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Non-food agriculture

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May 9, 2024

Nuseed policy boss highlights the importance of biofuels (Biofuels)

June 1, 2022

Faire son plein au maïs : le bioéthanol solution climatique & énergétique

May 20, 2022

A shrinking fraction of the world’s major crops goes to feed the hungry, with more used for nonfood purposes (The Conversation)

January 24, 2022

Why are certain crops used to make biofuels?

November 18, 2021

Land for energy has increased biodiversity compared to land for food, UC Davis study finds

April 6, 2021

Schaufenster Bioökonomie: Industriepflanzen machen unproduktives Ackerland rentabel 

March 15, 2021

Interview mit Dr. Christoph Mainka, Syngenta Seeds: „Wir züchten unter Trockenstress“

February 18, 2021

Golden era of agriculture - Incremental improvements in crops as commodities

January 22, 2021

Africa urged to fast-track adoption of second-generation resistant maize varieties (Africa Science News)

November 27, 2020

Can we harness a plant’s ability to synthesize medicinal compounds?
Plantas genéticamente modificadas que producen grandes cantidades de compuestos medicinales

August 21, 2020

Discussions on propelling India towards biofuel sees calls for more R&D

July 6, 2020

Should regenerative agriculture embrace gene editing? Yield10 Bioscience says it must (AgFunder News)

July 22, 2019

Deutschland - Zuckerrübenkrise sorgt für dicke Luft (Allgemeine Zeitung)

July 8, 2019

Bio4, the most sophisticated example of circular economy in the ethanol value-chain (eFarmNews)

May 30, 2018

Sorghum-based biofuels key to sustainable bioenergy economy (R & D Magazine)

March 7, 2018

L'energia della colza - Dalla colza si produce biodiesel: intervista a Vito Pignatelli, dell'Enea, sul settore dei biocarburanti e le sue prospettive in Italia (AgroNotizie)

May 30, 2017

Boosting bioenergy in Africa and Latin America (SciDev.Net)

May 23, 2016

Le maïs comme ressource renouvelable : quels avenirs et quels enjeux ?

December 2, 2015

Innovation to tackle climate change and feed a growing population: commercializing synthetic biology (BiofuelsDigest)

July 29, 2015

Intensive biofuel planting poses risk to human health 

June 30, 2015

Water-efficient crops offer solution to food versus fuel debate (Chemistry World)

June 12, 2015

Southern Illinois University-Carbondale scientist searches for better bean in biodiesel (Illinois Farmer Today)

Southern Illinois University Carbondale student looks to raise soybean quality for fuel 

May 29, 2015

Food or fuel? How about both?

May 12, 2015

Plantas modificadas genéticamente para usos medicinales

March 26, 2015

Deutschland will Öko-Energien weltweit zum Durchbruch verhelfen (FAZ)

February 23, 2015

France - Le président de la république s’engage sur les biotechnologies

February 22, 2015

Biofuels Digest’s 2015 5-Minute Guide: Ceres, Inc.

January 30, 2015

New report urges western governments to reconsider reliance on biofuels (The New York Times)

Report: Avoiding Bioenergy Competition for Food Crops and Land (World Resources Institute)


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12 books on plant breeding, classic, modern and fun

12 livres sur l'amélioration des plantes : classiques, modernes et amusants


The Triumph of Seeds

How Grains, Nuts, Kernels, Pulses, and Pips Conquered the Plant Kingdom and Shaped Human History

By Thor Hanson 

Basic Books




The History and Science of Plant Breeding

Noel Kingsbury
The University of Chicago Press


1997-2009 archive
of the FORUM section


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