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AUSVEG welcomes release of Agricultural Competitiveness Green Paper

October 20, 2014

AUSVEG has welcomed today’s release of the Green Paper in to Agricultural Competitiveness noting the document touches on a number of key issues the Peak Industry Body has previously raised with the Federal Government.

Federal Agriculture Minister, the Hon. Barnaby Joyce MP, released the document which will inform the development of the White Paper into Agricultural competitiveness, and ultimately future policy directions for the development of agriculture in Australia.

“The Green Paper identifies nine policy principles, and examines several categories for policy ideas, which have been identified as important to ensuring the future success of agriculture in Australia,” said AUSVEG spokesperson, Andrew MacDonald.

AUSVEG is the leading horticultural body representing Australia’s 9,000 vegetable and potato growers.

“Infrastructure, competition and regulation, and finance, business structures and taxation are among the areas of policy development canvassed by the document,” said Mr MacDonald.

“Importantly for the Australian vegetable and potato industries, the document also contains policy suggestions such as possible expansions of Working Holiday Visas, reducing red tape, as well as improved biosecurity arrangements and access to international markets.”

“These are among the policy areas which AUSVEG has identified as important to the ongoing security and prosperity of the Australian vegetable and potato industries, and it is promising to note they have been included in the Green Paper.”

“AUSVEG is also eager to highlight the importance of ongoing investment in industry Research and Development and we note also the Green Paper has identified this as an area for potential policy development.”

While AUSVEG welcomes the release of the Agricultural Competitiveness Green Paper, it is important also to note that this document merely contains proposals for the future direction of Australian agriculture, and it is important the right policies are achieved.

“To that end AUSVEG, in the weeks ahead, will work closely with the Federal Government for the duration of this process to ensure the needs of the Australian vegetable and potato industries are adequately addressed in the White Paper that is ultimately developed.”

“AUSVEG is determined to make the most of this opportunity to secure the best possible result for Australia’s vegetable and potato growers, and ensure our industries continue to play a key role in contributing to Australia’s economic prosperity.” 

More news from: AUSVEG (Australian Vegetable Growers Federation)

Website: http://www.ausveg.com.au

Published: October 20, 2014

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