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Intellectual property protection

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August 9, 2024

Farm-saved seed, royalty rates, and innovation in plant breeding (American Journal of Agricultural Economics)

France - Contribution sur les semences fermières : assurer la viabilité économique et stimuler l’innovation agricole

July 29, 2024

Breeders Trust reaches settlement with Belgian farm saved seed grower

July 19, 2024

Shaping the future: Aligning the mission of the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) with the new European Commission Guidelines 2024-2029

June 28, 2024

Deutschland - Erntegut-Urteil BGH: Landhandel sieht Datenbank als überdimensioniert (Agrarheute)

June 12, 2024

Deutschland - Erntegut-Urteil des Bundesgerichtshofs: Elf Antworten für Landwirte zur Bescheinigung (Agrar heute)

June 6, 2024

Euroseeds adopts its new position paper on intellectual property

May 27, 2024

EU ban on plant patents: possible compromise? (Lexology)

May 23, 2024

Switzerland - Transparency in the area of patent rights in plant breeding
Transparenz bei den Patentrechten im Bereich Pflanzenzucht
Transparence concernant les brevets dans le domaine de la sélection variétale
Trasparenza in materia di diritti di brevetto nel settore della selezione vegetale

May 7, 2024

Interview Mark Jolink - ‘Ook met patent toegang tot beschermd zaad’ (Boerenbusiness)

April 29, 2024

The United Kingdom is developing its approach to deregulating gene editing in plants (Osborne Clarke)

April 22, 2024

Einhaltung von Sortenschutzrechten betrifft die gesamte Lieferkette - Die jüngste Erntegut-Entscheidung des deutschen Bundesgerichtshofs bringt Veränderungen beim Absatz von Erntegut

April 11, 2024

Bundesverband Deutscher Pflanzenzüchter kritisiert neue Vorschläge für das Saatgutrecht - Weitere Ausweitung der Ausnahmen konterkarieren bewährtes System

April 4, 2024

SeedNL podcast miniseries highlights how Plant Breeders' Rights and Farmers' Rights are frequently framed as contradicting ways for how seeds are accessed, developed, sold and used

March 27, 2024

How can varieties be evaluated for registration in the context of climate change?

March 19, 2024

Euroseeds raises serious concerns over COMAGRI vote on new rules for Plant Reproductive Material

March 15, 2024

What are the patentability implications of deregulating gene editing in plants in the EU? (Osborne Clarke)

March 13, 2024

Des brevets menacent concrètement deux obtenteurs (inf'OGM)

February 27, 2024

CPVO's plant breeding success stories: Deltacactus

January 31, 2024

European Parliament proposal to ban patenting of gene edited plants divides opinion (Science Business)

January 12, 2024

"Guide to Retained EU Plant Variety Rights under United Kingdom Legislation: How to Confirm, Surrender or Transfer Rights" -12 January Update

November 22, 2023

Austausch in Straßburg zur Überarbeitung des europäischen Saatgutrechtes

Bundesverband der VO-Firmen e.V. (BVO) - BVO-Info Nr. 10/2023

November 6, 2023

Breeders welcome the adoption of the new Explanatory Notes on Essentially Derived Varieties by the UPOV Council 

November 2, 2023

Euroseeds statement on intellectual property and NGTs

October 30, 2023

The evolution of plant variety protection in the era of new breeding techniques

October 9, 2023

Neue Gentechnik: Politik und Verbände fordern Patentregelung (Informationsdienst Gentechnik)

September 29, 2023

Regulation and patentability of NGT plants - what’s next for the United Kingdom? (Lexology)

July 28, 2023

Vorschlag der EU-Kommission zur Überarbeitung des europäischen Saatgutrechts

July 5, 2023

Deutsches Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft zu Gentechnik: Koexistenz und Patentfreiheit müssen gewährleistet sein


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