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Intellectual property protection

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September 23, 2024

En biotecnología, “perdemos por goleada el partido con Brasil y Estados Unidos” - El gerente de marca DonMario, Patricio Munilla, destacó la importancia de fortalecer la propiedad intelectual de la semilla en el plano de la biotecnología y la genética (InfoCampo)

September 9, 2024

India - Industry bats for strong enforcement of intellectual property rights in seeds to ensure food security (Agriculture Post)

Indian seed industry advocates for stronger intellectual property rights enforcement (Rural Voice)

August 9, 2024

Farm-saved seed, royalty rates, and innovation in plant breeding (American Journal of Agricultural Economics)

France - Contribution sur les semences fermières : assurer la viabilité économique et stimuler l’innovation agricole

August 6, 2024

Inari Agriculture can't sink patent case over corn seed (Law 360)

July 29, 2024

Breeders Trust reaches settlement with Belgian farm saved seed grower

July 19, 2024

Shaping the future: Aligning the mission of the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) with the new European Commission Guidelines 2024-2029

July 18, 2024

How to protect your operation from fake, counterfeit seeds

July 16, 2024

Kenya - Enhancing plant variety protection through capacity building

July 10, 2024

Australian plant breeders' rights system undergoes major overhaul (ABC)

June 28, 2024

Deutschland - Erntegut-Urteil BGH: Landhandel sieht Datenbank als überdimensioniert (Agrarheute)

June 24, 2024

New Zealand - Farm-saved seed honour system ready to roll (Farmers Weekly)

June 21, 2024

Plant variety rights in Vietnam: How do they compare to UPOV? (Luật Minh Khuê)

June 13, 2024

13 organizaciones internacionales firman un acuerdo histórico para luchar contra las prácticas ilegales con semillas

June 12, 2024

Deutschland - Erntegut-Urteil des Bundesgerichtshofs: Elf Antworten für Landwirte zur Bescheinigung (Agrar heute)

June 6, 2024

Euroseeds adopts its new position paper on intellectual property

May 27, 2024

EU ban on plant patents: possible compromise? (Lexology)

May 23, 2024

Switzerland - Transparency in the area of patent rights in plant breeding
Transparenz bei den Patentrechten im Bereich Pflanzenzucht
Transparence concernant les brevets dans le domaine de la sélection variétale
Trasparenza in materia di diritti di brevetto nel settore della selezione vegetale

May 22, 2024

Posición de la Asociación de Semilleros Argentinos (ASA): Protección de desarrollos en la industria semillera

May 10, 2024

Propiedad intelectual vegetal y el comercio ilegal de semillas: Los temas claves que marcan la agenda legislativa del sector de semillas

May 7, 2024

Interview Mark Jolink - ‘Ook met patent toegang tot beschermd zaad’ (Boerenbusiness)

May 1, 2024

Advancing global progress through IP awareness and collaboration - ICRISAT shines the spotlight on India's intellectual property landscape

April 29, 2024

U.S. biotech leadership is rooted in strong intellectual property protection

The United Kingdom is developing its approach to deregulating gene editing in plants (Osborne Clarke)

April 22, 2024

Einhaltung von Sortenschutzrechten betrifft die gesamte Lieferkette - Die jüngste Erntegut-Entscheidung des deutschen Bundesgerichtshofs bringt Veränderungen beim Absatz von Erntegut

Plant variety protection - Procedural infirmities, not impacting eligibility of applicant/application for registration, are not fatal (Lexology)

April 11, 2024

Bundesverband Deutscher Pflanzenzüchter kritisiert neue Vorschläge für das Saatgutrecht - Weitere Ausweitung der Ausnahmen konterkarieren bewährtes System

April 4, 2024

SeedNL podcast miniseries highlights how Plant Breeders' Rights and Farmers' Rights are frequently framed as contradicting ways for how seeds are accessed, developed, sold and used

March 28, 2024

“For breeders around the world the combination of the 2022 China Seed Law and the Hainan FTZ offers exciting opportunities" (Fresh Plaza)


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