
- Release into the environment of genetically modified potatoes
with altered starch composition EH92-527-1(2009 - 2010)
- Release into the environment of genetically modified
potatoes with the change of late blight resistance
- Field trial of corn genetically modified to tolerate
- Notification according to Directive 2001/18/EC, Part B,
for the deliberate release of MON 89034 × 1507 × MON 88017 ×
59122 for the use in field trials in Spain.
- Notification according to Directive 2001/18/EC, Part B,
for the deliberate release of MON 89034 × 1507 × MON 88017
maize, to select inbred lines and obtain varieties.
- Field trials continuation to advance in the evaluation,
agronomic characterization and development of maize
varieties derived from NK603 line, tolerant to glyphosate
- Field trials continuation to advance in the evaluation,
agronomic characterization and development of maize
varieties NK603 x MON 810, tolerant to glyphosate and
protected against corn borers.
- Field trials continuation to advance in the evaluation,
agronomic characterization and development of maize derived
from MON 88017 line, genetically modified for tolerance to
glyphosate and protected against Corn Rootworm (Diabrotica
- Notification according to Directive 2001/18/EC, Part B,
for continuing the field testing of MON 89034 (maize
protected against certain lepidopteran insect pests) in
order to complete its agronomic characterization and
- Notification according to Directive 2001/18/EC, Part B,
for continuing the field testing of MON 89034 x NK603 maize,
genetically modified for protection against certain
lepidopteran insect pests and tolerant to glyphosate, in
order to complete its agronomic characterization and
- Notification according to Directive 2001/18/EC, Part B,
for continuing the field testing of MON 89034 x MON 88017
maize, genetically modified for protection against
lepidopteran and corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera) and
tolerant to glyphosate, in order to complete its agronomic
characterization and development.
- Notification according to Directive 2001/18/EC, Part B,
for the deliberate release of genetically modified 59122
maize (DAS-59122-7) to select inbred lines and obtain
- Notification according to Directive 2001/18/EC, Part B,
for the deliberate release of genetically modified 1507 x
59122 maize (DAS-Ø15Ø7-1×DAS-59122-7) to select inbred lines
and obtain varieties.
French biotech
policy measures bogged down
Judgement of the European
Court of Justice:
The right of
public access to information applies to releases of
genetically modified organisms
La France risque
de payer très cher la frilosité européenne et française sur les
More European
Union member states listen to science and farmers on GMOs
Bayer CropScience
signs research agreement with the Leibniz Institute of Plant
Genetics and Crop Plant Research
Bayer CropScience schließt Forschungsvereinbarung mit
Leibniz-Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung
GVO-Freisetzungsversuche können weitergeführt werden
Suisse: Les disséminations expérimentales d'OGM peuvent être
Svizzera: Le emissioni sperimentali di OGM possono proseguire
Un informe francés
afirma que el maíz MG que se cultiva en la UE no es peligroso
para la salud
Rijk Zwaan
launches website wholly dedicated to its orange-fleshed melon
Website gelanceerd over Caribbean-meloen
requirements between biotech corn fields and recognized
“environmentally sensitive areas” in Germany
Maïs OGM Mon 810 :
la clause de sauvegarde est maintenue en France
13 million farmers
around the world can't be wrong: it’s time to give European
farmers the same choice
OGM : Un choix
politique qui va à l’encontre de l’expertise scientifique et du
libre choix des agriculteurs
Nunhems announces
a new business approach in North America
50,000 trade
visitors from 125 countries attend Fruit Logistica 2009
Viruses and
nematodes on potato in the United Kingdom
Un vent nouveau
souffle en sorgho: Euralis Semences lance 3 nouveautés sorgho
grain en 2009
BBSRC awards UK
scientists £1.7 million to analyse the genomes of five varieties
of wheat
Commission decision on Austrian safeguard clauses regarding
maize MON810 and T25
’Pick your winter
profits’: De Ruiter Seeds presents major innovations in the
search for flavor, color and yield in South European tomatoes
Syngenta enters
into research collaboration with Anhui Academy, China
Syngenta conclut un accord de collaboration avec l’Académie
d’Anhui, Chine
Syngenta vereinbart Forschungskooperation mit der Anhui Academy
in China
Neue Größe im
Hybridroggenmarkt: Dieckmann Seeds kauft Pflanzenzüchtung Gülzow
Dieckmann Seeds buys Pflanzenzüchtung Gülsow
U.K. Seed
Certification Information letters
- UK Linseed Seed Derogation
- Imports of seed weighing over 2kg from third countries
Enza Zaden’s
Sweetgreen, a sweet green pepper with a high vitamin C content,
wins the Fruit Logistica Innovation Award 2009
Sweetgreen wint de
Fruit Logistica Innovation Award 2009
Bestätigung des
guten Qualitäts- und Umwelt¬managements bei KWS:
Überwachungsaudit des Integrierten
Managementsystems–Zertifizierung verlängert
centro binacional de genómica vegetal
Syngenta reports
full year results 2008: Record sales and earnings growth,
winning technology offer
Résultat de l’exercice 2008: Croissance record des ventes et
du bénéfice avec une offre technologique gagnante
Jahresabschluss 2008: Rekordwachstum bei Umsatz und Gewinn,
starkes Technologieangebot
Expansion in
energy crops needed, says Ireland's Teagasc researcher
Neuzulassungen bei Zuckerrüben: fünf der neuen Sorten von KWS
Saat AG
Rijk Zwaan
director Anton van Doornmalen opens the eyes of the convenience
sector at the Freshconex Congress
Vilmorin confirms
its outlook for fiscal 2008-2009 and pursues its international
confirme ses perspectives pour l’exercice 2008-2009 et poursuit
son développement à l’international
Bayer CropScience
strengthens international competitiveness of fruit and vegetable
Bayer CropScience stärkt die internationale
Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Obst- und Gemüseerzeugern
Conversations about plant
José María Falcão, Farmer, Portugal
Wageningen UR
organizes the 13th QTL-MAS workshop
BASF appoints
new leadership in crop protection: Nevin McDougall to lead
North America, Markus Heldt named President
consumers ask for more of Rijk Zwaan's Salanova
January 09
Journal Officiel de la République
Française: Arrêté du
13 janvier 2009 relatif aux conditions d’enrobage et
d’utilisation des semences traitées par des produits mentionnés
à l’article L. 253-1 du code rural en vue de limiter l’émission
des poussières lors du procédé de traitement en usine
European Food Safety Authority
Opinion on
application reference EFSA-GMO-RX-Bt11 for renewal of the
authorisation of existing products produced from
insect-resistant genetically modified maize Bt11, under
Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 from Syngenta
Preparing for climate change:
Helmholtz Zentrum München researchers analyze the genome of a
heat and drought resistant cereal plant
Vorsorge für den
Klimawandel: Forscher des Helmholtz Zentrums München analysieren
das Genom einer hitze- und dürreresistenten Getreidepflanze
Nunhems at Fruit
Logistica 2009 - Intense tomatoes and Magenta melons: convenient
and flavorful solutions for food professionals
United Kingdom's
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council announces
biggest ever public investment in bioenergy
University of
Nottingham to lead the way in the development of sustainable
bioenergy fuels
L’INRA lance sa campagne de recrutement de 68 chercheurs
recruiting 68 scientists
El INRA lanza una
campaña de contratación de 68 investigadores
belästigen Landwirte - BPD fordert verantwortungsvollen Umgang
mit sensiblen Themen
De Ruiter Seeds
present at Fruit Logistica 2009
BASF and Cibus
achieve development milestone in CLEARFIELD production system
Bulletin Volume 11 Number 2
- An ex-ante evaluation of the economic impact of Bt cotton
adoption by Spanish farmers facing the EU cotton sector reform
- Trust and distrust in biotechnology risk managers: insights
from the United Kingdom, 1996-2002
- Public attitudes toward molecular farming in the UK
European Commission
recommend that farmers in 27 EU member states be allowed to grow
two new genetically modified corn varieties
Fungal diseases on
barley in the United Kingdom
Versorgung mit insektizid gebeiztem Maissaatgut nicht mehr
Züchtungsfortschritt bei Weizen in Gefahr - Züchter warnen vor
Finanzierungsschwierigkeiten der Züchtungsforschung bei
Field trials of GM
rape in Sweden
Se ensayarán a campo en Europa plantas de colza transgénica
con mejor calidad de aceite
HGCA launches
online version of its Cereal Disease Encyclopaedia
Deliberate releases and placing on the EU market of GMOs:
Notification A for the field testing of spring oilseed rape
(Brassica napus) genetically modified for improved oil
composition in the seed
Notification B for the field testing of spring oilseed rape
(Brassica napus) genetically modified for improved oil
composition in the seed
BASF and Monsanto
formalize agreement to develop next-generation of dicamba-based
weed control products
BASF und Monsanto
vereinbaren gemeinsame Entwicklung von der nächsten Generation
von Dicamba-Produkten zur Unkrautbekämpfung
European Parliament
approves new EU pesticides legislation
A aucun moment la
justice n’a reconnu le droit d’interdire les OGM à la commune de
Le Thor, Vaucluse
Embrapa assina
Tratado de Cooperação em Pesquisa com Universidade de Rothamsted
e inaugura mais uma unidade do Labex no Reino Unido
Black dot infection
on potato in the United Kingdom
Seed Processing
Holland delivers first film coater with integrated dryer to
Russian company Agrofirma Gavrish
Verzoek EK om
gesprek met VWA over GMO-laboratoriumdetectie
Globale Sicherung
der Welternährung nur im partnerschaftlichen Miteinander möglich
The Future of
agriculture guided by the international assessment of
agricultural knowledge, science and technology for development
Brasil e Noruega
discutem cooperação técnica na área de biossegurança
Rijk Zwaan in direct contact with
convenience sector
Rijk Zwaan in direct
contact met convenience-sector
Assemblée de
l'Association suisse des sélectionneurs à Yverdon
Bancos de semillas
para conservar la biodiversidad vegetal europea
United Kingdom
launches new Food and Environment Research Agency (Fera)
Dick Taverne, el
poder de hablar sin temores
OECD list of
varieties eligible for certification - January 2009
OECD Seed Schemes
2009: Rules and Directions
Parliament's majority supports pesticide legislation - Industry
looks forward to more science and less fiction during
NIAB recommends
that British farmers should have their farm-saved seed potatoes
checked for virus
KeyGene and
Amplicon Express announce Whole Genome Profiling, a method that
enables fast and efficient Whole Genome Sequencing of plant and
animal genomes - 450 Mbp melon genome sequenced
Roche NimbleGen
partners with Biogemma on the development of sequence capture
technology for targeted high-throughput sequencing of crop
INCOTEC expands
Board of Directors
Sorghum 2008: Im
Süden Deutschlands gute Leistungen
Monsanto takes
major step toward launch of world's first drought-tolerant corn
product - Higher-yielding soybeans, SmartStax corn, and Dicamba-
and Glufosinate- tolerant cotton also move forward in company's
research & development pipeline
drought-tolerant corn now one step closer to farmers
Weltweit erster trockentoleranter Mais rückt der
Markteinführung einen Schritt näher
Enza Zaden
nominated for the Fruit Logistica Innovation Award for
Sweetgreen, world’s first sweet pepper with a high vitamin C
Enza Zaden
is met Sweetgreen genomineerd voor de Fruit Logistica
Innovation Award 2009
BASF Plant
Science takes intellectual property licenses on disease
resistance genes from KeyGene
acquires EuroSystems AgroServices BV, developer of the
Q-Seed ERP software system
December 08
Syngenta share
repurchases: end-year report
Rachat d’actions de Syngenta: compte rendu de fin d’année
Syngenta Aktienrückkäufe: Endjahresbericht
Belgium's Council
of State suspends refusal of VIB's GM poplar field trial
Vilmorin : De
nouvelles asperges se pointent !
Vilmorin, une
première mondiale : Des betteraves potagères résistantes à la
Vegetable diseases
in the United Kingdom
einmalige Stiftungsprofessur von KWS SAAT AG und Universität
Hohenheim zeichnet Evolution nach, um verloren geglaubte
Pflanzeneigenschaften zu retten
continues to grow
KWS Saat AG setzt Wachstumskurs fort
Defra's GM
Inspectorate detects unapproved GM in conventional oilseed rape
trial in Somerset
British Home-Grown
Cereals Authority (HGCA) publishes Barley Disease Management
Guide 2009
Groupe Limagrain
announces an increase in sales of 12%
Le Groupe Limagrain annonce un chiffre d’affaires en
progression de 12%
Parliament’s approval of the Climate and Energy Package provides
the European biotech industry with a predictable business
environment to develop advanced biofuels
Berrikuntza Sare Nazionala
Red Nacional de Innovación en Patata
National Network for Innovation in the Potato
Dow AgroSciences
completes acquisition of Südwestsaat GbR, announces agreement
with Saaten-Union GmbH
Devgen completes
the final closure of its pharma division
- Italy approves
GM field trials
- Czech Republic
moving ahead with biotechnology, slowly but surely
European Court of
Justice orders France to pay a lump sum for failing to comply
swiftly with the 2004 judgment of the Court establishing its
failure to fulfil obligations concerning GMOs
Hilleshög beet
seed to offer Germain’s Advantage priming technology
Tecnología priming Advantage para la semilla de remolacha
de l’Assemblée Générale de Vilmorin du 11 décembre 2008
United Kingdom's
National Institute of Agricultural Botany issues open invitation
to members of new Defra Food Policy Council
European Food Safety
Authority (EFSA):
Request from the
European Commission related to the safeguard clause invoked by
Austria on maize MON810 and T25 according to Article 23 of
Directive 2001/18/EC
Sortenergebnisse 2008: neue KWS Zuckerrüben Sorten mit
Neue Sorte
für den Futterbau - Rotkleesorte Regent zugelassen
BASF: Further
delay in Amflora approval process not acceptable
BASF: Weitere Verzögerung im Zulassungsprozess für Amflora
nicht akzeptabel
Evogene and
Biogemma show increased corn yield in field trials - Corn
containing Evogene discovered genes show significant yield
increases under both normal and drought conditions
European starch
industry demands swift approval of genetically optimized
Europäische Stärkeindustrie fordert rasche Zulassung von
gentechnisch opti-mierten Kartoffeln
Haut Conseil des
Biotechnologies : Une urgence, les essais OGM 2009
De Ruiter Seeds
announces new global Marketing and Sales Directors, further
enhancement of the company's market orientation
Nieuwe global Marketing en Sales
Directors De Ruiter Seeds - Verdere versterking marktoriëntatie
De Ruiter Seeds
Changes in EU
biotech regulations must not be an attempt to further delay the
approvals process
Las modificaciones
en la legislación sobre Biotecnología no deben retrasar los
procesos de aprobación
Zulassung von
gentechnisch veränderten Pflanzen in der EU: Vorerst keine
wesentlichen Änderungen
L’Europe doit
montrer l’exemple et prendre ses responsabilités en matière
d’autorisations d’OGM
Conseil des
ministres de l’Environnement de l'Union Européenne: les
ministres affichent leur détermination sur les OGM
Commission presents policy
options for EU strategy on invasive species
European Food Safety Authority:
(Reference EFSA-GMO-NL-2007-37) for the placing on the market of
the insect-resistant genetically modified maize MON89034, for
food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC)
No 1829/2003 from Monsanto[1] - Scientific opinion of the Panel
on Genetically Modified Organisms
framework position on GMO's - They say no, again
European Food Safety
Authority (EFSA):
Request from
the European Commission related to the safeguard clause
invoked by Austria on maize MON810 and T25 according to
Article 23 of Directive 2001/18/EC
HGCA Recommended
Lists for 2009/10
Growing high oleic
low linolenic (HOLL) oilseed rape for specialised markets
BASF: Michael
Heinz assumes responsibility for global team to integrate Ciba -
Markus Heldt to become new head of Crop Protection division
Michael Heinz übernimmt Verantwortung für das globale Team
zur Integration von Ciba - Markus Heldt wird neuer Leiter des
Unternehmensbereichs Crop Protection
Vier nieuwe
Limagrain-maïsrassen op Rassenlijst 2009
Good news for
specialty crops: BASF Crop Protection unveils Initium, first
active ingredient in new class of chemistry
Gute Nachrichten für Sonderkulturen: BASF Crop Protection
entwickelt Initium, erster Wirkstoff einer neuen Stoffklasse
Monsanto's Roundup
Ready 2 Yield soybeans receive European Union regulatory import
Syngenta and Dow
AgroSciences jointly to develop Dow compounds for use in
Syngenta Seed Care
Syngenta et Dow AgroSciences vont développer conjointement
des molécules de Dow pour être utilisées dans les produits de
Syngenta Seed Care
Syngenta und Dow AgroSciences entwickeln gemeinsam Wirkstoffe
von Dow zur Verwendung bei Syngenta Seed Care
annual EU 27
végétale, entre l’inné et l’acquis - l’Atelier International
Epigénétique Végétale 2008 se tiendra au Cirad de Montpellier
farming expanding in Ireland
Evogene and
Bayer CropScience to evaluate additional genes for rice
yield improvement
Positive EFSA
opinion on Pioneer's 59122xNK603 maize for import, food and
feed use - EU proposal for approval to be forwarded to
Member States for a vote
European Food Safety
Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified
Organisms on application (Reference EFSA-GMO-UK-2005-20) for
the placing on the market of the insect-resistant and
herbicide-tolerant genetically modified maize 59122 x NK603,
for food and feed uses, and import and processing under
Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 from Pioneer Hi-Bred
November 08
KWS SAAT AG ist erfolgreich ins
neue Geschäftsjahr 2008/2009 gestartet - Prognose eines
zehnprozentigen Umsatzanstiegs bei stabilem Betriebsergebnis
gets off to a successful start in fiscal 2008/2009 - Forecast of
ten percent sales growth and stable operating income confirmed
Vegetable seed companies join
forces to stop illegal reproduction of seeds, establish
Anti-Infringement Bureau for Intellectual Property Rights on
Plant Material
Semences de maïs
en France: une offre 2008/2009 réduite
Comisión Medio
Ambiente rechaza declarar España territorio libre transgénicos
Board appointment
strengthens National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB)
research links with Cambridge University
La Unión Europea
discute si debe endurecer o no la autorización de transgénicos
Syngenta issues
CHF 350 million domestic bond
Syngenta platziert Inlandsanleihe von CHF 350 Millionen
UK seed
certification: a brief guide to seed certification and the work
of Defra, PVS Division, Cambridge has been published
EU Council of
Ministers: Second generation of GM soybeans close to
European Union
leadership urgently needed to fight fake pesticides, say
majority of European enforcement authorities
European Union 27,
annual biotechnology report
The return of the
curvy cucumber: European Commission to allow sale of 'wonky'
fruit and vegetables
Dossier Cruiser -
L'Agence française de sécurité sanitaire des aliments (Afssa)
examine les premiers résultats du programme de surveillance
España: MARM
incluye 54 variedades en el Registro Variedades Comerciales, 3
Welternährung -
Pflanzen für die Menschheit
Intervention sur maïs : Le Conseil
européen des Ministres de l’Agriculture doit rectifier le tir
Maize intervention :
The EU Council of Agriculture Ministers must now rectify matters
Gianni Bernardotto new Managing
Director De Ruiter Seeds - Further enhancement market
orientation De Ruiter Seeds
Gianni Bernardotto,
nieuwe algemeen directeur De Ruiter Seeds - Verdere versterking
marktoriëntatie De Ruiter Seeds
Gianni Bernardotto
nuevo Director General De Ruiter Seeds - Mayor fortalecimiento
de la orientación al mercado de De Ruiter Seeds
Limagrain op
Rundvee- en Akkerbouwdagen Gorinchem
Coexistence in the
European Union - Return of the moratorium on GM crops?
Bayer CropScience
successful in preventing counterfeiting in China
Bayer CropScience erfolgreich im Kampf gegen chinesische
Devgen concludes
successful sales season and sets a solid base for substantial
growth in 2009
New co-operation
agreement signed between the European Commission's Joint
Research Centre (JRC) and the European Food Safety Authority
Pesticide industry
intensifies fight against illegal pesticides Spain and Poland
El euro que se
invierte en agricultura es el euro más rentable en ayuda al
Vilmorin: chiffre
d'affaires du premier trimestre 2008-2009 en ligne avec les
objectifs: +5,1%
Vilmorin: Sales
for the 1st quarter 2008-2009 on line with objectives: + 5.1%
Erstmals mehr als
drei Millionen Tonnen Rapsschrot verfüttert – Deutsche Ölmühlen
setzen auf weitere Qualitätssteigerungen
Nunhems introduces
the next generation in leek
La UE debate
cambiar los procesos de aprobación de los OMGs
a unique ag company, opens doors in South Africa
Syngenta acquires Argentine seeds
company SPS
Syngenta acquiert le
semencier argentin SPS
Syngenta erwirbt
Saatgutunternehmen SPS in Argentinien
"Baylab plants"
lab for schools opened in Monheim: Bayer CropScience encourages
students’ interest in science and new technologies
Eröffnung des Bayer CropScience Schülerlabors "Baylab plants"
in Monheim: Schüler für Naturwissenschaften und neue
Technologien begeistern
Devgen announces
the intention to close its pharma division and to fully focus on
the development of its agro business
Deliberate releases and placing on the EU market of GMOs:
Application for the release into environment of genetically
modified potatoes with altered starch metabolism under
simplified procedure (2009 - 2010)
CropScience and the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
sign memorandum of understanding, initiate joint projects in
seeds and traits business development
Bayer CropScience und die Chinese Academy of Agricultural
Sciences unterzeichnen Vereinbarung Strategische
Partnerschaft zum Ausbau des Saatgut- und Traitsgeschäfts
October 08
Arrivée de
Rodolphe Millet, nouveau directeur général de Vilmorin
Biosciences and Semillas Fito announce research and commercial
development agreement for extended shelf-life tomatoes
Syngenta to
acquire assets from Bulgarian distributor AgroStar and to set up
own organization in Sofia
SAATEN-UNION newsletter:
- Diabrotica: Die
natürliche Resistenz ist jetzt Wirklichkeit
- Ein neuer Stern
am Maishimmel
Evolution de la
flore adventice du tournesol sur 30 ans
Gemeinschaft zur Förderung der privaten deutschen
Pflanzenzüchtung: Trockenstress-tolerante Zierpflanzen - BMELV
gibt Startschuss für zukunftsweisendes Forschungsprojekt
European Food Safety Authority
(EFSA): Request
from the European Commission related to the safeguard clause
invoked by France on maize MON810 according to Article 23 of
Directive 2001/18/EC and the emergency measure according to
Article 34 of Regulation No 1829/2003/EC - Scientific opinion of
the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms
Les experts
européens ont tranché : la suspension du maïs OGM par la France
est totalement injustifiée
European Food Safety Authority
(EFSA): Request
from the European Commission to review scientific studies
related to the impact on the environment of the cultivation of
maize Bt11 and 1507 - Scientific opinion of the Panel on
Genetically Modified Organisms
ECO-PB newsletter
on organic seeds and plant breeding, Issue III / 2008
grows net sales and earnings
KWS SAAT AG ist erneut bei Umsatz und Ertrag
BASF prepares for a
tough business environment
European Commission
authorises the use of Bayer CropScience's GM LLCotton25 in food
and feed
Bruselas aprueba la
venta de una nueva variedad de algodón transgénico
Georgia accedes to
the UPOV Convention
Georgia se adhiere al Convenio de la UPOV
La Géorgie adhère à la convention UPOV
Georgien tritt dem UPOV-Übereinkommen bei
BASF's concept for
the sustainable production of fruit and vegetables
Kompetenz für nachhaltige Produktion von Obst und Gemüse
Syngenta acquires
Chrysanthemum and Aster business from US flowers producer Yoder
Syngenta acquiert l’activité chrysanthèmes et asters du
producteur de fleurs américain Yoder Brothers
Syngenta erwirbt Chrysanthemen- und Asterngeschäft des
US-Blumenproduzenten Yoder Brothers
Syngenta announces
breakthrough sugar cane planting technology in Brazil
Syngenta annonce une percée technologique pour la plantation
de la canne à sucre au Brésil
Syngenta entwickelt neuartige Technologie zum Anbau von
Zuckerrohr in Brasilien
Council of
environment ministers of the European Union reach no joint
alignment on GM authorisation
Brown rot on potato
in Ireland
Surveys show
continued strong support for agricultural biotechnology
Cereals transgènics
per pal·liar la fam
Cereales transgénicos para paliar el hambre
Investigadores de
la Universidad de Lérida trabajan sobre cereales enriquecidos
para el Tercer Mundo
Wageningen UR
report shows that possible new European Union crop protection
regulation will have serious economic consequences
KeyGene responds to
market demands and expands its sequencing capacity with a GS FLX
Titanium system
Lantmännen, Svalöf Weibull and
BASF agree on share exchange
Lantmännen, Svalöf
Weibull und BASF einigen sich auf den Tausch der gegenseitigen
Lantmännen, Svalöf
Weibull och BASF enas om aktiebyte
Calantia Biotech y
BASF Plant Science firman acuerdo de explotación de patentes
para el aumento del rendimiento de los cultivos
Calantia Biotech and BASF Plant Science enter into licensing
agreement targeting improved crop yields
Calantia Biotech et BASF Plant Science signent un accord
d'exploitation de brevets pour l'amélioration du rendement des
Syngenta announces third quarter
2008 sales: strong growth in all regions
Umsatz drittes Quartal 2008:
starkes Wachstum in allen Regionen
Chiffre d’affaires du troisième trimestre 2008: forte croissance
dans toutes les régions
Bacterial canker on
tomato is rediscovered in the United Kingdom
Syngenta acquires
US flower seeds producer Goldsmith Seeds
Syngenta acquiert
le producteur américain de semences florales Goldsmith Seeds
Syngenta erwirbt US Blumensaatgut-Unternehmen Goldsmith Seeds
Syngenta adquiere
Goldsmith Seeds, productora norteamericana de semillas
European Union to
restore import customs duties on cereals
New biosafety
research projects to focus on methods to prevent a spread of GM
“Los argumentos
contra los transgénicos se basan en el desconocimiento”
European Food Safety Authority:
Working document of
the GMO Panel on the interplay between Directive 2001/18/EC
(GMOs) and Directive 91/414/EEC (Plant Protection Products)
Glaszmann, chercheur au Cirad, reçoit le prix Jean-Dufrenoy
La fédération
nationale de la production des semences de maïs et de sorgho
(FNPSMS) finance la recherche sur une maladie orpheline, le
syndrome néphrotique
New report "Impacts
of ‘not yet EU-authorized’ GMs on Feed and Livestock Production"
highlights concerns over viability of EU livestock sector
Biogemma extends
SRS partnership
Do European
consumers buy GM foods?
inotec Engineering
GmbH acquires Haldrup a/s, manufacturer of customized harvesting
machines for field research
Syngenta regrets to
announce the death of former Chairman Heinz Imhof
Un completo estudio
sobre variedades de maíz Bt
biotechnology is gaining support in Europe
Doriane S.A.,
publisher of LABKEY software, continues to grow in Europe and
signs on its first American customers
Dow AgroSciences
announces agreement to acquire Südwestsaat GbR
Crop prices could
rise up to 70% due if EU pest management restrictions come into
S&G issues the 11th
edition of S&G Peppers Today, the newsletter for the world of
multicrop, in the United Kingdom
Many constraints to
rain lupin production in the United Kingdom
BASF transfers
Weedmaster herbicide to Nufarm
Enza Zaden chooses
Fluidigm BioMark system to help assure core seed quality
Enza choisit le
système BioMark de Fluidigm pour assurer la qualité fondamentale
de ses semences
Vilmorin présente
des résultats annuels 2007-2008 confirmant une forte progression
de sa marge opérationnelle
Vilmorin annual sales for 2007-2008: 897 million euros, an
increase of 13.4% like for like
Rijk Zwaan director
lays down his function as per July 2009
La mejora genética
de plantas, una técnica de presente y futuro
Le Maïs européen en
European Crop
Protection Association calls for European Food Safety Authority
study on proposed pest management restriction criteria
Dr. Bruno
Rossolini joins United Genetics as Director of Sales for
Strategic Accounts in Europe and the Middle East
extérieur français semences et plants 2007/08: semences et
plants français à l'assaut des marchés mondiaux
Un premier pas
vers le séquençage du génome du blé : la carte physique du
plus grand de ses chromosomes
A giant leap
for wheat genome
Neue Projekte
der Sicherheitsforschung zu gentechnisch veränderten
September 08
Repeal of the
introduction of a GM feed ban; update on GM cultivation law
Fungal diseases
on wheat and oilseed rape in the United Kingdom
HeinzSeed names
Claudio Leggieri to the position of Regional Sales Manager –
Europe, Middle East, and Africa
Commission transmits to Council proposal to authorise a GM
soybean MON89788
organisations claquent la porte du comité de pilotage Cruiser
Bayer broadens
its manufacturing basis for biopharmaceuticals in tobacco plants
Latest figures
show that more EU farmers choose to grow biotech crops to boost
their competitiveness, but are the EU’s ag ministers listening?
Aumenta un 21% los cultivos biotecnológicos en la UE, como
reflejo del interés de los agricultores en estos productos
Futterpflanzensaatgut weiterhin knapp
Monsanto espera
la aprobación del maíz "Roundup Ready" para el cultivo en España
Pflanzenschutz durch technische Innovationen
"Successful Practice" Award geht
an Bayer CropScience
"Successful Practice
Award" goes to Bayer CropScience
Wageningen UR's
'Bodemgezondheidsdag' (National Healthy Soil Day) a great
success with breeders, scientists, policymakers
Wageningen UR's
Unifarm: unique, versatile and centrally located
‘Convivir con los
transgénicos’, una completa visión de los OMGs
European market
holds great potential for U.S. sorghum exports, says U.S. Grains
tropical sugar beet receives World Business and Development
Syngenta erhält World
Business and Development Award für tropische Zuckerrüben
La betterave à sucre tropicale de Syngenta reçoit le World
Business and Development Award
Bundesministerium für Landwirtschaft:
Ohne-Gentechnik-Kennzeichnung kommt in Schwung
What we need is
nothing less than a second green revolution, sagt member of the
Board of Management of Bayer CropScience
Wir brauchen nichts weniger als eine zweite grüne Revolution,
sagt Mitglied des Vorstands der Bayer CropScience
Teagasc launches
bioenergy DVD
España: Espinosa
señala que la declaración de región libre de OGMs no tiene
validez jurídica
New European Food
Safety Authority body to coordinate pesticide risk assessment
Ringspot and
white blister on brassicas in England, UK
Proteios celebrate their 40th and 15th year anniversaries with
festivities for customers, business associates and employees
Innovation Award 2008 for Mr. Jan de Boer
trials of PreTect, Plant Health Care's Harpin based foliar
fertiliser, result in impressive yield gains across a variety of
Les maïsiculteurs
européens réunis au sein de la Confédération Européenne de la
Production de Maïs précisent leurs priorités aux autorités
La Unión Europea
analiza la situación de los transgénicos
Cargill opens
rapeseed crush plant in western France
Undiagnosed smut
in maize fields in France
Denmark takes the
lead in strengthened collaboration on organic research
significantly expands investment in Hawaii with purchase of 848
acres in Kunia to expand research operations
coinciden en que la agricultura necesita un uso responsable de
la biotecnología
Fake pesticides
on the rise
Danish farmers
trained to grow GMO crops
Los OMGs y la
sostenibilidad en BIOSPAIN 08
increase in alien plants in Europe - detailed overview available
for the first time
Anzahl fremder Pflanzen in Europa deutlich gestiegen -
Erstmals detaillierter Überblick verfügbar
BASF Monsanto:
Frontrunners in securing and increasing yield in crops
BASF Monsanto: Vorreiter für sichere und höhere Erträge bei
Bayer CropScience
and Plant Health Care sign harpin gene licence agreement - New
technology with growth and quality effects for use in Brassica
Deliberate releases and placing on the EU market of GMOs:
Notification according to Directive 2001/18/EC, Part B, for the
deliberate release of MON 88017 maize, for the use in field
trials in the Czech Republic
BASF makes offer
to acquire Ciba
Bundesamt für
Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit veröffentlicht
detaillierte Daten zu Rückständen von Pflanzenschutzmitteln
GVO-Zulassungsverfahren in der EU: Die nächste Reform?
First report of
root-knot nematode Meloidogyne enterolobii on tomato and
cucumber in Switzerland
Végépolys to show
French horticulture in bloom at Hortifair
Syngenta Board
appoints new Head of Global R&D to Executive Committee, proposes
retiring Head to join Board of Directors
Le Conseil d’administration nomme
un nouveau Head of Global R&D à l’Executive Committee et propose
que le titulaire sortant du poste rejoigne le Conseil
Verwaltungsrat beruft
Dr. Alejandro Aruffo als neuen Leiter Forschung & Entwicklung in
die Geschäftsleitung - Bisheriger Leiter, Dr. David Lawrence,
wird als neues Verwaltungsrats- mitglied vorgeschlagen
Aktuelle LSV Weizen-Ergebnisse 2008
Higher food
prices spur expansion in area planted in Eastern Europe
EU scientific
study gauges current approaches to addressing potential health
effects from genetically modified food and animal feed
Biotech food is
safe: is anyone going to tell the consumer?
Los alimentos
biotecnológicos son seguros: ¿nadie se lo va a decir a los
University and bioinformatics software company DNAStar sign
Lasergene site license agreement for plant research
White paper on the organic food industry in the United States
and the European Union
KWS successfully
completes research trials with genetically modified sugarbeets
Ukraine, planting
seed imports
Deliberate releases and placing on the EU market of GMOs:
in environmental behaviour of Cyanophycin producing transgenic
potato plants
Syngenta Seeds SA
moves its Spanish offices
Commission authorises GM soybean A2704-12 for feed and food uses
and for import and processing
Bruselas aprueba una variedad de
soja transgénica para alimentos o piensos
American Soybean
Association celebrates EU approval of Bayer CropScience
LibertyLink soybeans
New crop data
generated by John Innes Centre transformation resource
Plant Health
Care, leading provider of natural products for plants and soil,
announces interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2008
Plant Health Care
to supply The Scotts Company with natural products for inclusion
in their line of lawn and garden products for the retail market
Asaja pide que se
apueste por el algodón transgénico para mantener la producción
mínima europea
Gerechtigkeit – Feldzerstörer zu Haftstrafen verurteilt
confirms Bio-IT leadership for agricultural R&D with BASF
Plant Science license agreement
Tag der
Öko-Kartoffel in Wiebrechtshausen
Open Dagen
Clause en Nickerson-Zwaan in St.-Maarten, Noord-Holland
incrementa un 5,5% la superficie de maíz MG en 2008
CropScience: Setting the course after a very successful
first half of 2008
Weichenstellung nach sehr erfolgreichem 1. Halbjahr 2008
Pflanzenschutz durch technische Innovationen
BASF Plant
Science and VIB (the Flanders Institute for Biotechnology)
boost cooperation
BASF Plant Science und VIB (das Flämische Institut für
Biotechnologie) intensivieren Zusammenarbeit
Forschungsversuche mit gentechnisch veränderten Zuckerrüben
von KWS erfolgreich abgeschlossen
August 08
La coexistencia y el
etiquetado garantizan la libertad de elección de agricultores y
Der Vorschlag(s)hammer für
innovative Ideen bei KWS - Kontinuierliche Verbesserung der Effizienz
zahlt sich auch für die Mitarbeiter aus
LemnaTec introduces new high
throughput and high content plant phenotyping platform
Poland publishes new draft
law on cultivation of agricultural biotechnology crops
Trece años de creciente
aceptación con cultivos transgénicos
First report of Iris yellow
spot virus on onions in New Zealand and Serbia
Überdurchschnittliche Ernte eingebracht
Thiencarbazone-methyl registered in first
market - New Bayer CropScience active ingredient approved in Romania:
Thiencarbazone-methyl registered in first market Annual sales potential
of more than EUR 100 million for new corn herbicide
weltweit erstmals zugelassen - Neuer Bayer CropScience-Wirkstoff erhält
Registrierung in Rumänien: Thiencarbazone-Methyl weltweit erstmals
zugelassen Umsatzpotenzial von mehr als 100 Millionen Euro für neuen
Devgen NV has successfully
entered the hybrid seed market and is ready for expansion
“La coexistencia es posible,
y el mejor ejemplo está en España”
DuPont boosts seed research
in Europe to extend leadership position - Two new state-of-the-art
research centers to deliver higher yielding corn and sunflower hybrids
International conference on
agricultural biotechnology bring world’s leading scientists to Cork,
Nunca se ha dado ni un sólo
caso de alerta sanitaria ligada a la biotecnología
Neue Versuchsreihe mit
Bt-Mais: Verschiedene Sorten im Vergleich
Maiswurzelbohrer in
Destruction d’essais OGM en
France : Malgré des promesses répétées, le gouvernement ne soutient pas
la recherche !
Kein Risiko für Florfliegen
durch Bt-Maispollen
Winterweizensorte Tabasco
ist Saaten-Unions ertragsstärkste und gesündeste Neuzulassung 2008
- Hybridweizensaatgut 2008
sehr knapp
- Saatgutwechsel bei Getreide
bleibt bundesweit stabil
Positive vote for four BASF
crop protection compounds
Positives Votum für vier neue Pflanzenschutz-Wirkstoffe von BASF
Easy threshing of research
seed lots now possible
Rijk Zwaan bids for Olympic
glory - Dutch vegetable seed company reveals it is supplying tomatoes
and mini cucumbers to Beijing's Olympic Village
Bayer CropScience licenses
Ariadne Pathway Studio with ResNet Plant database
Nieuwe graanrassen doen het
S&G issues the 10th edition
of S&G Peppers Today, the newsletter for the world of peppers
European Commission foresees
above average cereals harvest for 2008
Los cultivos transgénicos
tolerantes a la sequía verán la luz en la próxima década
Desmontando lo insostenible
Landwirte können nächste Aussaat planen
Vilmorin, chiffre d'affaires
annuel 2007-2008 : 897 millions d'euros, en progression de
13,4 % à données comparables
releases 2007-2008 annual sales: 897 million euros, an
increase of 13.4% like for like
British Crop
Protection Council symposium: "Seed Production and Treatment
in a Changing Environment" - First announcement and call for
Peter Thorn
named CEO of Westrup A/S
July 08
BASF to invest more
than €150 million in additional capacity for key crop protection
BASF investiert mehr als 150 Millionen € in den Ausbau der
Produktionsanlagen für Pflanzenschutzmittel
BASF remains in top form: Sales
and earnings increase despite challenging business environment
BASF weiter in
Top-Form: Umsatz- und Ergebnisanstieg trotz herausfordernden
Indian seed company
Krishidhan and Dutch biotech company Proteios International
sign agreement for the development and application of molecular
markers and DNA detection technologies on cotton
European corn
production at risk from the “billion dollar beetle” - Spread of
the Western corn rootworm has significant consequences for
BASF Plant Science
takes Amflora case to EU court
BASF Plant Science bringt den Fall Amflora vor EU Gericht
UFOP-Information zur
Winterrapsaussaat 2008: Signale für Rapsanbau in Deutschland
stehen auf „Grün“
Syngenta investit CHF 150 millions
en Suisse pour de nouvelles capacités de production
Syngenta investiert
in der Schweiz CHF 150 Millionen für neue Produktionskapazitäten
half year results 2008: strong performance, positive outlook
2008: starkes Ergebnis, positiver Ausblick
Résultats du premier semestre de l’exercice 2008: excellente
performance, perspectives favorables
Desmontando lo
Germany publishes
online map of GM cultivation
Verticillium wilt and
sclerotinia on oilseed rape in the United Kingdom
UFOP-Information zur
Winterrapsaussaat 2008: Signale für Rapsanbau in Deutschland
stehen auf „Grün“
First report of Tomato
torrado virus in Hungary
Hintergrundinformation: Bienenverluste durch insektizide
Saatgutbehandlungsmittel in Deutschland 2008
Online-Standortregister des BVL stellt Flächen mit gentechnisch
veränderten Pflanzen jetzt auch auf Karte dar
Nature analiza los
diez años de cultivo de maíz Bt en España
Limagrain, through its
plant breeding subsidiary Vilmorin & Cie, purchases a 25%
minority interest in Australian Grain Technologies (AGT)
Vilmorin renforce son expertise en blé en entrant au capital
d'Australian Grain Technologies
Union zur Förderung
von Oel- und Proteinpflanzen bietet Imkern gemeinsames
Monitoring während Rapsaussaat an
Proteome Systems
grants exclusive license to Bayer CropScience for the use of
PXL’s DiagnostIQ test device for innovative applications in two
agricultural fields
Cyst nematodes on
potato in the Chelyabinsk region of Russia
La Comisaria europea
de Agricultura pide una mayor tolerancia de los OMGs en la UE
European Food Safety Authority - Opinion of the Scientific Panel
on Genetically Modified Organisms:
- Request from the
European Commission related to the safeguard clause invoked by
Greece on maize MON810 according to Article 23 of Directive
- Request from the
European Commission related to the safeguard clause invoked by
Hungary on maize MON810 according to Article 23 of Directive
- Application
(reference EFSA-GMO-NL-2006-36) for the placing on the market of
the glyphosate-tolerant genetically modified soybean MON89788,
for food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation
(EC) No 1829/2003 from Monsanto
European Food Safety
Authority concludes that national bans on MON810 are not
scientifically substantiated
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
bi-weekly bulletin:
RR69 Turnip yellows
virus (syn. Beet western yellows virus), an emerging threat to
European oilseed rape production
Union zur Förderung
von Oel- und Proteinpflanzen erwartet Winterrapsanbau zur Ernte
2009 oberhalb von 1,5 Millionen Hektar
Research and Markets
announces the "European Biofuels Market" report
Gobierno dice que basa
sus decisiones sobre transgénicos en el principio de precaución
Bayer CropScience
launches new patented fingerprint authentification technique:
Qualidate to combat illegal trade and counterfeiting
Bayer CropScience führt neue patentierte Technik zur
Echtheitsprüfung ein: Mit Qualidate illegalen Handel und
Fälschungen bekämpfen
American Soybean Association
urges EU Commission to find practical solution for the low level
presence of biotech traits not yet approved in the European Union
Cereal diseases: Septoria on wheat in the UK
La Présidence française de l'Union Européenne lance un groupe de travail
pour renforcer l’évaluation des OGM à l’échelle européenne
Francia crea un grupo de trabajo para reforzar el control de los OGM
en la UE
Barenbrug supplier of grass in Beijing Olympics Stadium
Agricultural Biotechnology International Conference (ABIC) to be held in
Destruction de trois parcelles expérimentales d'OGM en France
Deliberate releases and placing on the
EU market of GM organisms:
- Glycogen phosphorylase use for production of potato plants
with increased starch levels
- Evaluation of economic parameters of biotech maize
DAS-59122-7 (referred as 59122) and MON-ØØ6Ø3-6 (NK603)
Member States of
the European Union agree in principle to abolish obligatory
Soutien unanime à
la recherche sur les OGM : un marché de dupes ?
investiert am Standort Einbeck
June 08
European Union
Commission directive 2008/62/EC of 20 June 2008 providing for
certain derogations for acceptance of agricultural landraces and
varieties which are naturally adapted to the local and regional
conditions and threatened by genetic erosion and for marketing
of seed and seed potatoes of those landraces and varieties
Automating DNA
isolation from cereal crops with Tecan’s magnetic bead
Leading British plant
breeder John Bingham opens new cambridge labs at the National
Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB)
InnoPlanta AGIL und
Bundesverband Deutscher Pflanzenzüchter e.V. fürchten
nachhaltige Schäden für Wirtschaftsstandort - Feldzerstörungen
dürfen nicht länger toleriert werden
First report of Maize
dwarf mosaic virus in Poland
European Commission's
Joint Research Centre produces
first large-scale study on the agronomic and economic
performance of a genetically modified crop cultivated in the
European Union
El Centro Común de
Investigación de la Comisión Europea publica el primer estudio
sobre el rendimiento agronómico y económico a gran escala de un
cultivo modificado genéticamente de la UE
General Assembly of
EuropaBio confirms Willy De Greef as new Secretary General to
lead association
Biodiversité cultivée
: L'Europe fait un premier pas avec la directive sur les
variétés de conservation - Les professionnels des semences font
des propositions suite au 'Grenelle'
Über 800 Landwirte
verurteilen blinden Vandalismus und bekennen sich zum
Fortschritt in der Landwirtschaft - Feldzerstörungen verhindern
Limagrain trakteert
relaties op themadag in de polder
Un total de 75 nuevas
empresas biotecnológicas nacieron en 2007
färdiga för odling av GMO
Germain's Technology
Group appoints new Customer Services Manager and Production
Manager at its Dutch production site
New Sales Manager at
Seed Processing Holland BV
Sale of the home garden
activities: Vilmorin postpones finalization of its agreement
with Plan SAS and accompanies financial reorganization of Flora
Cession des activités grand
public: Vilmorin reporte la finalisation de son accord avec Plan
SAS et accompagne la restructuration financière de Flora Frey
Breakthrough in plant
medicine production at Wageningen UR
DuPont and Syngenta
enter into crop protection technology exchange
BASF and Monsanto enter into
agreement for new fungicide seed treatment solution in soybeans
BASF und Monsanto
schliessen Vertrag über neue Fungizid-Saatgutbeize für
Syngenta receives
approval for Bt11 corn in Brazil
Liberada a comercialização de mais uma variedade de milho
Brasil autoriza el cultivo del maíz Bt 11
S&G issues the 9th edition of
S&G Peppers Today, the newsletter for the world of peppers
Deliberate releases and placing on the
EU market of GM organisms:
- Application to perform complementary field trials with
Syngenta’s Bt11 x GA21 stacked maize product in Spain
- Registration Field Trials of Sugar beet tolerant to glyphosate
- Registration Field trials of Bt11 maize (2008)
- Field trials of Bt11 maize (2008)
Kolloquium zu
Biopatenten eröffnet
Belgium Institute for
Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO) and KeyGene sign AFLP
license agreement
Deutsches Weidelgras
KUBUS zugelassen
Neubewertung der
Agrarrohstoffe stimuliert die Sortenentwicklung
Abierto el plazo de
inscripción para el Máster en Seguridad, Biotecnología e
Innovación Alimentaria
BASF and Nidera unveil new
CLEARFIELD sunflower trait – CLHA-Plus
Basf y Nidera
presentan un nuevo girasol tolerante a herbicida
Five of the eight
stadiums of EURO 2008 in Austria and Switzerland have pitches
made of grass supplied by Barenbrug
Inauguration of Bayer ’s pilot
facility for the “production of medicinal products in tobacco
zur „Herstellung von Medikamenten in Tabakpflanzen“
Bayer CropScience
opens rice research laboratory in Singapore
Bayer CropScience eröffnet Reis-Forschungslabor in Singapur
Climate change
information sheet published on the Farming Futures website
Monsanto Company
completes acquisition of De Ruiter Seeds
Monsanto rondt overname
De Ruiter Seeds
La empresa Monsanto
completa la adquisición propuesta de De Ruiter Seeds
Deutscher Pflanzenzüchter e.V. beendet die Rahmenregelung Saat-
und Pflanzgut
First report of Tomato
apical stunt viroid in Finland
Développer la
génomique du blé et de l’orge pour améliorer la sélection et la
création de nouvelles variétés - Lancement de TriticeaeGenome,
un projet de recherche européen coordonné par l'INRA
Organic and fair trade
fresh produce sales rocketing in Europe
Le riz en Afrique :
quatre organismes de recherche français et africains renforcent
leur collaboration
VIB and Bayer join
forces for plant research
Deutsches Bundesamt für
Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit ordnet das Ruhen
der Zulassung für Saatgutbehandlungsmittel an
German Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety
orders suspension of authorisation for seed disinfectants
Deutsches Bundesamt
für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit verpflichtet
Bayer zur Beobachtung der mit dem Pflanzenschutzmittel "Poncho"
behandelten Äcker - Untersuchung von Maispflanzen auf Rückstände
des Pflanzenschutzmittelwirkstoffs Clothianidin soll erneute
Schäden an Bienenvölkern verhindern
Agrarwirtschaft: Pflanzenzüchter sind gefordert
Marian Fischer-Böel
“Es necesario agilizar los trámites de aprobación de OMG
destinados al cultivo dentro de la UE”
Sakata to acquire
gerbera breeding program from Varinova B.V.
Deliberate releases and placing on the
EU market of GM organisms:
- Notification for the deliberate release of genetically
modified DAS-Ø15Ø7-1xMON-ØØ6Ø3-6 maize (4-year program 2008
to 2011)
- Notification for the deliberate release of genetically
modified DP-Ø9814Ø-6 maize (4-year program: 2008 to 2011)
- Notification for the deliberate release of genetically
modified DP-Ø9814Ø-6xDAS-Ø15Ø7-1 maize (4-year program: 2008
to 2011)
- Notification for the deliberate release of genetically
modified DP-Ø9814Ø-6xDAS-Ø15Ø7-1xDAS-59122-7 maize (4-year
program: 2008 to 2011)
- Official trials for registration of maize varieties
resistant to certain Lepidopteran insect pests
- Field trials with glyphosate herbicide tolerant cotton
transformation event GHB614 for agronomic, nutritional and
toxicological evaluation
- Field trials of genetically modified herbicide tolerant
maize event GA21 (Continuation)
- Field trials with herbicide tolerant and insect resistance
cotton transformation event GHB119 for agronomic,
nutritional and toxicological evaluation
- Field trials with herbicide tolerant and insect resistance
cotton transformation event T304-40 for agronomic,
nutritional and toxicological evaluation
- Agronomic evaluation of genetically modified cotton
variety, herbicide resistance
- Agronomic evaluation of genetically modified cotton
variety, insect resistance
- Release of maize plants with event Nk-603 to perform the
necesary agronomic and identification trials required for
the inclusion of maize varieties in the Spanish Registry of
Commercial Varieties (Registro Español de Variedades
- Release of maize plants with eventS NK603 and MON810
combined to perform the necesary agronomic and
identification trials required for the inclusion of maize
varieties in the Spanish Registry of Commercial Varieties
(Registro Español de Variedades Comerciales)
Neue Versuchsreihe
zu Bt-Mais mit „doppelter Resistenz“
Bt-Mais: Weniger
Schädlingsfraß, weniger Mykotoxine
Forschungsförderung bei nachwachsenden Rohstoffen gesichert
- EU-Kommission genehmigt Förderprogramm des deutschen
Bundesministeriums für Landwirtschaft
European Crop
Protection Association launches online platform to capture
the debate on pesticides
Union Européenne:
vers une meilleure efficacité du processus d’homologation
des OGM? - Les professionnels des semences et de la
protection des plantes attendent de l’Europe plus de
consensus et d’efficacité.
Center for
Research in Agricultural Genomics in Barcelona, Spain to use
454 sequencing for melon research
Vilmorin clôture
avec succés son émission d'obligations à options de
conversion et/ou d'échange en actions nouvelles ou
Vilmorin has successfully concluded the issuance of bonds
convertible into and/or exchangeable for new or existing
koolzaadproef gecontamineerd door niet-toegelaten GGO’s
Essai de colza conventionnel contaminé par des OGM non
May 08
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
bi-weekly bulletin:
European Union Council
stalls pesticide review
Romer Labs participates
at the 1st Global Conference on GMO Analysis
KeyGene and the U.S.
Department of Agriculture sign long-term collaboration on pepper
Further registration
for the fungicidal substance Fluopicolide in Europe: Bayer
CropScience´s Infinito receives registration in Belgium
Weitere Zulassung für fungiziden Wirkstoff Fluopicolide in
Europa: Infinito von Bayer CropScience in Belgien zugelassen
Saat AG – Erfreuliche Geschäftsentwicklung in den ersten neun
KWS Saat AG – Positive performance in the first nine
Evogene to collaborate
with Vilmorin for tomato yield improvement
BASF Crop Protection
outpaces market growth in Eastern Europe
BASF Crop Protection wächst in Osteuropa schneller als der
Food Safety Authority:
Response to the request
from the European Commission on the nonauthorised genetically
modified event DAS 59132-8 in US maize - Scientific Opinion of
the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms
BASF Plant Science and
Academia Sinica (Taipei) to cooperate on gene discovery
BASF Plant Science und Academia Sinica (Taipei) vereinbaren
Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet der Genentdeckung
XBEET, Germain’s novel
seed priming technology for sugar beet, is launched in the
United Kingdom
Monsanto and Syngenta
reach royalty-bearing licensing agreement on Roundup Ready 2
Yield soybean technology
Syngenta and Monsanto
reach agreement on corn and soybean technologies
Limagrain unveils new
structure for its vegetable seed operations - Harris Moran (USA)
to link with Clause (France) and Marco Polo (Thailand)
Quels végétaux et quels
systèmes de production durables pour la biomasse dans l’avenir ?
La loi sur les OGM
enfin adoptée
- Le projet de
loi OGM a été adopté par l’Assemblée nationale
- El Parlamento francés
aprueba el proyecto sobre los OGM
CCFRA research provides
new insight into wheat functionality to help breeders improve
its processing quality
La agricultura debe
recuperar los niveles de rentabilidad que nunca debía haber
Vilmorin précise les
modalités de son désengagement du marché grand public
Vilmorin provides more details
of the terms of its withdrawal from the home garden market
Le Conseil fédéral
helvétique souhaite prolonger le moratoire sur les OGM dans
Bundesrat will Moratorium "gentechnikfreie Landwirtschaft"
Il Consiglio federale intende prorogare la moratoria sugli OGM
in agricoltura
schafft genetische Vielfalt
Michel Barnier
réaffirme sa vigilance dans le suivi de l'utilisation du Cruiser
Seed and young plant
health was the central feature of a three day international
meeting at De Ruiter Seeds
Aresa har opnået
tilladelse fra de serbiske myndigheder til udsåning af transgene
tobaksplanter til detektion af sprængstoffer
Aresa obtains permission from the Serbian authorities to
plant transgenic tobacco for the detection of explosives
Dr Andries Koops
appointed as manager of the business unit Bioscience of Plant
Research International
Bayer CropScience's Folicur
protects against harvest losses caused by Ug99
Mit Folicur
Ernteverluste durch Ug99 verhindern
Devgen reports progress
for its business activities in line with plan
Deliberate releases and placing on the
EU market of GM organisms:
- Field testing continuation under official supervision for
characterization of genetically modified corn varieties derived
from NK603 line, and tolerant to glyphosate
- Field testing continuation under official supervision, for
characterization of genetically modified corn varieties NK603 x
MON 810, tolerant to glyphosate and protected against corn
- Field testing under official supervision for characterization
of genetically modified corn MON 88017, tolerant to glyphosate
and protected against Corn Rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera)
Organic agriculture in
Icelandic biotechnology
company launches unique Orfeus protein production system in
9 Jahre Hybridweizen -
ein Erfahrungsbericht aus der Praxis
DuPont and Genencor
create world-leading cellulosic ethanol company - Joint venture
combines companies’ strengths in the development and deployment
of second generation ethanol from non-food feedstocks to address
$75 billion market opportunity
First hybrid rice variety
worldwide resistant to bacterial leaf blight: Bayer CropScience
launches new high-yielding rice variety in India
Weltweit erster
gegen Bakterienbrand resistenter Hybridreis: Bayer CropScience
führt neue Hochertrags-Reissorte in Indien ein
Fünf neue
Wintergetreidesorten der Saaten-Union zugelassen
Saaten-Union mit
umfangreicher Leistungsschau auf DLG-Feldtagen 2008 vertreten -
Sorten für mehr Ertrag und Sicherheit
Nauwelijks vermenging tussen genetisch gemodificeerde maïs en
gangbare maïs
“No es posible imaginar
el progreso en medicina y agricultura sin la biotecnología”
Discussion paper of
German ag-industry about EU biotech policy implications
Las Cortes de Aragón
rechazan declarar la región libre de transgénicos
Plant Bioscience enters
into a major licence agreement with a leading plant
biotechnology company on the Flavodoxin technology, a new
technology for enhancing the performance of crops
The impact of using GM
insect resistant maize in Europe since 1998
Sterk groeiende vraag
naar graszaad-coating Headstart
United Kingdom approves
Leeds University GM potato trial
Spain: experience with
Bt maize
La experiencia española con el maíz BT
European Commission
procrastinates on GMOs while millions of farmers worldwide are
growing them
- La Comisión Europea
retrasa el debate sobre los OGM
Progression du chiffre d'affaires du 3ème trimestre
2007-2008 : + 17,5 % à données comparables
Increase in sales for the 3rd quarter of 2007-2008: +
17.5% like for like
La Comisión Europea
discutirá esta semana si debe cambiar su política sobre los
Tally Zangy joins
the sales department of Seed Processing Holland
Producing and
marketing malting barley - A new section on the website of
publish comprehensive guide to cereal pathogens in the UK
April 08
Resistenter Mais gegen
Maiswurzelbohrer jetzt in offizieller ungarischen Wertprüfung
Warning over virulent
strain of late blight on potato in Scotland
Official opening of
new De Ruiter Seeds site in China
KWS legt
Forschungsversuch auf besetztem Feld in Northeim an - Mehr als
450 Mitarbeiter stehen für Forschungsfreiheit am Standort
Deutschland ein
La mejora vegetal,
una ciencia de futuro
Deliberate releases and placing on the
EU market of GM organisms:
- Experimental release of genetically modified tobacco into the
- Ecological relevance of potentially defensive genes during the
interaction between Solanum nigrum (Black Nightshade) and
environmental factors
GM barley trial field
occupied by protesters in Giessen, Germany
Feldbesetzung in Gießen
Initiative für unabhängige Forschung - "Der Versuchsanbau war
Wissenschaft zum Anfassen"
Update on fungal
diseases on cereals in the UK and Ireland
GM crops must become
part of cereals sector tool kit, says the British National Beef
InnovatorsClub: a new strategic initiative for small and
medium-sized plant breeding enterprises
Feldzerstörungen sind
inakzeptabel und strafbar, sagt Bundeslandwirtschaftsminister
BASF enters a
challenging 2008 with a record first quarter
INCOTEC reaches
agreement with Lantmännen to acquire SeedGard (ThermoSeed)
Syngenta holds its
Annual General Meeting
Q1 2008 sales:
Capturing opportunity in expanding markets
Umsatz 1. Quartal 2008:
Wachstumspotential in expandierenden Märkten nutzen
Chiffre d’affaires du
premier trimestre 2008: Syngenta réalise les opportunités des
marchés en expansion
Forum Global Change &
Biotechnology open for discussion
discussieforum Global Change & Biotechnologie
Uiendemoveld van
Nickerson-Zwaan gezaaid
bescheinigt KWS gutes Qualitäts- und Umwelt-management -
Integriertes Managementsystem nach umfangreicher Prüfung
Biotech industry
supports 10% biofuels targets set out by the European Commission
as being sustainable
BASF calls on EU
Commissioner Dimas to approve Amflora
BASF fordert EU-Kommissar Dimas zur Genehmigung von Amflora
Syngenta to build major global
biotech research center in Beijing, China
Syngenta errichtet
globales Biotech-Forschungszentrum in Peking
Syngenta va construire
un grand centre mondial de recherche biotechnologique à Pékin
Bayer CropScience to enforce its
Mefenpyr patent
Bayer CropScience
will Mefenpyr-Patent durchsetzen
MWG Biotech expands
capacities with a second Genome Sequencer FLX system to address
the growing sequencing demand
KWS bietet
Feldbesetzern Dialog an: Keine dauerhafte Hinnahme der Besetzung
– Versuche werden wie geplant durchgeführt
Willy De Greef
appointed New Secretary General of EuropaBio
Forschung für die
Zukunft – in Deutschland nicht erwünscht? Kleine, so genannte
„Gendreck-weg-Gruppe“ stellt sich der Innovation für die
Landwirte in den Weg
Nature analiza los
cultivos transgénicos en España
Sortiment aus - Zulassung leistungsstarker Roggen-, Gersten-,
Weizen- und Triticalesorten
Deliberate releases and placing on the
EU market of GM organisms:
- Official variety testing of NK 603 Roundup Ready® corn hybrid
for economical evaluation
El proyecto de ley
sobre organismos MG divide al Gobierno francés
Three leading potato
starch producers see amylopectin starch from genetically
enhanced potatoes as a commercial opportunity and see no reason
to withhold Amflora approval
Die drei führenden Kartoffelstärkehersteller sehen für
Amylopek-tinstärke aus gentechnisch veränderten Kartoffeln
wirtschaftliches Potenzial und keinen Grund, die Genehmigung von
Amflora weiter hinauszuzögern
ISTA GMO Detection
Workshop to be held in June 2008
Aragón apoya la
aprobación de nuevas variedades de maíz transgénico
Evaluation of the
European legislation governing the marketing of seeds and plant
propagating material within the European Union
Fungal diseases on
oilseed rape in the United Kingdom and Canada
S&G issues the 8th
edition of S&G Peppers Today, the newsletter for the world of
Bayer CropScience
supports British Fresh Produce Consortium: Eat in Colour - The
tasty route to healthy nutrition Program to increase consumption
of fruit and vegetables
Bayer CropScience unterstützt
Fresh Produce Consortium in Großbritannien: "Eat in Colour" -
der schmackhafte Weg zu gesunder Ernährung Initiative für einen
höheren Obst- und Gemüseverzehr
Alemania aprueba los
ensayos de campo con patata y azúcar modificada genéticamente
Genoma España abre la
convocatoria para la creación de proyectos sobre biotecnología
Light leaf spot on
oilseed rape in Ireland and the UK
Syngenta: Preliminary
first quarter 2008 sales
Vorläufige Umsätze des ersten Quartals 2008
Chiffre d’affaires préliminaire du premier trimestre 2008
European Food Safety Authority:
Mandates related to
the environmental risk assessment of GM plants
Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz genehmigt Versuche der KWS
Saat AG mit herbizid-toleranten Zuckerrüben
OGM en France:
enfin le débat
Desciende el
precio del maíz en España tras la aprobación del GA21
March 08
Monsanto Company
announces agreement to acquire De Ruiter Seeds, a leading global
vegetable seed company
Monsanto maakt
akkoord bekend over overname van De Ruiter Seeds, een wereldwijd
toonangevend groentezadenbedrijf
Plant Heath Care PLC
publishes results for the year ended 31 December 2007
Bei der Bekämpfung
des Rapsglanzkäfers im Frühjahr 2008 Bienenschutz besonders
EU Commission
approves GA21 maize
La UE aprueba
la importación del maíz GA21
European Food Safety Authority:
Opinion of the
Scientific Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms on a request
from the Commission related to the notification (Reference
C/NL/06/01) for the placing on the market of the genetically
modified carnation Moonaqua 123.8.12 with a modified colour, for
import of cut flowers for ornamental use, under Part C of
Directive 2001/18/EC from Florigene
Cesfac prevé la
aprobación del maíz OGM GA21 en UE el 28 de marzo
Eiweißpflanzen: Steigerung der Produktion als echte
Herausforderung für Europa
Deliberate releases and placing on the
EU market of GM organisms:
- Field trials of genetically modified herbicide tolerant maize
event GA21 to be carried out between 2008 and 2012
Wageningen UR:
Biological soil disinfestation increases asparagus production by
50 percent
Report of Iris yellow
spot virus on onion in Germany
Fungal pathogens on
wheat in England, United Kingdom
La décision
d’interdiction des cultures de maïs OGM confirmée par le Conseil
French supreme court
confirms ban on MON810
Führungswechsel bei
der Gemeinschaft zur Förderung der privaten deutschen
Pflanzenzüchtung e.V.
Liberté de choix des
maïsiculteurs français : il y avait pourtant urgence !
Kleine Helfer im
Genom koordinieren die Pflanzenabwehr -
Max-Planck-Wissenschaftler heben den auf kleinen RNAs
verborgenen "Wortschatz", der die Abwehr von Pflanzen gegen
Schädlinge dirigiert
ontvangt Russische delegatie
Lettre relative au
projet de loi sur les OGM, envoyée aux députés français par le
président de la Fédération Nationale des Syndicats d’Exploitants
Suspension de la mise
en culture et de la mise sur le marché d’OGM
Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en
Voedselkwaliteit: AO
Plantenveredelingstechnieken van 5 februari 2008
Semena SA, filiale du
groupe KWS, signe du nom commercial de KWS Suisse SA
Devgen announces
financial results for the year ending December 31, 2007,
presents important steps towards future growth
La paléo-génomique ou
comment reconstruire l’histoire des génomes des céréales sur 90
millions d’années pour l’amélioration des variétés de demain
Catalogue et semences
de ferme : le GNIS répond à la Confédération paysanne
European biotech
industry sets the record straight on biofuels and outlines
contribution of biotech to a low-carbon society
UFOP-Vorstand fordert
stärkere finanzielle Anreize für heimische Körnerleguminosen im
Rahmen des Health Check der EU-Agrarpolitik
Amflora potato: not
this year
Wageningen scientist
discovers genes that increase yield on marginal soils
Traitement fongicide
biologique à la vapeur pour les semences de légumes
Mit Dampf schädliche Pilze bekämpfen
German Bundesrat
finally approves amendment of the German genetech law
"Safety and Nutritional Assessment
of GM Plants and derived food and feed: The role of animal
feeding trials" - EFSA Report on
animal feeding trials in GM plant evaluation published in
peer-reviewed scientific journal
Deliberate releases and placing on the
EU market of GM organisms:
- Field trials with genetically modified insect resistant maize
MIR604 Maize
- Application for review of authorization conditions for the
deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified
herbicide tolerant GA21 maize (Field Trials)
- Application for review of authorization conditions for the
deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified
insect resistant Bt11 maize (Field Trials)
- Field trials with genetically modified insect resistant maize
and herbicide tolerant Bt11xMIR604xGA21 maize
- Field trials with genetically modified insect resistant maize
and herbicide tolerant Bt11xGA21 maize
- Notification according to Directive 2001/18/EC, Part B, for
the deliberate release of MON 88017 maize, tolerant to
glyphosate and protected against Corn Root Worm (Diabrotica
virgifera) for the use in field trials in Romania
- Notification according to Directive 2001/18/EC, Part B, for
the deliberate release of MON 89034 maize for the use in field
trials in Romania.
- The photosynthetic genome
A novel path in
Spanish fresh produce production: BASF and its partners to meet
consumer demands
Neue Wege in der spanischen Obst- und Gemüseproduktion: BASF
und seine Partner erfüllen Anforderungen der Verbraucher
100 Jahre
Gemeinschaft zur Förderung der privaten deutschen
Pflanzenzüchtung e.V. - Pflanzenzüchter forschen für die Zukunft
EBRD and FAO call for
bold steps to contain soaring food prices - Moves needed now to
unlock unused agricultural potential in Eastern Europe
BASF launches two
crop protection active ingredients
BASF bringt zwei neue Pflanzenschutzwirkstoffe auf den Markt
Germain’s Technology
Group appoints a new European Horticulture Sales and Marketing
DuPont sees large
growth opportunities for seed business in Eastern Europe
Résultats de la
consultation des agriculteurs de Terrena - prudence sur les ogm,
changements dans les pratiques agricoles
Appointment of Frank
Barenbrug as Member of the Board of Directors of the Royal
Barenbrug Group
Vermoedelijke bron
Clavibacter besmettingen vastgesteld
Initiative on biotech
labeling rejected by Romanian Senate
Onafhankelijke jury
unaniem: Dieuwertje van der Does winnares Rijk Zwaan Plant
Sciences Award 2007
Independent jury unanimous: Dieuwertje van der Does wins Rijk
Zwaan Plant Sciences Award 2007
Syngenta successfully
issues CHF 500 million domestic bond
Syngenta platziert Inlandsanleihe im Wert von CHF 500
Syngenta émet avec succès une obligation domestique pour un
montant de CHF 500 millions
Video and audio
podcasts of the HGCA Milling Wheat Conference 2008 available for
a limited time
Fundación Antama
presenta su nuevo portal en YouTube
Deliberate releases and placing on the
EU market of GM organisms:
- Notification according to Directive 2001/18/EC, Part B,
for the deliberate release of glyphosate tolerant H7-1
sugarbeet for the use in field trials in Castilla y León
February 08
Takii acquires a
100% share in Danish flower seed company Global Flowers A/S
Terrain, presidente de la Asociación Francesa de Productores de
Maíz (AGPM): “Pensamos que, desde el respeto a la reglas,
producir maíz Bt es posible”
Umsatz steigt durch gutes Wintergetreide- und -rapsgeschäft
KWS SAAT AG – higher sales from
good winter cereal and rapeseed business
Bacterial diseases
on tomatoes in Holland, Italy
UFOP-Projekt zur
Entwicklung eines Entscheidungshilfesystems zur
Anthracnose-Bekämpfung bei Blauen Süßlupinen
What UK farmers
think about genetically modified crops
Les professionnels
français des semences veulent s'investir dans la fondation pour
la biodiversité
Progression du résultat opérationnel semestriel au 31 décembre
07: + 18 millions d'euros à données comparables
Increase of half-yearly operating income on December 31, 2007
- Up by 18 million euros like for like
Herausforderungen für die biologische Sicherheitsforschung:
BMBF-Tagung zur Umweltsicherheit gentechnisch veränderter
Kulturpflanzenforschung in Quedlinburg - Minister Seehofer
eröffnet Julius Kühn-Institut
conference 'Arable Cropping in a Changing Climate'
genenbank op Spitsbergen
Antama ofrece en exclusiva, por primera vez en castellano, el
vídeo didáctico editado por EuropaBío
titulado ‘La Revolución Invisible’
Interdiction du
maïs Bt en France: L’Association Générale des Producteurs de
Maïs attaquent devant le Conseil d’Etat
Los productores franceses impugnan ante el Consejo de Estado la
First reports of
new hosts of pospiviroids in Europe
L’INRA recrute 240
cadres et techniciens dans de nombreux métiers et à tous les
niveaux : du CAP au doctorat
Approval of GMO
crops: US and EU seek agreement, EU farmers’ associations press
for speed
First report of
Iris yellow spot virus on lisianthus in Suffolk, United Kingdom
67% of farmers are
ready to grow GMOs immediately, says a Demoskopea survey
presented in Milan for the Italian biotech association
Assobiotec on "maize growers' preception of GMOs in the Italian
region of Lombardy"
El 67% de los
agricultores italianos están dispuestos a cultivar
inmediatamente OMGs
New record year
2007 gives BASF confidence for 2008
Neue Bestmarken in 2007 geben BASF Zuversicht für 2008
KWS Saat AG Mais:
Sortenzulassungen 2008
Biotechnology announces new research partnership with Bayer
Bundeslandwirtschaftsministerium setzt Neuberechnung der
Ökoprämien zugunsten der Biobauern durch
Deliberate releases and placing on the
EU market of GM organisms:
- Effects of stacked Bt-maize with ECB and WCR resistance genes
on non-target organisms
- Weed control strategies in Maize
- Monitoring of Key Non-Target Arthropods in Transgenic Maize
Lines Containing Events DP-Ø9814Ø-6, DP-Ø9814Ø-6 × DAS-Ø15Ø7-1,
and DP-Ø9814Ø-6 × DAS-Ø15Ø7-1 × DAS-59122-7
- Notification according to Directive 2001/18/EC, Part B, for
the deliberate release of NK603 maize, for use in field trials
in Slovakia
Se presenta en
Madrid el CBGP, un nuevo centro puntero en genómica de plantas
Teagasc – 50 years
of research
Eduardo Negre
appointed General Manager of G.T.G. España Seed Coating and
Enhancement Services S.A.
Syngenta, DuPont
sign agreement for access to broad insect control technology in
Syngenta und DuPont unterzeichnen Vereinbarung über die
Technologie einer breiteren Insektenbekämpfung in Mais
Syngenta et DuPont signent un accord pour l’accès à un caractère
biotechnologique permettant de lutter contre de nombreux
insectes ravageurs du maïs
Potato Amflora:
BASF expects green light from EU Commission
Amflora: BASF erwartet grünes Licht von EU-Kommission
Los productores de
maíz reclaman poder desarrollar la biotecnología "con libertad"
biotechnology law jumps last hurdle
Zuckerrübe: Drei
Neuzulassungen - Die neuen Überflieger kommen von KWS!
World GM plantings
concern European grain, oilseed crushers and feed trade
Alles over uien op
nieuwe website
Gentechnikgesetz als Chance begreifen, sagt deutscher
Successful launch
of climate neutral products with TÜV certification
BASF: „Europäische Landwirte
brauchen Zugang zu modernen Technologien“
BASF: “Give Europe’s
farmers access to advanced technology”
Assemblée générale
du Groupe Euralis
Semences de lin -
La profession rassure les liniculteurs mais incite à la prudence
France struggles
with its attitude towards biotechnology
European Union:
Proposals to
authorise GM soybean A2704-12 and cotton LL25 to be transmitted
to the Council
Commission requires certification for Chinese rice products to
stop unauthorised GMO from entering the EU
Reports of
brassica diseases in Turkey and Nepal
Bundesamt für Umwelt bewilligt drei Freisetzungsversuche mit
gentechnisch veränderten Organismen der Universität Zürich und
der ETH Zürich unter strengen Auflagen
L'Office fédéral de l'environnement (OFEV) autorise, sous
certaines conditions très strictes, trois demandes de
dissémination expérimentale d'organismes génétiquement modifiés
déposées par l'Université de Zurich et l'EPF de Zurich
Swiss Federal Department of the Environment approves
applications by the University of Zurich and the ETH to sowed GM
wheat experimentally in the spring at the Agricultural Research
Institute of Zurich-Reckenholz
Protection introduces development pipeline herbicide to
scientific community
BASF Crop Protection stellt Wissenschaftlern neues
Entwicklungspipeline-Herbizid vor
Deliberate releases and placing on the
EU market of GM organisms:
- Notification for the field testing of spring oilseedrape (Brassica
napus) genetically modified for improved oil composition in
the seed
New strain of
yellow rust (stripe rust) in Denmark
La France notifie
la clause de sauvegarde du maïs MON810 à la Commission
Nunhems’ Intense tomato wins Fruit
Logistica Innovation Award 2008
Intense-Tomate von
Nunhems gewinnt Fruit Logistica Innovation Award 2008
France: Arrêté du
7 février 2008 suspendant la mise en culture des variétés de
semences de maïs génétiquement modifié (Zea mays L.
lignée MON 810)
Bayer CropScience
at Fruit Logistica 2008 in Berlin - Successful partnerships all
round: from producer to consumer, company presents international
food chain partnership projects
Bayer CropScience auf der Fruit Logistica 2008 in Berlin -
Erfolgreiche Partnerschaften für alle: vom Erzeuger bis zum
Verbraucher Unternehmen stellt internationale Food Chain
Partnership-Projekte vor
Syngenta 2007 annual results -
Performance reflects unique position in buoyant agricultural
Syngenta Jahresabschluss 2007 - Geschäftsergebnis spiegelt
ausgezeichnete Stellung in positivem Marktumfeld wider
Résultat de l’exercice 2007 - La performance du groupe reflète
sa position unique sur des marchés agricoles florissants
Los transgénicos,
un paso evolutivo en la producción agraria
Euralis fixe le
cap à 2012
Intense - A Tomato,
that does not lose its juice
Intense - Die Tomate, die den Fruchtsaft nicht verliert
El área de cultivo
de OGM en Portugal superó las 4.000 hectáreas en 2007
KWS und van Rijn
gründen internationales Joint Venture für Züchtung, Produktion
und Vertrieb von Pflanzkartoffeln
beter benutten voor een duurzame landbouw
Deliberate releases and placing on the
EU market of GM organisms:
- Field trials of genetically modified herbicide tolerant
maize event GA21 to be carried out between 2008 and 2010
- Application for the deliberate release of genetically
modified DP-Ø9814Ø-6 maize
France: La
clause de sauvegarde - décryptage d’une procédure
Parliament amends biotechnology law
gibt Umfirmierung und Markenwechsel bekannt - Seit dem 1.
Februar 2008 tritt das Bergener Getreidezüchtungsunternehmen
Lochow-Petkus changes its company name to KWS Lochow GmbH
January 08
Worldwide access to
Community plant variety rights
Cruiser - une mise sur le marché surveillée et évaluée
Analyse par la
société Monsanto de l'avis sur la dissémintaion du MON 810 sur
le territoire français rendu par le Comité de préfiguration
d'une Haute Autorité sur les OGM le 9 janvier 2008
Analysis by Monsanto of the opinion on the dissemination of
MON 810 on the French territory by the Committee of
Prefiguration of a High Authority on GM Organisms on January 9,
Semences : la
France en pleine contradiction
Portugal: Area de
cultivo de OGM’s cresce 330% en relação a 2006 - Niveis de
contaminação insignificantes (<0,4% quando a máxima permitida é
de <0,9%)
European Food Safety Authority
works with Member States on best approaches to GMO risk
Für die
Frühjahrsaussaat Körnerleguminosen, Sonnenblumen und Sommerraps
intensiv in die Planungen einbeziehen
S&G issues the
seventh edition of S&G Peppers Today, the newsletter for the
world of peppers
Viruses on potatoes
in Scotland
Vilmorin annonce
son chiffre d'affaires semestriel 2007-2008: +15.5% à données
Half-yearly sales
for 2007-2008: + 15.5% like for like
Vilmorin meldet für das erste
Halbjahr des Geschäftsjahres 2007/2008 einen bereinigten
Umsatzansteig von 15,5 %
Deliberate releases and placing on the
EU market of GM organisms:
- Notification according to Directive 2001/18/EC, Part B, for
the deliberate release of MON 89034, MON 88017 and MON 89034 ×
MON 88017 maize, for the use in field trials in Slovakia
- Monitoring of key non-target arthropods in transgenic maize
lines containing events GAT-R11-A, GAT-R11-A × 1507, and
GAT-R11-A × 1507 × 59122
Premier inventaire
des espèces invasives animales et végétales en Europe
Perspectives de
prix élevés du pois et de la féverole français en nouvelle
récolte 2008 pour des marchés acheteurs
First reports of
root-knot nematodes on vegetables in Montenegro
Poland may not ban
genetically modified plants
verhindert die Nutzung von Innovationen - Pflanzenzüchter sehen
Standortnachteile für die deutsche Landwirtschaft
und Bundesverband Deutscher Pflanzenzüchter e.V. stärken
EuropaBio supports
Europe's renewable energy directive and its sustainability
criteria for biofuels
BASF Plant Science
and National Institute of Biological Sciences (China) enter
cooperation and license agreement
BASF Plant Science und das National Institute of Biological
Sciences (China) beschließen Zusammenarbeit und
Debate over GMOs
rages on in Europe
Las autoridades
españolas establecen un nivel de seguridad, control y
transparencia sin precedentes en la agricultura OMG
Teagasc conference
discusses cereal prospects in a new era
Tomato spotted wilt
virus threatens pepper recovery in Almeria, Spain
El uso de
transgénicos en biocombustibles es una perspectiva de progreso,
conveniencia y necesidad
Bayer CropScience at Fruit
Logistica 2008 in Berlin: Fruits and vegetables with more
intensive flavors - Company presents Flavour Guarantee project
from Brazil
Bayer CropScience
auf der Fruit Logistica 2008 in Berlin: Obst und Gemüse mit
intensiverem Geschmack - Unternehmen stellt "Flavour
Guarantee"-Projekt aus Brasilien vor
The western corn
rootworm: on its way to European maize fields
Syngenta announces
two key appointments
Assemblée générale
de l'Association suisse des sélectionneurs
2nd ERA-PG call for
proposals: Strengthening the European research in plant
genomics, integrating new technologies in plant science
Deliberate releases and placing on the
EU market of GM organisms:
- Notification according to Directive 2001/18/EC, Part B, for
the deliberate release of glyphosate-tolerant sugar beet (H7-1)
for field trials in Germany
- Application for the deliberate release of genetically modified
DP-Ø9814Ø-6 maize into the environment
- Quality evaluation of some chosen cucumber transgenic lines
with taumatin gene
UFOP-Flächenprognose für deutsche Winterrapsanbau zur Ernte 2008
Statement of the
United States Trade Representative on the biotech dispute with
the European Union
Koexistenz-Regeln, laschere Vorschriften bei der "ohne
OGM : application
du principe de précaution
- Maïs
génétiquement modifié : Un beau gâchis !
- French biotech
crop decision environmentally unfriendly
- La decisión
francesa sobre el maíz transgénico perjudica al medio ambiente
- Frankreich:
Anbauverbot für MON810-Mais
“Living Food
Quality Together“ - BASF Crop Protection expands successful
BASF Crop Protection baut erfolgreiche Partnerschaften weiter
acquires onion activities of Global Genetics
Nickerson-Zwaan neemt
uienactiviteiten Global Genetics over
Devgen strengthens
management team by appointing Mr. Bipin Solanki as CEO of Devgen
Seeds and Crop Technology in India
Offener Umgang mit
allen Fragen zur Grünen Gentechnik - Informationsveranstaltung
am 24. Januar 2008 in Stöckheim
White paper on the
organic food industry in the United States and the European
Le comité de
préfiguration d’une Haute Autorité sur les OGM présente ses
conclusions sur le maïs Mon 810
- Quelques
vérités sur l’avis relatif à un maïs génétiquement modifié
- Les « doutes
sérieux » du Président Le Grand : pas sérieux du tout
IJs van Dok,
founder of Seed Processing Holland BV, passes away
Deliberate releases and placing on the
EU market of GM organisms:
- Control of potato cyst-nematodes with minimised environmental
- Application for the deliberate release of genetically modified
DP-Ø9814Ø-6 maize
- Potato plant AV43-6-G7 with reduced amylose content
- Investigation of the influence of genetically modified maize
resistant to glyphosate (NK603) on weed population in crop
rotation compared with conventional weed control system in maize
- Sugar beet tolerant to glyphosate and resistant to virus
disease Rhizomania, Sweden, 2008-2012
Archer Daniels
Midland Company, Bayer CropScience and Daimler to cooperate in
Jatropha biodiesel project
Zusammenarbeit von Archer
Daniels Midland Company, Bayer CropScience und Daimler in
Jatropha Biodiesel-Projekt
Le projet de loi
sur les OGM sera débattu au Sénat à partir du 5 février au Sénat
et après les élections municipales à l’Assemblée Nationale
L’INRA recrute 75
jeunes chercheurs
Résultats des
évaluations du Poncho et du Cruiser
Saaten-Union newsletter:
- Weniger
Braugersten Sorten sind mehr!
- Deutscher
Braugerstenmarkt: kein "Wackelkandidat" mehr
L’épi du maïs
OGM sera-t-il bientôt fauché en France par excès de
INRA Transfert
and Plant
Bioscience Ltd. join forces in plant science technology promotion
'Urgurke', an initiative of Eosta and Enza Zaden, nominated
for Fruit Logistica Innovation Award 2008
biologische Gurkensorten schlagen an
December 07
Euralis kauft
Fabrik in der Ukraine - Investition in moderne
Seed Processing
Holland BV, appoints sales manager for China
Latin America and
European Union to collaborate on biotechnology
besmetting met clavibacter in tomatenteelt
Agrisemen B.V.
acquires Brussels sprouts program from Seminis
S&G launches, the website about the world of melons
S&G issues the
6th edition of S&G Peppers Today, the newsletter for the world
of peppers
La web del INRA
(Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agronómica de Francia),
ahora también en español
Ukraine adopts law
on biosafety in creating, testing, transporting and using GM
Украина приняла закон «О государственной системе
биобезопасности при создании, испытании, транспортировке и
использовании генетически модифицированных организмов»
European Union
votes remove requirement for mandatory testing of U.S.
long-grain rice for the presence of GE traits
Nunhems new tomato
concept Intense nominated for the Fruit Logistica Innovation
Award 2008 among the 10 most outstanding innovations of the year
Nunhems’ Intense
für den Fruit Logistica Innovationspreis 2008 nominiert Nunhems
neues Tomatenkonzept Intense ist unter den 10 herausragenden
Innovationen des Jahres
- Portuguese
authorities establish first agriculture biotechnology-free zone
- Russian federal
law sets biotech labeling threshold at 0.9 percent
- Registration
procedure for GMO feeds in the Russian Federation
Maïs - récolte
2007 et marché
Komando, eine neue
Winterrapssorte von KWS, wird in Deutschland zugelassen
First reports of
Tomato chlorosis virus in southwestern Turkey and in Mayotte
Island, France
International Seed
Federation arbitration announcement
Prévisions pour la
campagne commerciale grandes cultures 2007/2008
BASF expects
European Union approval of Amflora potato within weeks
Devgen appoints
Wim Goemaere as Chief Financial Officer
Plant Health Care
and Monsanto sign agreement for the development and
commercialization of Harpin-based technology
Innovationsfeindliche Resolution des Rates der Stadt Northeim -
KWS befremdet über Ausschlagung von Informationsangeboten
The Netherlands:
Nieuwe uitdagingen
voor biologische landbouw
der KWS SAAT AG - Bestes Geschäftsjahr der
Gentechnikgesetz rechtzeitig zum Anbau 2008?
GM crops in
Europe: how much value and for whom?
Les cultures génétiquement modifiées en Europe : quels
avantages et pour qui?
Genetisch veränderte Feldfrüchte in Europa: Welcher Wert und für
Assemblée Générale Mixte du 12 décembre 2007
CropScience’s vegetable seed business Nunhems acquires US
lettuce seed company Paragon Seed
Bayer CropScience-Tochter Nunhems
erwirbt das US-Saatgutunternehmen Paragon Seed
Antama y Sebiot
actualizan el cuaderno divulgativo “Plantas transgénicas”
Bayer CropScience
and Euralis Semences form alliance to develop new winter
oilseedrape products for the European market
Bayer CropScience und Euralis Semences kooperieren in der
Entwicklung neuer Winterrapssorten für Europa
conferences in Prague, Czech Republic
France - Journal Officiel:
- Décret
instituant un comité de préfiguration d'une haute autorité sur
les organismes génétiquement modifiés
- Arrêté suspendant la cession et l'utilisation des semences de
maïs MON810
Biologicals Holding A/S completes acquisition of Philom Bios
New strains of
late blight on potato in the United Kingdom
fourragères 2007 - une année atypique mais un intérêt économique
qui se confirme
Rechtlage wieder
hergestellt - BVL hebt den umstrittenen Bescheid zu MON 810 auf
OGM - Une
suspension injustifiée
La biotecnología
no debe ‘tirar la toalla ni perder la esperanza’
Deliberate releases and placing on the
EU market of GM organisms:
- Application for the release into environment of
genetically modified potatoes with altered starch metabolism
or with improved resistance to Phytophthora infestans under
simplified procedure (2008 - 2012)
- Testing of genetic modified potato plants for late blight
- Application for the release into the environment of
potatoes with altered starch composition (II) according to
the Genetically Modified Organisms Decree
- Potato with improved resistance to Phytophthora infestans
- Investigation of genetically modified triticale
- Notification “B” for the field testing of spring oilseed
rape (Brassica napus) genetically modified for increased oil
content in the seed
- Notification “A” for the field testing of spring oilseed
rape (Brassica napus) genetically modified for increased oil
content in the seed
- Field trials of genetically modified herbicide tolerant
maize event GA21 to be carried out between 2008 and 2012
Bundeslandwirtschaftsminister: „Energie- und Klimapaket
stärkt Bioenergie“
Bundeskabinett stellt die Weichen in der
Biokraftstoffpolitik neu - Ausrichtung der
Biokraftstoffförderung an der Treibhausgas-Effizienz
Fischer Boel, Member of the European Commission responsible
for Agriculture and Rural Development: Working for success
in the EU organic sector
France: Suites
du Grenelle - La FNSEA joue le jeu
November 07
Final results
of the 2007 HGCA Cereals Quality Survey show reduction in
wheat quality
Sortenergebnisse bestätigen: KWS Zuckerrübensorten weiterhin
KWS Saat AG –
guter Geschäftsverlauf im ersten Quartal 2007/2008
Streit um die
Anbau-Zulassung zweier Bt-Maislinien - EU-Kommissar Dimas stellt
sich gegen seine wissenschaftliche Fachbehörde
European Food Safety Authority:
Opinion of the
Scientific Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms on an
application (reference EFSA-GMO-UK-2004-04) for the placing on
the market of glufosinate tolerant genetically modified rice
LLRICE62 for food and feed uses, import and processing, under
Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 from Bayer CropScience GmbH
Seedling blight on
cereals in the United Kingdom
Turkey - Planting
seed annual
Landwirtschaftsminister Seehofer: Zulassung gv-Pflanzen allein
auf wissenschaftlicher Basis
First report of of
Tomato yellow leaf curl virus in the Netherlands and of Tomato
yellow leaf curl Thailand virus in Taiwan
Gentechnik in
tierischen Produkten – Steht nicht drauf, ist aber drin
scientists warn Commissioner Dimas against undermining science
on biotech crop approvals
European Union
Commissioner Dimas’ rejection of two GM maize products would
undermine the EU’s safety assessment process, says EuropaBio
Le refus du Commissaire Dimas d’autoriser deux nouveaux maïs
biotechnologiques pourrait saboter le processus européen
Biokraftstoffe vor der Sackgasse? Fehlender Sortenschutz
gefährdet Produktivitätsfortschritt in der Landwirtschaft
Authorisations to
permit temporarily the marketing of seed not satisfying the
requirements in respect of the minimum germination according to
the European Commission Regulation (EC) No 217/2006
Nederland wil
zorgvuldige en voortvarende toelating van genetisch
gemodificeerde gewassen
Création en France
de la Haute autorité relative aux biotechnologies: Attention aux
Commission proposes suspension of import duties on most cereals
Eyespot on maize
in Ireland
Bayer CropScience,
Mertec and M.S. Technologies to co-develop new soybean trait
Bayer CropScience, Mertec und M.S. Technologies wollen
gemeinsam Sojabohnen mit neuen Eigenschaften entwickeln
Enza Zaden
acquires onion program of US based Dessert Seed
"It’s already one
minute past midnight": The EU Farm Council must act on
conclusions of the DG AGRI Report "Economic Impact of Unapproved
GMOs on EU feed imports and livestock production
« Il est minuit passé » : Le Conseil Agricole UE doit agir
face aux conclusions du rapport de la DG Agriculture sur
l’impact économique des OGM non autorisés sur l’importation
d’aliments pour animaux et l’élevage en Europe
"Es ist schon fünf nach zwölf": Der EU-Agrarministerrat muss auf
die Schlussfolgerungen des Berichts der GD Landwirtschaft zu den
wirtschaftlichen Folgen nicht zugelassener genetisch veränderter
Organismen auf die Futtermittelimporte und die
Veredelungswirtschaft in der Gemeinschaft ("Economic Impact of
Unapproved GMOs on EU feed imports and livestock production")
Biokraftstoffe in Deutschland - Bundeslandwirtschaftsminister
und Bundesumweltminister stellen Strategie zur Klima- und
Energiepolitik vor
- Germany massively increases biofuels targets to kickstart next
generation fuels
Investing in the
next generation of DNA sequencers: Wageningen University and
Research Centre buys the Roche Genome Sequencer FLX
Wageningen UR
investeert in nieuwe generatie DNA-sequencers
Royal Barenbrug
Group and Oseva Uni enter joint breeding and marketing agreement
in grass and legumes
Científicos y
agricultores piden racionalidad a las autoridades y un impulso
para no perder el tren de la Biotecnología agroalimentaria
Pflanzen werden bald Standard sein
Syngenta and the
Royal Society of Chemistry launch African science initiative
Syngenta et la Royal Society of Chemistry lancent une
initiative scientifique en Afrique
Syngenta und die britische Royal Society of Chemistry gründen
Wissenschaftsinitiative für Afrika
FAO launches
Russian language biotechnology website
measures for increasing climate protection and dealing with
climate change: Bayer launches Group-wide climate program
Maßnahmen für verstärkten Klimaschutz und Umgang mit
Klimawandel: Bayer startet konzernweites Klimaprogramm
- Responding to
climate change with stress-tolerant plants and higher yields -
Innovation is the key to protecting crops and safeguarding
German farmers
plant less rapeseed for 2008 due to price relation to wheat
Entbürokratisierung der Nachbauregelung
problems that future European food supplies face within the
global market
Dr. Christian
Verschueren steps down as Director General of CropLife
Plant Research
International and Bayer BioScience start a research
collaboration to improve plant glycosylation
Plant Research
International B.V. en Bayer BioScience N.V. hebben een
samenwerkingsovereenkomst gesloten op het gebied van
glycosylering van eiwitten in planten
New Bayer CropScience insecticide
spirotetramat granted first regulatory approval
Neues Bayer
CropScience Insektizid Spirotetramat weltweit erstmals
Italian field trial results
suppressed - Data is relevant to human and animal health
First report of
Tomato torrado virus in Poland
Vilmorin publie un
chiffre d'affaires du premier trimestre 2007-2008 en progression
de 4,2% à données comparables et ouvre son conseil
d'administration à un administrateur indépendant
Vilmorin announces
sales for the first quarter of 2007-2008 up 4.2% like for like
and opens up its board to an independent director
Résultats du
programme européen GLIP sur les légumineuses à graines
CAP Reform:
European Commission proposes new cotton reform taking
account of Court of Justice ruling
Einbecker Energiepflanzen-Kolloquium: Züchter und
Biogaserzeuger sehen großes Potenzial für die
und Sortenprüfwesen – Zwei neue UFOP-Praxisinformationen
Jahrestagung der „Gemeinschaft zur Förderung der privaten
deutschen Pflanzenzüchtung“ (GFP): Stellenwert der
Agrarforschung stärken
Bayer expects
a record year in 2007
Santegoeds joins ASTEC as Director of Sales & Marketing
Monsanto and
Devgen describe new approach to insect protection
Aktivitäten während der Agritechnica - BDP im direkten
Dialog mit den Landwirten
October 07
Barley yellow
dwarf virus - United Kingdom alert
Durchbruch in der
Resistenzzüchtung gegen den Maiswurzelbohrer
Svensk forskning
krävs inför odling av grödor som tål ogräsmedel
commercial des semences : 18% de l'excédent commercial français
tous produits agricoles confondus
solides Wachstum
Devgen completes
acquisition of seed assets from Monsanto subsidiaries in India
and Monsanto Company subscribes to Devgen shares
BASF Agricultural Products
division opens new laboratory for consumer and environmental
safety in Brazil
BASF-Unternehmensbereich Pflanzenschutz eröffnet neues
Verbraucher- und Umweltschutzlabor in Brasilien
BASF heading for
record year again
BASF steuert erneut Rekordjahr an
technology developed by VTT increases diverse uses of oats
European biotech
crop cultivation grows despite limited product choice
Europe: peu de
plantes autorisées mais des surfaces en hausse
Cavity spot disease
on root crops in the United Kingdom
France - Grenelle de
- Monsieur le Président, vous avez cédé aux
marchands de peur et de mensonges!
- CropLife
International statement regarding French regulatory proposals on
plant science
- EuropaBio
comments on French President Sarkozy's statements on the
cultivation of biotech crops in France
European Union OKs
three more corn biotechnology traits for food, feed use
Feu vert de
Bruxelles pour l’importation de quatre nouvelles plantes
Monsanto's stacked
trait corn technology receives European regulatory approval
Syngenta announces
the appointment of Davor Pisk as Chief Operating Officer Seeds
Syngenta gibt die Ernennung von Davor Pisk zum Chief
Operating Officer Seeds bekannt
Syngenta annonce la désignation de Davor Pisk au poste de Chief
Operating Officer Seeds
European Union
program for energy crops oversubscribed
Neue Konzepte im
Energiepflanzenanbau vorgestellt
Förslag till
svenska regler för GMO-odling
52% des Français
pensent qu’il faut permettre la culture encadrée des OGM pour
sauvegarder la compétitivité des agriculteurs français
European Union
approves Herculex RW corn for food, feed, import and processing
- Imports into the European Union also authorized for corn
stacked with Herculex I and RoundupReady Corn 2 traits
- L’Union Européenne autorise le
maïs Herculex RW pour l’alimentation humaine, l’alimentation
pour animaux, l’importation et la transformation
- L’UE approva il Mais Herculex RW per l’alimentazione umana,
animale, per l’importazione e per la trasformazione
- EU keurt Herculex® RW mais goed voor voedsel, veevoer, import
en verwerking
- EU lässt Herculex® RW Mais als Lebens- und Futtermittel und
für Import und Verarbeitung zu
- UE aprova milho Herculex® RW para alimentação humana, animal,
importação e processamento
- La UE aprueba el maíz Herculex® RW para su uso como alimento,
pienso, importación y procesado
Herculex RW et
Herculex I/RR2 approuvés pour l'importation en Union Européenne
Parliament's first reading on key pesticide legislation would
inflict serious damage on Europe's food and farming, says the
European Crop Protection Association
First report of
Brown rot on potato in Ireland
GNIS Info:
Les semences de
ferme en France et la loi
Syngenta starts
research partnership in Australia for sugarcane biomass
conversion to biofuels
Syngenta geht
Forschungspartnerschaft in Australien ein zur Umwandlung von
Zuckerrohr-Biomasse in Biotreibstoffe
Syngenta conclut un
partenariat de recherche en Australie pour la transformation de
la biomasse du sucre de canne en biocarburant
Lutte contre la
contrefaçon des semences fermières
destruction de parcelles d’essais de maïs biotechnologique en
Turkey accedes to
the UPOV Convention
La Turquie adhère à la Convention UPOV
Die Türkei tritt dem UPOV-Übereinkommen bei
Turquía se adhiere al Convenio de la UPOV
Bio Suisse
aktualisiert Sortenlisten für Gemüse und Zierpflanzen
Syngenta: Third
quarter trading statement 2007
Umsatz drittes Quartal 2007
Chiffres d’affaires du troisième trimestre 2007
Svalöf Weibull
utvärderar avyttring av Weibull Trädgård
Limagrain lance un
cri d’alarme à l’intention des pouvoirs publics sur le déclin
des biotechnologies végétales en France et en Europe
European biotech
industry delegation hosts European Union Commissioners
Paul Mullan is
appointed Managing Director of Germain’s Technology Group
Déclaration de
Jean-Michel Lemetayer, président de la
FNSEA, sur les OGM
The Netherlands:
Minister Verburg
richt coördinerend orgaan invasieve exoten op
Member states of
the European Union deliver no opinion on proposals for the
authorisation of 3 GM maize varieties and a GM potato
Vilmorin announces
its plans to sell its home garden activities
annonce le projet de cession de ses activités grand public
Vilmorin presents a
significant increase in its annual results for 2006-2007 and
confirms its successful integration of the field seeds
Vilmorin présente des résultats annuels 2006-2007 en
progression sensible et confirme la réussite de l’intégration
des activités de semences de grandes cultures
Syngenta to prepare
application for new EU registration for paraquat
Syngenta bereitet neuen EU-Zulassungsantrag für Paraquat vor
BASF Agricultural
Products steps up fight against product piracy
BASF Pflanzenschutz verstärkt Kampf gegen Produktpiraterie
Approvisionnement en semences certifiées de lin en France:
les quantités disponibles seront suffisantes
Devgen ramps up
its chemical crop protection activities
Bayer CropScience’s vegetable seed
business Nunhems acquires Teboza’s asparagus breeding
CropScience-Tochter Nunhems erwirbt Spargelzuchtprogramm von
Futterpflanzensaatgutmarkt im Umbruch
CropScience and Geosys conclude longer-term agreement to
develop innovative information systems
Bayer CropScience und
Geosys unterzeichnen mehrjähriges Abkommen zur Entwicklung
innovativer Informationssysteme
BASF Plant
Science and Crop Functional Genomics Center sign R&D
agreement in South Korea
BASF Plant Science und südkoreanisches Forschungszentrum
starten Pflanzenbiotechnologie-Kooperation
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA):
Opinion of the
Scientific Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms on
applications (references EFSA-GMO-UK-2005-19 and
EFSA-GMO-RX-GA21) for the placing on the market of
glyphosate-tolerant genetically modified maize GA21, for
food and feed uses, import and processing and for renewal of
the authorisation of maize GA21 as existing product, both
under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 from Syngenta Seeds
S.A.S. on behalf of Syngenta Crop Protection AG
Le Ministère de
l'Agriculture fixe l'objectif de doubler les surfaces bio
d'ici 2012
First report of
Potato spindle tuber viroid in tomato in Belgium
The University
of Navarra has installed a greenhouse in order to study the
impact of climate change on plants
Proceedings of
the ECO-PB International Workshop on different models to
finance plant breeding
appoints Chief Financial Officer
September 07
UK Seed
Certification Information letters 2007: SC 6/07 – UK triticale
seed derogation
First report of
verticillium wilt in oilseed rape, England, United Kingdom
Grenelle et OGM -
Propositions pour soutenir la liberté de choix du type de
D1 Oils and
KeyGene to collaborate on molecular genetics for Jatropha
enforcement authorities meet to co-ordinate fight against
counterfeit pesticides
Commission to propose suspension of import duties on cereals
agriculture ministers of the European Union approve zero
set-aside rate for autumn 2007 and spring 2008 sowings
Royal Dutch
decoration for dr. ir. O.M.B. (Orlando) de Ponti, retiring as
Director of Research & Development at Nunhems BV.
Kartoffelernte 2007: Günstige Preise für Verbraucher bei
überdurchschnittlichen Erträgen
Intergroupe OGM
du Grenelle de l’environnement - Plus de cacophonie que de
S&G issues the
fifth edition of S&G Peppers Today, the newsletter for the world
of peppers
Severe drought
drastically reduces crop production in Moldova
WTO decision
helps level the playing field for market access for rice in
Euralis Semences:
croissance en France et investissement en Ukraine et en Russie
Takii & Co., Ltd.
acquires a 100% share in Dutch flower seed company K. SAHIN,
Zaden B.V.
Nickerson Zwaan
Holland happy to fit another key technology package in their
seed coating unit in Made, The Netherlands
Sach- und
Personenschäden zum "Schutz" der Umwelt
soybeans achieve a key milestone in EU approval process
Nationalrat hat
stillschweigend die Ausdehnung des Landwirteprivilegs fallen
Le Conseil National a renoncé à étendre le privilège des
- Scandalisés par
les propos tenus par Jean-Louis Borloo annonçant un gel des
cultures biotechnologiques en France, les semenciers français
suspendent leur participation groupe de travail du Grenelle de
- Grenelle de
l'Environnement : la méthode n'est pas respectée
Déclaration de
Philippe Pinta, Président d’ORAMA, devant le Ministre de
New Internet
service reveals large variation in the profitability of
agriculture in the European Union
European Court of
Justice rejects Austrian biotech ban, supports right to choose
biotech crops
Devgen to acquire
rice, sunflower, sorghum and pearl millet businesses in India
and other Asian countries from Monsanto
Monsanto Company
signs share subscription agreement with Devgen nv
Devgen nv
announces its results for the first half year 2007
Gut zu
wissen: Aufbereiter muss sich nach aufzubereitender Sorte
diseases in brassica crops, United Kingdom
Commission proposes to set at zero the set-aside rate for
autumn 2007 and spring 2008 cereals sowings
Agrarverbände äußern sich zur Zulassung von
Agricultural Products: Profitable growth with innovative
products and business ideas
BASF Pflanzenschutz: Mit innovativen Produkten und
Geschäftsideen profitabel wachsen
Committee of the European Parliament votes for tougher rules
on pesticides
European Crop
Protection Association disappointed in European Parliament
Environment Committee vote on key points of new regulation
for plant protection products
genetech law - Coalition compromise
Nachbau von
Hybridroggen in Deutschland gesetzlich verboten
La génomique
dans ses murs à l’INRA de Toulouse
de maïs OGM en France: Les producteurs de maïs en appellent
directement à Nicolas Sarkozy
Destruction of GM maize: Maize-producers appeal directly to
President Sarkozy
professionnels des semences et de la protection des plantes
s’insurgent encore une fois contre la destruction de trois
parcelles de maïs biotechnologique en Ardèche
CropScience CEO Professor Friedrich Berschauer: “Innovation
and new technologies will help us to meet the growing demand
for food and energy-producing plants”
Bayer CropScience-Vorstandsvorsitzender Professor Dr.
Friedrich Berschauer: „Mit Innovation und neuen Technologien
wollen wir der steigenden Nachfrage nach Nahrungsmitteln und
Energiepflanzen begegnen“
GVO-Spuren in
Rapssaatgut - Land verweigert B-Probe
Traces of an
EU unapproved biotech event found in conventional rapeseed
variety in Germany
Freisetzungsgesuche für gentechnisch veränderte Pflanzen mit
Auflagen genehmigt
Demandes de dissémination expérimentale de plantes
génétiquement modifiées autorisées sous certaines conditions
Emissioni sperimentali di piante geneticamente modificate
autorizzate a determinate condizioni
University and Keygene sign AFLP license agreement
New insecticidal active
ingredient flubendiamide granted regulatory approval in
major Asian markets - Product launch strengthens Bayer
CropScience’s portfolio in the region
insektizider Wirkstoff Flubendiamide in wichtigen
asiatischen Märkten zugelassen Produkteinführung stärkt
Portfolio von Bayer CropScience in der Region
August 07
Die deutsche
Rapsanbaufläche zur Aussaat 2007 nicht einschränken! - Deutsche
Rapszüchter raten zu antizyklischem Handeln
Dow AgroSciences
acquires Netherlands based Duo Maize - Acquisition expands corn
seed platform in Europe
La producción de
maíz MG registra en España una tendencia al alza desde que
empezó a cultivarse
Syngenta introduces
tropical sugar beet for food and biofuels
Syngenta führt neue tropische Zuckerrüben für Nahrungsmittel
und Biotreibstoffe ein
Syngenta lance la betterave à sucre tropicale pour
l’alimentation et les biocarburants
Witterung verzögert
die Rapsaussaat in Deutschland - UFOP weist auf spätere
Aussaat-Termine hin
- Rapsaussaat in
vielen Regionen Deutschland bis Mitte September möglich
Deliberate releases and placing on the
EU market of GM organisms:
Potato plants with reduced amylose content
First reports of
Columnea latent viroid and tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid
in the United Kingdom
New kabuli chickpea
variety survives drought in Turkey
Bauernverband zieht Bilanz einer enttäuschenden Getreide-
und Rapsernte 2007
Ukrainian grain
venture with Groupe Soufflet extends ABB Grain's global
Deutsche Union
zur Förderung von Oel- und Proteinpflanzen e. V. sieht
Chancen für Rapserzeuger
European biotech
industry releases policy on Biofuels in Europe
Fungal head
blights on wheat in the United Kingdom
Novel herbicidal
active ingredient pyrasulfotole granted first regulatory
approval - Bayer CropScience to launch new cereal herbicide
Huskie in the United States in 2008
herbizid-wirkstoff pyrasulfotole erstmals zugelassen - Bayer
CropScience will neues Getreideherbizid Huskie ab 2008 in den
USA vermarkten
New Scottich
Crop Research Institute website launched
software publisher for laboratory and field experiments,
becomes official Microsoft Certified Partner
Área de milho
transgénico triplica em Portugal
Für guten
Nachwuchs können wir nur selbst sorgen
Take-all in
cereal crops, United Kingdom
Kabinett billigt
Novelle des Gentechnikrechts
- Auf einem Bein
kann man nicht stehen: Forschung ohne Anwendung läuft ins
Gentechnikgesetz durchläuft Kabinett - Deutscher
Bauernverband sieht keine ausreichenden Fortschritte für
Forschungsstandort Deutschland
Irreführung durch Aufweichung der
Embrapa e BASF
firmam acordo inédito de cooperação na área de biotecnologia
vegetal no Brasil
BASF announce first Brazilian-developed biotech crop
- Embrapa e BASF
assinam acordo inédito
El positivo impacto de la biotecnología en Europa
France: Un drame
intolérable - L’agriculture est en deuil
Biofuels and the
European Union
Novellierung des
deutschen Gentechnikgesetzes - Rechtlicher Rahmen muss
Wettbewerbsfähigkeit gewährleisten
- Große
Koalition verhindert Innovation am Standort Deutschland
Signs of
cercospora and powdery mildew in sugarbeet in the United
Féverole export
: programmez une hausse des surfaces
July 07
EFSA statement on
the fate of recombinant DNA or proteins in the meat, milk or
eggs of animals fed with GM feed
Greece: tomatoes and
products annual
European Commission
publishes annual crop yield forecasts: Heat waves, droughts and
excessive rain across Europe brings mixed results
European Commission
assesses impact on agricultural markets of a minimum target of
10% of biofuel use in the EU 27 in 2020
Goldcrop Ltd.
consolidates its position as a leading Irish agricultural
wholesale company through the acquisition of Power Seeds and
Hardware Ltd.
European Food Safety Authority:
Guidance document of
the scientific panel on GM organisms for the risk assessment of
genetically modified plants containing stacked transformation
Syngenta half year
results 2007
Grenelle de
l’Environnement et biotechnologies végétales : le chantage
actuel est intolérable
Koalition einigt sich
auf Regeln beim Anbau von gentechnisch veränderten Pflanzen
Evogene and CIRAD
expand their cotton collaboration
Bauernverband rät weiterhin vom GVO-Anbau ab -
Gentechnik-Novelle trägt nicht zur Lösung der Haftungsfrage bei
Grüne Gentechnik ins
Abseits befördert - Bundesverband Deutscher Pflanzenzüchter
fordert generelle Aussprache mit der Bundesregierung
Francia cuadriplica en
un año la superficie cultivada de maíz genéticamente modificado
Prix maïs grain – Prix
maïs semence – Prix de la dose : une corrélation directe
Bayer CropScience
granted new license to Senesco Technologies' gene technology for
Glaubenskriege finden
keine Akzeptanz in der Bevölkerung - BIO Deutschland und der
Bundesverband Deutscher Pflanzenzüchter verurteilen
European Food Safety Authority:
Opinion of the
Scientific Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms on an
application (Reference EFSA-GMO-NL-2005-18) for the placing on
the market of the glufosinate tolerant soybean A2704-12, for
food and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC)
No 1829/2003 from Bayer CropScience
Syngenta board
announces Chief Financial Officer succession
Syngenta Verwaltungsrat gibt Nachfolge für den Chief
Financial Officer bekannt
Annonce du Conseil d’administration: succession du Chief
Financial Officer
Gewalt war noch nie
eine Lösung - Bundesverband Deutscher Pflanzenzüchter für
rechtsstaatlichen Umgang mit der grünen Gentechnik
European Commission
report: “Economic Impact of Unapproved GMOs on EU feed imports
and livestock production”
The Netherlands:
Kamervragen over
genetisch gemanipuleerde tomaten
Winterrapsaussaat 2007
in Deutschland: Aussetzung der obligatorischen
Flächenstilllegung ermöglicht Rapsanbau an der Fruchtfolgegrenze
KeyGene establishes a
Joint Lab for Plant Molecular Breeding with the Shanghai
Institutes for Biological Sciences
EU regulatory system
for crop protection pesticides needs reinforcement, says
CropLife International
Öko-Sektor in
Deutschland weiter auf Wachstumskurs
Bayer CropScience’
Nunhems acquires Korean vegetable seed company SeedEx
Bayer CropScience-Tochter Nunhems übernimmt koreanisches
Gemüsesaatgutunternehmen SeedEx
Deutsche Saatenhändler
rechnen für die kommende Saison mit steigenden Preisen für
Registre national des
cultures OGM en France
Francia seguirá
cultivando maíz mejorado genéticamente
Rapsanbau mit und ohne
Gentechnik: Interview auf
Vilmorin initiates the
process to purchase a minority stake in the Chinese company
Yuanlongping High-Tech Agriculture
Vilmorin engage un processus de prise de participation
minoritaire dans la société chinoise Yuanlongping High-Tech
leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Zukunftssicherung
Late blight,
potato and vegetable fungal diseases - Europe
reinforces vegetable seeds with Zeraim Gedera acquisition
Syngenta stärkt Geschäft mit Gemüsesaatgut durch
Akquisition von Zeraim Gedera
Syngenta développe ses activités semences potagères en
rachetant Zeraim Gedera
BASF Board of
Executive Directors: new team as of 2008
Mit neuem BASF-Vorstandsteam ins Jahr 2008
Assessing the
environmental impact of genetically modified plants - EFSA
Scientific Colloquium
'En Route to the
Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy', report from a high-level
conference on biotechnology
What scenarios for
the future of European agriculture?
Scottish Crop
Research Institute to study methods for GMO safety
Gianni Bernardotto
appointed Director of Marketing and Sales at De Ruiter Seeds
Limagrain lance un
cri d’alarme à l’intention des pouvoirs publics sur le
déclin des biotechnologies végétales en France et en Europe
EFSA bleibt dabei:
Keine Bedenken bei Bt-Mais MON863
'Plants for the
Future' - Implementation of a European strategy for plant
Producing alcohol
from wheat
June 07
BMELV-Forschungsprogramm Koexistenz 2007 - Wieder Attacke auf
European Food Safety
Authority reaffirms its risk assessment of genetically modified
maize MON 863
Fungal diseases on
sugar beet and barley in the UK: alert
Research and Markets
releases new report: Seed Trait Valuation: Value Creation
Opportunities in Agricultural Markets
La Fundación Antama
aplaude la tolerancia del 0,9% para el etiquetado MG en la
producción ecológica
European Union Council
of Ministers postpones decision on commercial cultivation of the
genetically optimized starch potato Amflora
Europäischer Ministerrat vertagt
Entscheidung über kommerziellen Anbau der gentechnisch
optimierten Stärkekartoffel Amflora
Rapssaat bleibt
gefragt! - UFOP-Information zur Winterrapsaussaat verweist auf
aufnahmefähigen Markt und attraktive Erzeugerpreise
UFOP-Schrift Heft 31
„Sortenversuche 2006 mit Winterraps und Sonnenblumen“
Hein Bemelmans joins
the Board of Enza Zaden as Director of Marketing & Sales
Exciting new disease
resistant potato varieties for organic farms in Ireland
Teagasc at Oak Park
host major crops open day
Janez Potočnik,
European Commissioner for Science and Research: Research towards
future challenges of European agriculture
Mariann Fischer Boel,
Member of the European Commission responsible for agriculture
and rural development: Research and the future of agriculture
Semillas para suelos
salinos - Científicos descubren un gen que permite a las plantas
crecer mejor en condiciones nutricionales bajas
BASF introduces
AgCelence, the plant health brand identity, in Brazil
BASF führt Handelsmarke für Pflanzengesundheit in Brasilien
Evogene and SunGene, a
BASF Plant Science company, to collaborate on next generation
plant-biotechnology enabling technologies
‘Plants for the
Future’ invites Europe to reap fruits of knowledge-based
European Union Member
States deliver no opinion on the authorisation of GM maize 59122
(Herculex RW)
Syngenta agrees
agriculture biotechnology research collaboration in China
Syngenta vereinbart Biotech-Forschungskooperation in China
Syngenta conclut un accord de collaboration en matière de
recherche en biotechnologie agricole en Chine
Assessing and
designing strategies to strengthen regional plant breeding and
associated biotechnology capacity in the Caucasus
Agronomix Software,
Inc. and VSN International form a strategic alliance
greenovation Biotech
GmbH gets first US patent granted on glyco-engineering portfolio
El presidente de la
Asociación General de Productores de Maíz de España defiende el
empleo de nuevas tecnologías en agricultura para el reequilibrio
Ratification by Spain
of the 1991 Act of the International Convention for the
Protection of New Varieties of Plants
Ratificación de España del Acta de 1991 del Convenio
Internacional para la Protección de las Obtenciones Vegetales
Institute of Grassland
and Environmental Research to develop superior plant varieties
that are able to adapt to the challenge of climate change
Bayer CropScience and
Monsanto enter long-term business and license agreements for key
enabling technologies
Bayer CropScience und Monsanto
vereinbaren langfristige Geschäfts- und Lizenzvereinbarungen für
Qualitätssicherungssystem für Z-Saatgut auf Erfolgskurs
Bayer CropScience
completes acquisition of Stoneville Pedigreed Seed Company
Bayer CropScience schließt
Akquisition des US-Baumwollsaat-Herstellers Stoneville ab
Bayer CropScience and
Evogene to collaborate on crop yield improvement
Germain’s Technology
Group invests into the future
Euralis Semences
renforce son implantation en Ukraine et en Russie
Ministerie van
Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit en keuringsdiensten
ondertekenen overeenkomst plantkeur
EuropaBio elects new
Chairman to lead association over next two years
Biotechnology and the
EU - Speech of Peter Mandelson, EU Trade Comissioner at the
EuropaBio Open Day
Publication de l'avis
de la Commission du Génie Biomoléculaire Maïs MON 810
Zerstörungen auf Gerste-Versuchsfeld in Gießen
Syngenta board
announces Chief Executive Officer succession plan
Syngenta Verwaltungsrat gibt Nachfolgeregelung für CEO
Le conseil d’administration de Syngenta annonce un plan de
succession pour le poste de Chief Executive Officer
Results of the
June 11-12 meeting of the Council of the European Union,
Organic farming in
the EU: organic area accounted for 4% of the total utilised
agricultural area in the EU25 in 2005 - Organic holdings
generally larger than average
New Regulation to
foster the further development of Europe's organic food
Quantensprung für
Ökolandbau in Europa
Cellectis S.A.
wins a patent battle in the field of targeted recombination
and gene correction - The European Patent Office confirms
revocation of Sangamo's patent
Roggen voraus!
Hybridroggen: Top-Sorten vom Marktführer
European Union agriculture
ministers agree to end public intervention for maize
Les ministres
de l'agriculture de l'Union européenne décident de mettre un
terme à l'intervention publique pour le maïs
landbouwministers eens over bestrijding aardappelmoeheid
European Union 27
- Annual agricultural biotechnology report 2007
gutem dritten Quartal
Maize redness -
Serbia: stolbur phytoplasma
Debatte: Die
öffentliche Diskussion um Grüne Gentechnik
European crop
protection industry welcomes support of Russian government
at launch of anti-counterfeit campaign
Bauernverband aktualisiert Merkblatt zum Umgang mit Getreide
und Ölsaaten
joint venture research project produces experimental wheat
variety with 70 per cent amylose content
Kartoffelfungizide von Bayer CropScience erhält beste
Gesamtbewertung beim EuroBlight Workshop
Bayer CropScience's potato fungicide Infinito receives
best combined rating at the EuroBlight workshop
Devgen's board of
directors appoints Pol Bamelis as chairman
May 07
SGS invests in the
United States agriculture market by acquiring two companies
operating in the Midwest
Workshop on plant
biotechnology and stability of crop production in the
Greater Pannonian Region
Maïs MON810 :
Aucun élément nouveau ne permet de remettre en cause la
sécurité et l’efficacité de la plante
Qualité des blés en
agriculture biologique et qualité nutritionnelle et
organoleptique du pain
Caractéristiques-clés des variétés de pommes de terre pour
l’adaptation à l’agriculture biologique
Bayer CropScience
agrees to acquire US cotton seed company Stoneville for US$ 310
Bayer CropScience will
US-Baumwollsaatgut-Hersteller Stoneville für 310 Millionen
US-Dollar übernehmen
Alemania ensaya cebada
mejorada genéticamente para la producción de cerveza
Asociación General de
Productores de Maíz de España:
“Necesitamos que se normalice la siembra de OMGs y que las
decisiones de los Ministerios se basen en el rigor científico"
schaden deutscher Landwirtschaft
BASF Agricultural
Products expects continued high growth in Middle and South
Eastern Europe
BASF Pflanzenschutz
erwartet Fortsetzung des Wachstums in Mittel- und Südosteuropa
Ölsaaten in der
Schweiz: Vermarktungsstand per Ende April 2007
Oléagineux en Suisse: situation de la commercialisation à fin
avril 2007
Swiss Granum établit
les listes des variétés de céréales recommandées pour la récolte
Liste der empfohlenen Getreidesorten für die Ernte 2008
Vielfältiges Programm
zu Nutzen und Risiken von Gentech-Pflanzen
Programme sur l’utilité et les risques des plantes
génétiquement modifiées
Bio4EU, nuevo estudio
de asesoramiento en biotecnología para la Comisión Europea
S&G issues the fourth
edition of S&G Peppers Today, the newsletter for the world of
BASF collaboration with
Nidera results in discovery of new, superior non-GMO CLEARFIELD
gene for sunflower breeding
Gentechnisch veränderte “Amflora”-Kartoffeln von
BASF Plant Science
dürfen in Deutschland
unter Sicherheitsauflagen
freigesetzt werden
Odling av genetiskt
modifierade grödor - ett alternativ för svenska lantbrukare?
Growing genetically modified crops - an alternative for
Swedish farmers?
Pflanzenzüchter auf gutem Weg - Augenmaß bei Bioenergie
Saaten-Union erweitert
Sortenangebot: fünf neue Maissorten zugelassen
Drei neue
Herausforderungen für die Weizenzüchtung
Nickerson-Zwaan takes
over onion activities of Limagrain Advanta
Die KWS erhält
Zulassung für die Energiesonnenblume Methasol
Fungal pathogens, wheat
- United Kingdom: new races
Netherlands: Minister
Verburg opent quarantainelaboratorium plantenziektenkundige
European Union
greenlights BASF’s strategic fungicide dimethomorph
Europäische Union gibt grünes Licht für strategisches
BASF-Fungizid Dimethomorph
Global Crop Diversity
Trust receives £10 million investment from UK's Department for
International Development
Monsanto Company forms
holding company to invest in international fruit and vegetable
seed companies, acquires Western Seed and Poloni Semences
Impact of the country's
accession to the European Union on Bulgaria's grain and
oilseeds sector
Western Australia looks
to Europe for better weed control
Enza Zaden and
Germain’s Technology Group sign seed technology license deal
Second site approved in
the U.K. for BASF's GM potato trials
Rust diseases on bean
and wheat - United Kingdom
Elsevier partners with
Rice Science
Kartoffelpflanzgut auf dem Weg in die Mongolei
Defra approves a second
site for GM potato trials
Syngenta to take stake
in Sanbei, Chinese seeds company
Syngenta erwirbt Beteiligung an chinesischem Saatgutanbieter
Prise de participation de Syngenta dans Sanbei, producteur
chinois de semences
Vilmorin publishes
sales of 390 million euros for the third quarter of 2006-2007,
an increase of 5% like for like
Vilmorin réalise un chiffre d’affaires de 390 millions
d’euros au cours du troisième trimestre 2006-2007 en progression
de 5 % à données comparables
BASF reinforces its
commitment to Brazilian agriculture
BASF bekräftigt hohen Stellenwert der brasilianischen
Erste Rückmeldungen von
EPD-Praxisschlägen aus ganz Deutschland bestätigen den Erfolg
von EPD, der innovativen Saatguttechnologie von KWS Saat AG
Devgen announces
promising results of its nematicide field trials in banana
Late blight on potato -
India, United Kingdom
Winterrapsanbau - Union zur Förderung von Oel- und
Proteinpflanzen und Unilever veröffentlichen gemeinsame
Declining bee
numbers raise concerns over plant pollination
European Patent Office
revokes Monsanto's soybean patent EP 301749 B1 in appeal
Genetically modified
chicory brings hope to African malaria patients
European Crop
Protection Association welcomes vote by the of the European
Parliament on plant protection dossiers but highlights need for
progress in the authorisation of new products
Keygene Products
releases KeyGene Quantar Suite, new fragment analysis scoring
software suite for genotyping technologies
New surveys suggest
that fewer farmers in UK and Germany are opposed to planting GM
crops than is often believed
Managing the Footprint
of Agriculture: Towards a Comparative Assessment of Risks and
Benefits for Novel Agricultural Systems - Report of the ACRE
Sub-Group on Wider Issues raised by the Farm-Scale Evaluations
of Herbicide Tolerant GM Crops
Prospects for the
EU grain and oilseeds sectors
European plant genomics research
Syngenta: first
quarter trading statement 2007
Umsatz erstes Quartal 2007
Chiffre d’affaires au premier trimestre 2007
Dow AgroSciences
acquires Maize Technologies International, corn breeding
April 07
La "Patata d'Oro":
una nuova fonte di beta-carotene. Aiuterà a combattere la
carenza di vitamina A che causa la cecità nei Paesi poveri
del mondo
Metabolic Engineering of Potato Carotenoid Content through
Tuber-Specific Overexpression of a Bacterial Mini-Pathway
Teagasc highlight
the economic implications of GM crop technology in Irish
Greece continues
to ban GM corn for planting
Anweisung zu MON 810: Überzogenes Monitoring als Vehikel für
veränderte Kartoffeln auf den Freilandflächen des
Max-Planck-Instituts für Molekulare Pflanzenphysiologie
Gute Perspektiven
auf den Weltagrarmärkten und für die Erzeugerpreise -
Entwicklungsländer werden davon profitieren
Deliberate release into the
E.U. environment of GMOs for any other purposes than placing
on the market:
new posting
Greece bans 16
additional GM maize varieties
DuPont submits
Optimum GAT trait in soybeans for EU approval -
Next-generation herbicide tolerant trait awaiting EFSA
safety evaluation
BASF presents
first-quarter results at 55th Annual Meeting
Biosciences and SESVanderHave Seeds enter research and
commercial license agreement for the development of nitrogen
use efficient sugar beets
La Autoridad
Europea de Seguridad Alimentaria (EFSA) celebra su 5º
aniversario - Cinco años evaluando la seguridad de los
alimentos en Europa
Jan Derksen joins
Germain’s Technology Group Netherlands
des Bundesverbandes Deutscher Pflanzenzüchter: „Smart
El Centro de
Recursos Fitogenéticos de Alcalá de Henares conserva
duplicados de seguridad de todas las colecciones activas de
semillas de la Red Española de Colecciones
Deutsche Bauern
geben der Braugerste eine Chance
Opinion of the
European Food Safety Authority in accordance with Articles 6
and 18 of Regulation (EC) No. 1829/2003 on application
EFSA-GMO-NL-2005-13 - Application for the placing on the
market of glufosinate-tolerant genetically modified
LLcotton25 for food and feed uses, import and processing
from Bayer CropScience
Assessing and
designing strategies to strengthen regional plant breeding
and associated biotechnology capacity in the Caucasus
Bio4EU: a
comprehensive study on the status of biotechnology
applications in Europe
Study shows the
pervasiveness of biotechnology in Europe’s economy
Deutsch-französisches Konsortium gewinnt EU Saatgutprojekt
in der Türkei - Bundesverband Deutscher Pflanzenzüchter
bringt Know-how ein
Nickerson-Zwaan starts subsidiary in The
Nickerson-Zwaan opent vestiging in de Oekraïne
government rejects petitions for field trials of transgenic
corn and rapeseed
European Union to
vote on 1507xNK603 maize: an opportunity for Europe to
demonstrate commitment to competitiveness
Conservation de
la biodiversité: le Gnis se félicite de l'adoption par la
Commission européenne de la directive sur les variétés de
Le Gnis lance, un site Internet d'information sur
l'agriculture et les semences pour le grand public
Member states of
the European Union back proposal to preserve plant genetic
GMO Safety turns
five - "Unease finds a legitimate expression in risk"
Fünf Jahre
bioSicherheit - "Das Unbehagen findet einen legitimen
Ausdruck im Risiko"
Infinito, Trivia
and Profiler: strong brands for fluopicolide, the new
fungicidal active ingredient from Bayer CropScience
Infinito, Trivia und Profiler: Starke Marken für
Fluopicolide, den neuen Fungizid-Wirkstoff von Bayer
Keygene expands
its Genome Analysis Platform with the Illumina Genome
Analyzer and the Roche Genome Sequencer FLX system
European Food Safety
Applications under Regulation
(EC) 1829/2003 on Genetically Modified Food and Feed [GM
Food Feed applications]
GMO panel of the
European Food Safety Authority reconfirms that the use of the
nptII gene as a selectable marker in GM plants does not pose a
risk to human or animal health or the environment
European Union:
Common catalogue of
varieties of vegetable species (consolidated version of 11 April
Life sciences and
biotechnology – a key sector for Europe's competitiveness and
Vilmorin publie un
résultat semestriel en progression significative conforme à ses
Vilmorin publishes
half-yearly results up significantly, and well in line with its
European Union puts
emphasis on innovation in the field of biotechnology
European Member
States must take their responsibilities to implement the biotech
Area sown to sugar
beet likely to decrease in Ukraine in the 2007/2008 season
Positive 2006 results
and new regulatory framework improve 2007 prospects for biotech
corn in France
Doriane extends its
range and successfully boosts performance of its LABKEY software
programme for seed companies
Doriane étoffe sa gamme et réussit la montée en puissance de
son logiciel LABKEY chez les semenciers
Mosaic virus
alert for British barley growers
Alemania impulsa
la biotecnología agraria
Herculex RW
advances toward EU approval with positive scientific safety
Opinion of the
Scientific Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms of the
European Food Safety Authority on an application (Reference
EFSA-GMO-NL-2005-12) for the placing on the market of
insect-resistant genetically modified maize 59122, for food
and feed uses, import and processing under Regulation (EC)
No 1829/2003, from Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. and
Mycogen Seeds, c/o Dow Agrosciences LLC
France: semis maïs
Bt maize crops
delivering health, wealth and environmental benefits in Europe
Antama actualiza el
cuaderno divulgativo “Plantas transgénicas”, en colaboración con
la Sociedad Española de Biotecnología
Siegers Seed
Company announces exclusive agreement to distribute Agro-TIP
vegetable seeds in the United States
March 07
Der klimaresistente
Roggen zeigt seine Muskeln
conventionele landbouwers en consumenten kunnen kiezen om al dan
niet ggo's te gebruiken
Flemish government approves draft decree on co-existence
Challenges and
opportunities for crop protection of the future - Bayer
CropScience Fungicide Symposium promotes dialog between science,
industry and agriculture
The re-invention of
sainfoin: an example of a novel resource for sustainable
Renvoi du procès des
"faucheurs" d’OGM : l’agriculteur victime des destructions et
l'AGPM font appel
Syngenta to acquire
Fischer, leading European flowers company
Syngenta erwirbt führenden europäischen Blumenanbieter
Syngenta en passe d’acquérir Fischer, leader européen de
Syngenta adquiere
Fischer, empresa europea líder en floricultora
Bayer CropScience
aims to grow in China
Fourth generation
Barenbrug appointed President/CEO
European Food
Safety Authority celebrates 5th anniversary
Commissie voert paspoortplicht in voor kuipplanten
Le tribunal
renvoie l'audience relative à la destruction d’une parcelle
de maïs Bt
European Union
authorises three GM oilseed rapes for import and processing
in animal feed
New European
project to stimulate the use of rare genebank material in
leafy vegetable production
BASF welcomes
Annex I listing of Fipronil insecticide
BASF begrüßt die Aufnahme des Insektizids Fipronil in den
Annex I
Le Ministre
français de l'agriculture réunit une conférence nationale
sur les légumes d'hiver
Deliberate release into the
E.U. environment of GMOs for any other purposes than placing
on the market:
new postings
European Union
approves low level adventitious presence in GM products no
longer on the market
BASF and Monsanto
announce R&D and commercialization collaboration agreement
in plant biotechnology
BASF und Monsanto
starten Zusammenarbeit bei Forschung, Entwicklung und
Vermarktung in der Pflanzenbiotechnologie
BASF e Monsanto
anunciam acordo de colaboração em P&D e comercialização em
biotecnologia vegetal
BASF y Monsanto
anuncian acuerdo de colaboración en I&D y de
comercialización en biotecnología vegetal
Commission decisions to withdraw five discontinued GMOs
backed by Member States
- Création d'un
registre national des cultures OGM
- Cultures
expérimentales d'OGM en 2007
- OGM: laisser le
choix aux producteurs
- Coexistence
maïs OGM et non OGM: les recommendations 2007 de la filière
maïs française
Gatersleben: "Wir haben sechzig Jahre Erfahrung bei der
Vermehrung von Weizensamen"
"We have 60
years’ experience of propagating wheat seed"
Neue Verfahren in
der Pflanzenzüchtung
Exposição sobre a
notificação para a realização de ensaios de campo com as
variedades de milho geneticamente modificado GA21 e
DP-Ø9814Ø-6 (resistência a herbicidas)
EFSA statement on
the recent CRIIGEN publication on MON 863 maize
Maïs OGM: les producteurs français font confiance à
l’expertise des instances européennes et françaises
Devgen announces
2006 financial results in line with expectations and meets
targets of business plan
BASF Agricultural
Products presents current pipeline outlook
BASF Pflanzenschutz informiert über aktuelle Forschungs-
und Entwicklungspipeline
European biotech
industry leaders publish Green Biotech Manifesto and set out
policy challenges
Co-existência de
milho geneticamente modificado e convencional – compilação
de estudos conduzidos na União Européia
Deliberate release into the
E.U. environment of GMOs for any other purposes than placing
on the market:
new posting
regulations of the European Union stall agricultural
improvements in developing countries
Devgen announces
positive outcome of 2006 season of nematicide field trials
Nunhems, the
global specialist in vegetable seeds, announces the
appointment of Dr. Johan Peleman as Managing Director
Research & Development
CIRAD participe à ENDURE, un réseau d’excellence européen
pour le développement d’une agriculture plus respectueuse de
participates in ENDURE, a European Network of Excellence for
the development of sustainable crop protection strategies
Germany: winter
rapeseed area to hit records again
Les filières
céréales : goût, santé et sécurité - Les recherches de
February 07
Sweden finds traces
of the unauthorized LL 601 rice in long-grain rice imported from
the US
bekräftigt Prognose nach Halbjahreszahlen - Umsatz auf
Vorjahresniveau - Betriebsergebnis plus 10% im ersten Halbjahr
Hungary's biotech
corn ban remains in place
Le GNIS présente son
nouveau magazine en ligne au Salon International
de l'Agriculture
beschließt Eckpunktepapier zur Gentechnik
Coexistência entre
culturas geneticamente modificadas e outros modos de produção
Portugal incrementa en un 62,4% su producción de maíz mejorado
genéticamente, según el Ministerio de Agricultura luso
INCOTEC partners
European Crop
Protection Association welcomes innovative marker technology in
the fight against illegal and counterfeit plant protection
Präzisionswerkzeugen wider das Mutterkorn
- Lochow-Petkus
begrüßt den jüngst veröffentlichten Forschungserfolg der
Bundesanstalt für Züchtungsforschung zur Pollenbildung bei
Biotech conference
in the Polish Parliament: “GMO – A Chance for the Development of
Polish Agriculture? – Facts and Myths”
European GM
regulations impede the improvement of crops in the developing
Russia recently
approved two biotech corn varieties for use in animal feed
European Union:
Preventive sugar withdrawal in 2007/2008
Keine Patente auf
Pflanzen und Tiere - Deutscher Bauernverband fordert Stärkung
des Zuchtfortschrittes
INRA to coordinate
ENDURE, a European Network of Excellence for the development of
sustainable crop protection strategies
France: Ministère
de l’agriculture consulte le public sur des projets d’essais OGM
au champ
BASF on course for further
success: Record earnings in 2006 – optimistic for 2007
BASF weiter auf
Erfolgskurs: Rekord-Ergebnis 2006 – Optimismus für 2007
Biotech corn
planting intentions in Germany for 2007
Impacts of the
biofuel boom on the French oilseed industry
Decisions of the
Council of the European Union re. Hungarian Zea mays L. line MON
810 and Carnation Dianthus caryophyllus L., line 123.2.38,
genetically modified for flower colour
- EU Environment
Ministers fails to support the rights of Hungarian farmers
wanting to grow biotech crops
decisión de los gobiernos europeos vuelve a bloquear el
desarrollo de la biotecnología en Europa
Commission proposal to end intervention for corn
Zuckerrübenquote angesichts der Marktlage notwendig, sagt
Präsident des Deutschen Bauernverbandes
Bioenergie stärkt
Position der deutschen Landwirte
Wageningen UR
scientists unmask virus that threatens Spanish tomato growing
successfully closes private offering
Dr Bent Skovmand,
Director of the Nordic Gene Bank, has passed away
Toets- en
meldplicht voor kuipplanten engelentrompet en klimmende
ceremony for new crop research centre at the University of
El maíz Bt
mejorado genéticamente, escudo protector contra las micotoxinas
Harris Moran
transfers carrot breeding to sister company Vilmorin
- Institut du végétal: Fongiscope Blé tendre - actualisation
Le sorgho a une
carte à jouer - Conférence de presse de la Commission sorgho de
European Food
Safety Authority meets the four Member States presently involved
in carrying out GMO environmental risk assessments
Architectural plan
revealed of doomsday arctic seed vault
CropScience’s new food chain partnership project in Africa Green
World: Working with Kenyan traders and small-holders to produce
safe and healthy food Corn and vegetables for farmers’ own use
and for the European export market
2006-07 European
arable crop profit margins: 5th edition now available
report: Planting seeds in the European Union
UK's Advisory
Committee on Releases to the Environment publishes advice on
the implications of a Defra-funded desk study: ‘RNA-mediated
gene silencing mechanisms and their implications for the
risk assessment of GM plants’
Department of Ag publishes research on the implications of
managing GM crop herbicide-tolerant weeds
European Crop
Production Association calls on members of the European
Parliament to encourage innovation in PPPs
réalise un chiffre d'affaires semestriel conforme à ses
objectifs et franchit une nouvelle étape de son
développement en Inde
Syngenta: full
year results 2006
production surges in Ukraine
cultive la vitalité de son modèle coopératif
Devgen and
Monsanto Company announce research and technology agreements
Devgen moves
ahead in its rice business plan, appoints management and
senior advisor for its rice unit
Cataluña difunde
en un tríptico cómo se etiquetan los alimentos modificados
Union Européenne:
Réviser les seuils de mycotoxines pour le maïs
Nunhems, Bayer CropScience ’s
vegetable seed business, signs agreement with Unilever to
co-develop new tomato varieties for taste, nutrition and health
Bayer CropScience’
Gemüsesaatgutgeschäft Nunhems und Unilever kooperieren bei der
Entwicklung neuer Tomatensorten
Hazera lanceert
groentezaden van de toekomst
News@lim, numéro
spécial sorgho
U.K.'s Home-Grown
Cereals Authority launches Crop Oracle CD
New website
focuses on the mini watermelon
achieves milestone for Rynaxypyr insecticide
January 07
What does
Europe's new REACH regulation mean for crop protection?
Biofuels can
provide a future for Irish tillage farmers
Biodieselverkauf 2006 in Deutschland niedriger als im
Vorjahr - Teilbesteuerung von Biodiesel drückt merklich den
Absatz an Tankstellen
U.S. biotech
outreach programs to Germany
negotiates new collaboration with Monsanto
New study looks
at European agriculture and rural areas until 2020
Coping with
climate change in the UK countryside
Die deutschen
Bauern sind bereit für Bio - Jetzt entscheidet der Markt
über die Ausdehnung des Ökologischen Landbaus
CropScience launches potato fungicide Infinito in Poland,
Germany and Austria
Bayer CropScience startet
Markteinführung von Infinito in Polen, Deutschland und
organiserar för bioenergi
Agricultural Policy of the European Union: Fruit and
vegetable reform will raise competitiveness, protect
producers from crisis, increase consumption, improve
environmental protection and simplify rules
CropScience's corn herbicide Laudis launched in Austria for
the spring season 2007
Global biotech
crop cultivation continues to grow - Why is Europe so far
Europa suma ya
180.000 hectáreas de cultivos MG - Francia, Alemania,
España, Portugal, República Checa, Rumanía y Eslovaquia
apostaron en 2006 por la agro-biotecnología
Sortenliste 2007: Futterbau und andere Ackerkulturen (ohne
Getreide und Kartoffeln) - Empfohlene Sorten und
Saatgutverfügbarkeit für die Ernte 2007
Production de
semences fourragères en France: évolution des modalités de
schützt nicht vor Strafe - Aktive Informationspflicht für
Aufbereiter zur Wahrung von Sortenschutzrechten
Potato Spindle
Tuber Viroid (PSTVd) in kuipplanten van Solanum
jasminoides en Brugmansia in Nederland
Archer Daniels
Midland to convert Spyck, Germany rapeseed plant to
multi-seed crushing plant
European Union
lifts measures against BT10 in US exports
Anbaujahr 2007:
Mit der richtigen Sortenwahl und einer Innovation in der
Saatguttechnologie der EU-ZMO-Reform die Zähne zeigen
EPD (Early
Plant Development) – Die Innovation in der
Community Plant
Variety Office will be present at the IPM (International
Trade Fair for Plants)
L’Office Communautaire des Variétés Végétales participera
au Salon IPM (Foire Internationale des Plantes)
Plantenziektenkundige Dienst treft bruinrot aan in partij
TBM-pootgoed en consumptieaardappelen
Bauernverband und Bundesamt für Naturschutz fordern Standards
für Freisetzungsversuche bei Grüner Gentechnik
GM corn plantings
in Spain
ARVALIS-Institut du végétal:
Résultats des
essais variétés maïs grain et maïs fourrage 2006
Bioenergie Spezial: Praxiserfahrungen bestimmen die
BASF auf der
Fruit Logistica: Innovative Lösungen für die gesamten Obst-
und Gemüse-Wertschöpfungsketten
BASF at Fruit
Logistica 2007 in Berlin: Products for the entire value
chain of fresh produce
CropScience at Fruit Logistica 2007 in Berlin: sharing
success through the food chain partnership, company presents
"Green World" project from Kenya
l’échalote de tradition française, obtenue par
multiplication végétative
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
awards £13M to harness science for better crops
launches KeyPoint technology for high throughput mutation
Syngenta and
Diversa agree on new R&D partnership to discover enzymes for
Syngenta und Diversa beschließen neue Partnerschaft zur
Erforschung und Entwicklung von Enzymen für Biotreibstoffe
Syngenta et Diversa concluent un nouveau partenariat de R&D
pour découvrir des enzymes destinées à la production de
funktioniert nicht zu Billigpreisen - Deutscher
Bauernverband für eine Deckung der boomenden Nachfrage aus
heimischer Erzeugung
New technology
from Plant
Bioscience Ltd.: John Innes Centre scientists develop revolutionary tool
to predict heterosis in hybrid crops
For earlier releases,
please use the keyword
search function