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July 19, 2024

Nigerian farmers, scientists divided over GM maize (SciDev.net)

July 17, 2024

Nigeria - Government commends stakeholders for advancing biotechnology

June 27, 2024

European Union - GMO reform in doubt after failed bid to break government deadlock (EuroNews)

June 11, 2024

Geschäftsfüher des Bundesverbandes Deutscher Pflanzenzüchter (BDP): Die Genschere ist nur „ein Stein eines größeren Mosaiks“ (Agrar heute)

June 7, 2024

Argentina - Los desafíos y el potencial de la biotecnología para impulsar el desarrollo del país

May 31, 2024

Jury still out on public acceptance of gene editing - Regulatory bodies around the world give the technology the green light, but how the public responds remains uncertain (The Western Producer)

The United Kingdom is falling behind China in the race to eradicate crop diseases, British scientists warn - As Beijing’s first edited wheat genome is fast-tracked for approval, researchers in the UK and Europe face cumbersome bureaucracy (The Telegraph)

Advancing biotechnology in Africa: Reflections from Kenya and Zambia

May 14, 2024

Lessons from Africa’s largest producer of GMO maize

May 13, 2024

USA - What agency regulates biotechnology for plant health? BRS explained: Implementing USDA APHIS biotechnology regulation (The Breakthrough Institute)

May 3, 2024

Canola Council of Canada welcomes establishment of regulatory pathway for plant breeding innovation

National scientists, academicians, and top scientists sign the National Academy of Science and Technology, Philippines position on the Court of Appeals decision Bt Talong and Golden Rice

May 1, 2024

Onze idées de l’AFBV pour améliorer la coexistence entre le COV et le brevet dans le domaine des biotechnologies végétales et faciliter la commercialisation des variétés issues des NGT
AFBV’s eleven ideas to improve coexistence between PBRs and patents in the field of plant biotechnology and facilitate marketing of NGT-derived varieties in the EU

April 29, 2024

U.S. biotech leadership is rooted in strong intellectual property protection

April 25, 2024

A coalition of stakeholders strongly supports the European Commission’s biotechnology strategy for positioning the European Union as a global leader in innovation

April 10, 2024

Mastering crisis communication in biotechnology regulation: Insights from the Africa Biosafety Regulators Retreat

April 3, 2024

Can regulators keep up with biotech innovation? The US Biotechnology Regulatory Service must speed up application review in order for gene editing to thrive (The Breakthrough Institute)

March 13, 2024

Bangladesh se suma a los países que permiten el uso comercial de cultivos editados genéticamente, con desarrollos locales en curso

March 1, 2024

Bangladesh still stuck in the past as locally grown Golden Rice hits markets in the Philippines

February 29, 2024

U.S. public opinion about the safety of gene editing in the agriculture and medical fields and the amount of evidence needed to improve opinions (Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology)

February 21, 2024

Il miglioramento genetico: uno strumento di sviluppo per il comparto orticolo

February 20, 2024

Impulso al desarrollo agroindustrial sostenible en Colombia: el caso del maíz genéticamente modificado

February 16, 2024

Consideraciones sobre el maíz transgénico y los maíces autóctonos

February 9, 2024

10 years of AgriFoodTech (and AgFunder!) - a celebration and potted history

January 31, 2024

Charting the future of plant biotech - USDA’s role unveiled (Farms.com)

USA - New regulations rooted in evidence: Looking back on how EPA and USDA updated engineered plant regulations and labeling in 2023 (JD Supra)

January 24, 2024

“Se dice de mí”: algunos mitos sobre la soja transgénica

January 11, 2024

FAO releases 15 case studies on the use of biotechnologies to meet the needs of smallholders

January 9, 2024

Argentina - Levaduras GM: una nueva ventaja competitiva para la agroindustria argentina

January 4, 2024

Comment l’Argentine s’est entièrement façonnée autour des OGM (Institut de recherche pour le développement)


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